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17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
The sad thing is is that Ogre Anthony and the ones still inside are probably in a "circle the wagons" mentality. Anthony is probably pulling out all the stops when it comes to control, so that no one else even THINKS of leaving - even though the ability to conceive of leaving has probably already been established. Hopefully, his defenders - which appears to only have been the Alnors -
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
About a month ago, Gwen Shaw had an accident while in Germany, in which she broke several bones. She was flown back to the States and is currently in rehab after undergoing surgery. She's 82, has a pace maker, and is in poor health. Her speaking schedule has been put on hold indefinately.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Zeuszor- I saw the piece too. I thought it rocked! If you go to 20/20's site, they probably have it online for reviewing. Perhaps getting in touch with Ministry Watch would open a door of contact with ABC. Mark
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Fisher948- One good thing Earl Bergman did was to tell his sister, Gwen Shaw, that he thought New Age author Annalee Skarin's books - which Gwen Shaw started reading in the early '70's and later incorporated into her own writings - were of the devil. I couldn't agree more, and I would say the same thing about Gwen Shaw herself and her cult. Mark Scheiderer
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Zeusor- Go for it man! And get some people from the media to go with you! Anthony is probably thinking that this whole issue will just blow over. What is needed is MORE exposure through more avenues of the media. Has anyone ever thought of contacting Prime Time Live? Mark
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
fisher948- Eldon King is NOT Gwen Shaw's brother. You may have him confused with Earl Bergman, who was Gwen Shaw's brother ( he died a few years ago.) Jim Shaw died on March 5. His funeral was March 7 at the ETH&S "Glory Tabernacle". Amazingly, "revival" broke out shortly thereafter - possibly the day of the funeral - and now Shaw and the ETH&S
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
James Shaw died Monday, March 5 at 6:00 a.m. (Central).
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
It was the things she mentioned on pages 198 and 199 about feeling like a "non-entity" to God, and the quote from Scripture that starts out "The Lord bless you and keep you..." I can't really put it into words, but it spurred me on to pray and seek God for some much needed things in my life.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
I've just GOT to testify!! 12 years ago, after being in an auto accident, God sovereignly directed my steps to find Ron Enroth's "Churches That Abuse". The Lord used that book to start my recovery from the cult I was in. "Recovering From Churches That Abuse" - sent to me free by Ron Enroth himself - further sped my recovery. "Seductive Poison" by ex-
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Counselor47 - This whole Alnors "cult apologist" work on behalf of TFI, reminds me of Eric Pement's defense of JPUSA when Ron Enroth wrote about JPUSA in "Recovering From Churches That Abuse". Eric is an expert on cults, but, since he was a part of JPUSA for over 20 years, he couldn't bring himself to admit that Ron Enroth was right. To much humble pie and crow t
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
I just found out Thursday evening that James v.D. Shaw, husband of Gwen Shaw - the leader of this cult - is on his deathbed. His brain, lower spine and (most likely) the rest of his body is full of tumors. He is 87 or 88. Fortunately, this has resulted in the cancellation of a number of meetings for Gwen Shaw for the next few months.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Nathan Armstrong - I have stated to you in private e-mails that I am not interested in dialoging with you. I don't know how you got back on board, therefore.... I STRONGLY URGE ALL SUPPORTERS OF THE DUNCANS TO IGNORE "NathanA" AND NOT REPLY TO ANY OF HIS POSTS. Puppets/stooges/trolls serve no useful purpose in any discussion. Mark Scheiderer
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
I want to make one thing perfectly clear: At no time have I ever claimed publically that the Alnor's were paid money from TFI at any time. I have stated three times on these boards - and have never mentioned this on any other place on the internet - that they have made money due to their AFFILIATION with TFI. And by that, I am specifically talking about the "God Stuff" / Com
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
A word to the wise: Those who send e-mails to the Alnors should copy them and copyright them. Some things to consider: Mr. Alnor doesn't seem to be following the Matt. 18 process with regards to me. What's next? A lawsuit against me in the "style" of Hank Hanegraaff? ( Hank H. just happens to be suing Mr. Alnor as we speak.) Perhaps this current lawsuit against him w
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Mr. Alnor says I'm obsessed with this issue. Perhaps if he had ever been part of a cult, as I have, he would understand just how furious I am when other ex-cultists, such as the Duncan's, are not given legitamacy because they didn't go by someone's assinine misapplication of Scripture. If that makes me obsessive, so be it. Mark Scheiderer
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
In his post on AR-talk, Mr. Alnor said he is neutral on the TFI/Duncan matter, yet he stands by his wife, Jackie's statement. Duplicity. Mr. Alnor says that his wife has not retracted her statement, yet acknowledges that it is not available on her site. What on earth does that mean? The reason I though it was retracted was because I could not find it on her site anymore. If that's a
