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11 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Read it. IT ROCKS!!! Godspeed to the incarceration of David "The Demon" Miscavige.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
11 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
How often does this happen when an ex-cultist shares their story about the cult they were in? Can anyone cite any examples?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
11 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
IMO, the "flip-side" of MacA is Adrian Rodgers of "Love Worth Finding". He's in Glory, but his messages ROCK!
Forum: Destructive Churches
11 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Quoteteacherhi all,the idea for an informative awareness web is developing but we really need people to help will remain anonymous but we need people to write experiences and truth.please think about being part of this! Teacher - GODSPEED TO THAT IDEA!! May I suggest a few things, in light of the fact that I've been exposing a small cult for the past 21 years ( ), 12 of which h
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
QuotemhbmAnother similarity is that she pleads with me to repent, but I get the strong impression that I must repent to her, which would be like confessing to a priest, wouldn't it? I think this is one example of where the pride-inducing heresy of Calvanism/MacArthurism manifests itself. Many times when I encounter a MacArthur-idolater, I feel like I'm talking to someone who has place
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
My report on this cult is at . I was involved for about 9 years, over 4 of which was at the cult's headquarters near Jasper, Arkansas.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
To commemorate the death of their leader, Gwen Shaw, the End Time Handmaidens and Servants are hosting a (un)Holy Convocation until Feb. 20. Shaw died Jan.13, the funeral was Jan. 22, and services at 10:30 a.m and 7:00 p.m. started the next day. Events are viewable "Live" at . Go to the "Main Channel" to view "Live" and pre-recorded events. WACKY Pat King is
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Teacher- What "survivors" site are you referring to? MOTG- Do you have any idea what the relationship was like between MacA and his Dad? Seems to me that MacA has let others exalt him and he has also exalted himself. I've encountered a similar attitude with a radio talk show host in Columbus, Ohio. He graduated from Bob Jones U. before blacks were admitted. He can dish
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
MOTG- Glad you shared so much on MacArrogant. Various thoughts/questions: 1. The thing I have noticed about people who adopt Reformed/Calvanist/MacA theology is that they are right on EVERYTHING and if you try to point out to them something that is wrong, they will give you the "1000 yard look", i.e. they will look at you like you're from another planet, and somehow make
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Here's the cult's announcement : Notice that the funeral is NEXT Wednesday, 10 days after Shaw kicked the bucket. This gives cult members plenty of time to travel to the funeral and then the great sucking sound of money leaving their bank accounts will start and continue for up to 30 days. They NEVER miss and opportunity to turn something into a fund raiser. They did the same
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
She died yesterday, Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013. Her son may assume a leadership position, which would lead to another Tony Alamo situation since Tommy believes in polygamy.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
(Don't know where to post this, so I hope it's o.k. on this section of the boards.) If one does a Google search of "Rev. Moon Donates to Christian Ministries" one will come up with links that list all of the (clueless) Christian ministries that accepted $ from the now-dead fool that was Rev. Moon. Among them are Tim and Beverly LaHaye, and Jerry Falwell. WHAT IDIOTS!!!!
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
43. Vexed
I think Braveheart simply can't conceive of the fact that well-known preachers can be in error and that Christians can be hurt by that error. Let's face it: Lordship Salvation should really be called Lord-it-over-the-flock Salvation, since it leads to a handful of CONTROL FREAKS!!!!! being in charge, being the final authority, being at the top of the food chain, BEING ABOVE QUESTION
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
QuotebjwHere's a picture of MacArthur's top execs Sharon Staats and Mark Tatlock showing off the new two-story museum they built to honor MacArthur that is now finally open. (the computer rendering was sent to me on a postcard that I mentioned earlier in this thread): It's shameful someone responsible for ruining this many lives gets
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Thanks bjw! I thought Johnson might be a ghost writer since I saw a web posting to links to some of his messages which were the same topics MacA ( or was it?) covered in "The Truth War". That's the only MacA book I've ever read and what I did NOT understand was why he had a chapter on "Lordship Salvation". It didn't fit in with the topic of the book. Would I be
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Is there any evidence that MacA uses ghost writers ?
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
gracetowho? - Nice username by the way. (For those who don't know, MacArthur's radio program is called "Grace To You".) To PM bjw: Just find one of his posts, click on his name, and go to the "Send a Private Message" link, and you're set. If you read the REAL, UNEDITED history of John Calvin and how he operated as the "Pope of Geneva" (Switz
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Gracetowho? - Have you ever gone to and checked out the negative comments by former Bob Jones University students? Your comments above sound similar to theirs. (MacA attended Bob Jones in the '60's and I think a lot of his persona was effected by his time there. My opinion.) "bjw" would be a good person for you to private message. Could you share more details? Did the
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
mhbm- Are there others you know where you live who have experienced similar things with relatives or friends who go the MacA's church and or school/seminary? Have you contacted "bjw" ( see previous posters on this topic ) by private message? They would be a good one to dialogue with since they left the school/seminary and have shared some appalling things here. Mark
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Carl - Thanks for the links and info. I'll check them out. I know what you mean about the "mutual backscratching" that goes on. Reminds me of the verse,"Having men's person's in admiration because of advantage". That's KJV - I'm not KJV only - but it means they profit off each other. It seems like MacAuthoritarian is ALWAYS unbalanced when he
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Carl- Can you provide links to the boards for ex- Driscoll and Sovereign Grace? Thanks. Does Sovereign Grace put out music? I've seen the words "Sovereign Grace" at the bottom of praise and worship choruses at one church I visited. Are they "Baptist Sovereign Grace" ( hyper-Calvanists)? Mark
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
CarlKolchak- MacArthur's dad, Jack, received an honorary award from (RACIST) Bob Jones University, and John M. attended there for 2 years in the 60's BEFORE Blacks were admitted. Do you know if John M. has ever renounced his affiliation with BJU? Is Mac's college/seminary cranking out "clones" like BJU ( which cranks out "Bob Jones Clones".) Do you know of
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
One small cult and it's leader out of NW Arkansas that has been highly influential with many leaders within the Charismatic movement is the End Time Handmaidens and Servants lead by Gwen Shaw. My report at has a listing of Charismatic leaders who have associated with Shaw and her cult, Benny Hinn being just one of them. A photo of Hinn standing next to Shaw is featured. Suzanne Hinn is
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
There are about 937 pages of discussion on the JC's , in about 5-6 threads, in this section of the discussion boards. There are about 20 people in this group. Why has so much time been spent on this topic in the past 6-7 years? I'm NOT saying not to talk about this cult, but why such HUGE amount of discussion on some puny cult that virtually no one has heard of and that seems to have
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
1. How many followers does McKay have at present? 2. Which countries are they located in?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
12 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
I'm just posting so this get's brought back to the top.
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
What about magic mushrooms? Do you still do them?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
13 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Zeuszor- Are you still part of the Hare Krishna's ?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
13 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Braveheart - I used to be in a cult ( has my report that Rick Ross knows about ) and have been GREATLY disturbed the past year or so over the unquestioning loyalty that mere listeners to MacArrogant's radio program and readers of his books display. You REALLY need to quit questioning BJW and start thinking about what he has said about his personal experiences with MacArrogant's ps
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
is an umbrella group for dozens of orgs that deal with cults. Their credibility has been seriously effected by the inclusion of Eric Pement on it's board ( see for info on this fool and be sure to click on the link to "JPUSA".) Pement still endorses the Jesus People U.S.A. (JPUSA) cult, a cult which he left several years ago, after being enslaved in it for 25 years. ( Apparently,
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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