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14 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Cult leader Ole Anthony "exposing" telescamgelists?!?!?! What a joke! I wish the telescamgelists were all in jail or flat broke, but I would love it if one of them would sue Anthony and TFI out of existance.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
is my report on this cult. There is a picture of Benny Hinn standing on stage with cult leader, Gwen Shaw, at one of the cult's meetings. Suzanne Hinn is a member of this cult and some of her tapes and videos (from her appearances at the cult's meetings) are sold by the cult. Benny's tapes might also be sold.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
At , in the "Guest Book" section in the past few days, an individual has stated that they are interested ( and monetarily able ) in helping people leave this cult. Does anybody know of others who have left this cult who can provide assistance, ideas and advice and possibly a place for people to stay? Stair's wife recently dropped the assault charges against him because sh
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
My site was redesigned and had some crucial info added about 2 weeks ago. Among other things, there is now a photo of Benny Hinn on stage with the cult's leader at one of the cult's meetings as well as an "I-frame" that contains part of an e-mail from the cult's h.q. in which the cult leader's visitation by her (DEAD) husband is recounted.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Zeuszor- Are you still at Meadowhaven?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
There are those of you who have read this topic because you have discovered it through a Google search. ( In the past few months, this link has risen to number 3 in a Google search of "End Time Handmaidens". It used to show up on the second or third page.) You may be wondering why I am so hostile to Gwen Shaw and her cult. I will try to explain very briefly: It's because of t
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
The link to MeadowHaven ( ) , a cult recovery facility in Lakeville, Mass., U.S.A., has been added in the past few weeks to the site.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Counselor47- One other thing: I just read Z's post at the top of this page. Since the post was re-edited 6 times, I see no need to comment on any of it. Re-editing is a trait of Z's which renders any dialogue futile. Methinks the pot and mushrooms are taking their toll on him. Mark
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Councelor47- When has Z. ever listened to anybody in "private"? I believe his post above speaks for itself ( as does the photo.) Anton Hein's credibility as a cult expert is shot because of him being a convicted child molestor ( as RR documents on this site.) Ole Anthony/TFI's credibility as a cult expert(s) is shot because he is a cult leader and TFI is a cult.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Counselor47, Blacksheep, Private Eyes- I see your points but here's a few more of my own: Zeuszor has stated elsewhere that he thinks about the JC's morning,noon and night ( or words to that exact effect.) I do NOT do that with regards to the cult I used to be in or with JPUSA, the other cult that I expose on various sites on the net. Z's complete obsession with this cult is
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Malcolm - The reason I asked about the number of people in this cult is that I think it is absolutely ridiculous that 337 pages - that's THREE HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN PAGES!!!! - have been spent discussing this extremely small cult which hardly anyone has heard of, and the majority of the posts are by someone (Zeusor) who is a "Serial Cultist"!!! He's been involved in one cult
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Approximately how many people are involved with this group?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
A few months ago a reporter for Chicago Public Radio (CPR) posted here, asking for those who may have been a part of JPUSA (Jesus People U.S.A.) to contact her. Her story aired on July 3. I notified a blog op who lives in the same neighborhood as JPUSA, and he/she posted about the report on their blog. Go to to read their article which contains a link to the radio transcript of the show on
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
You're very welcome sadkimmy. Are you doing better? Mark
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Just bringing this thread back to the top for the benefit of those who read , a blog about the neighborhood in Chicago that JPUSA is located in. Apparently, JPUSA is not well liked by it's neighbors. Hopefully, some of them will post here.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
And, I might add, the piece mentions Doug and Wendy Duncan , and Wendy's awesome book " I Can't Hear God Anymore". Your's truly added some comments about Willie and Jackie Alnor's lame defense of TFI and Assthony, and their equally lame ad hominem attack on the Duncans when Wendy's book first came out. ( I didn't say anything though about the way they�
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Shaw returned back to the h.q. yesterday. Blast it! Mark
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Gwen Shaw was admitted to a hospital in NW Arkansas last week with flu and pnuemonia (sp?). She developed excruciating pain in her lower left abdominal area, and was scheduled to have examinations of this on Tuesday. Hopefully, this will lead to her death. I will post as news arrives to me. Mark Scheiderer
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
80. Zeuszor
Z - Can you PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE explain to me why McKay's group is a cult and the Hare Krishnas are not?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you completely lost your mind?!?!?!?!???????????????????? What you need to do is quit trying to expose cults, get a job, get some responsibility, get a place of your own and get your act together! And lay off the stinkin'
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
There is a long discussion about Trinity Foundation International in the "Cults, Sects and New Religious Movements" section.
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Just wanted to bring this back to the top since I mentioned Wendy's book in the "Recovery From Destructive Cults and Groups" section.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
has info on how to obtain the book "I Can't Hear God Anymore" by ex-Trinity Foundation International member Wendy Duncan. It's her own personal story that also offers valuable insights and advice on recovering from cultic abuse. I've been out of a cult for 17+ years, and when I read it (twice) a year ago, I found things that helped me to recover even further. I can&#
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Based on what you all have posted here and what Wendy has written about, it could be said that Ole's first doctinal maxim would be "GOD HATES YOU!" followed closely by the commandment " It is a sin to be yourself." Something to consider though is that he can NOT escape the fact that he to WILL reap what he has sown. His end will be absolutely horrifying. "They who s
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Counselor47- They DON'T deal with the claims. They live in denial because they can't swallow their pride and admit they've been duped. They look for what they think is a flaw in those making the claim, or they look for some other reason to reject the claim. They will resort to ad hominem attacks or say that those making claims didn't follow Scriptural guidelines - all the
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Although the link is specifically designed to provide helpful info to those who have left Jesus People U.S.A. (JPUSA), a cult in Chicago, there is info that will help most anyone who has left any cult. Mark Scheiderer
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Counselor47 - One other thing about some within the counter-cult/apologetics community is that some of them have their own "pet" ministries/ministers that are off limits for anyone to speak out against. A good case in point would be Anton Hein ( a convicted sexual offender who spent 6 months in jail; just read the info on this very site about him!) and the Vineyard Movemen
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Counselor47- I totally agree. As you've no doubt realized by now, the counter-cult/apologetics ministries are FULL of opportunists, self-promoters and people that are just to stinking lazy and undiciplined to get a job. Call them to account or point out their errors and KABOOOOOOOOOM, boy do they go OFF!!!! Seems like they always associate with each other too. Birds of a feather...
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
Zeuszor- Amen and Amen and AMEN!!!! Mark
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Mark Scheiderer
One other thing concerning the Alnor's: Like a handful of others within the counter-cult community - who are supposed to EXPOSE cults and DEFEND those who have left them - they are now also "cult apologists", in that they are defending a cult. Mark Scheiderer
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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