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
counselor47- I don't think she's capable of , nor is she qualified to be a broker between you and Ole. There's too much conflict of interest from the past between her and TFI. Just my opinion on that. Besides, who want's to reconcile with a cult leader in the first place? Scripture doesn't mandate it. Instead, we are commanded to avoid heretics - which all cult lea
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
counselor47 - Concerning this "useful idiot": It has been reported that the u.i. was in Dallas a few weeks ago and met with Ole. If this was actually the case - and I have no reason to doubt my extremely credible source - have you heard about what they discussed? Just a lowly renegade, Mark
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
counselor47- Something just occured to me. The leader of the cult I was in always used to "hide behind" the verse "Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm." She was implying that to speak out against her was wrong, since God Himself was her protector since she was one of His prophets. Questioning her or disagreeing with her - not to mention my heinous "sin&q
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
cherenuff 1- I'm using my real name. explains part of my past - in a cult. Pete Evans from TFI contacted me several years ago - TFI was looking into the cult I was in, ironically - and we spoke several times on the phone and communicated several times by e-mail. Something didn't sit quite right with me in his descriptions of how life went on at TFI, and in what I read in the assi
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Nathan- 2 other things: 1. Reread your very first post on this topic. 2. Reread Zeusor's posts on pages 3 through 5 of this topic. He was in the cult when he first started posting, read the comments on this board, and came out less than 2 months later. If he, who was INSIDE THE CULT at the time, could realize it was a cult, then WHY CAN'T YOU? Mark P.S.- Pete and anyone
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
NathanA- On Thursday 2/08/07 at 2:37 in the morning you posted that the link to the Jackie Alnor comment on the Duncans/TFI issue was from an external link. (This article was retracted by Jackie and is no longer available on her site.) For whatever reason, possibly an error on his part, William Alnor forwarded to me a copy of the e-mail that you sent to Jackie Alnor in which you state that Pe
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Nathan- Here's another thing for you to consider: People leave cults all the time, sometimes in mass. Many let the counter-cult ministries know about their experiences. I'm sure it may have occurred in the past, but most ministries, after hearing of the abuse - which in many cases, in addition to psychological abuse, can be physical and/or sexual - do not recommend the Matt. 18 proce
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Fisher948- This isn't about personal differences. It's about teachings and practices that contradict the Word of God. Read my report again please. If you can justify Shaw's incorporation of New Age writings into her own teachings -an example of which is right at the top of my report - then you are not worth corresponding with. Mark P.S. - You're name wouldn't happ
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Nathan - Your post at 2:17 p.m. today contains a link that is no longer on Jackie Alnor's site because she retracted it. Mark
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Nathan- Anthony has been confronted in the past by Bill Alnor, Richard Fisher ( of Personal Freedom Outreach) and others. On some occasions he has ceased a particular practice or teaching, BUT , has still maintained other abberant teachings and practices, and later gone into even more aberrant things. This is NOT repentance. It is simply CHANGE. Prov.24:21b says "....meddle not with them
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
cultaware- You're welcome. I think I've changed my mind on reading the book twice though. It's too painful. It brings back too many memories of the cult I was in. I still think it's great. ( It just amazes me that some in the counter-cult community can't bring themselves to admit that they've been duped for years by Ole'. A lot of it has to do with the fact t
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
I just received Wendy's book yesterday, and I'm on page 80 or so. A LOT of what I've read reminds me EXACTLY of the way things were in the cult ( ) I used to be in. Ole's statement in the prologue that "God abhors self" blows me away. Not only is it a lie, but I think it offers a real glimpse into his attitude towards people in general. All the talk about "d
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
T-byrd- There is one other report on the net by an ex-member. Unfortunately it is at the "Weekly World News" of (psuedo-)apologetics sites: (The paranoid/shizophrenic who runs that site bases a lot of their "info" on the "Priory of Sion", which was proven to be a hoax awhile back. Be careful when reading anything on that site. I had contact with the
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Did you read my report at ? They have all the major ear-marks of a cult: control by the leader over the lives of the members; an elitest mentality; repeated warnings by the leader that one does not leave the group without suffering danger, etc... Not to mention the trail of broken lives, marriages, families and churches WORLDWIDE! I say that based on the hundreds of replies I've re
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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