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Re: Samuel Sagan Clairvision
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 29, 2015 09:39PM

"The Clairvision approach is very deep and yields results. Samskaric influences are best understood through direct experience, rather than through extended abstract discussion."

(Quoted from below)

Regression: Past-life Therapy for Here and Now Freedom

bySamuel Sagan



18 of 32 people found the following review helpful

What a waste of money!
ByA customeron August 11, 2001

Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

This book earned one star for having made a couple interesting points. However, there is no progression or continuity in thought development, and the writing style demonstrates a fragmented, sporadic thinking process. This makes it extremely frustrating to try to follow along and make sense of what the author is trying to say. Like listening to a person who recognizes an interesting idea he doesn't fully understand, when he tries to explain it, the idea is rendered indefensible because he not capable of explaining it. The author introduces a topic, meanders away from it, and then draws conclusions! Because he jumps from one idea to another, he doesn't present cohesive ideas or clearly convey meanings. I'm amazed to see how many books he has to his credit. This one is superficial, if not artificial. It is a complete turn-off to anyone eager to learn more about regression therapy.

Three replies

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R. J. The4 years ago

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The Clairvision approach is very deep and yields results. Samskaric influences are best understood through direct experience, rather than through extended abstract discussion. Understanding these influences is a bit like trying to convey what an apple tastes like. Unless you've bitten one yourself, you will never fully understand it. I'll concede that - as with every book and the passage of time, there is always room for improvement, but the essence of what he says and the results the approach delivers speak for themselves. Find someone who has trained extensively with the school and validate the concepts for yourself. Until I did that the book was interesting but abstract. Once I got to grips with applying the techniques to myself, I discovered just how deeply those imprints ran within my lifepath.

Second reply

Kevin Leonard6 years ago

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You are sadly mistaken if you believe Samuel Sagan doesn't know what he is talking about.

But you are correct that this is a superficial book. It is so by necessity. Did you expect to have a regression experience? Did you expect to be able to learn how to conduct a regression session from reading a book? The work is experiential. It is effective.

Ramondo said "The information in this book is not consistant with my background, approach or experience. "

That does not surprise me since Sagan developed this particular technique himself with close colleagues.

Third reply Raimondo

I am a hypnotherapist and spiritual councelor who has done a significant amount of successful work with past life regression and spirit releasement therapy. My backgound includes some of the classic authors in this work such as William J. Baldwin, Dr. Irene Hickman, D.O. and Dr. Edith Fiore. The information in this book is not consistant with my background, approach or experience.


of 20 people found the following review helpful

2.0 out of 5 stars Needlessly complex approach . . ., July 30, 200

Penny Duff

Verified Purchase(

This review is from: Regression: Past-life Therapy for Here and Now Freedom (Paperback)

First, Dr. Sagan's approach to past life problems is doubtless very effective. He places a metaphysical twist on it by using names from Hindu teaching and mysticism, some of which I see as potentially useful in clarifying concepts. He spends an inordinate time digressing into the effect of "samskaras" upon meditation, helpful if your suffering client is involved with extensive hours of meditation, but otherwise simply a time-consuming digression.

One of my concerns is that Dr. Sagan seems to believe that (1) most people experiencing regression (other than with him or his students) come away believing they are some king or princess; and (2)exploration of past lives is a useless parlor game if undertaken for other than healing of "samskaras". With Dr. Sagan, I abhor charletans who would inform people they were Cleopatra or Napoleon. However, in my practice, I have found no one who believed they were royalty/persons of note, and most of the lives encountered were very plebian--farmers, slaves, and the like. While healing of past life wounds is, of course, the primary goal of past life regression therapy, the self-knowledge which comes from simple exploration of past lives is not to be distained.

There are many compassionate and competent regression therapists doing invaluable work in healing the wounds and carryovers (yes, samskaras, if you will) from past lives, and there are many people living richer, healthier lives as a result. There are a number of excellent, in depth books dealing with regression therapy and related issues that he doesn't touch on. I am saddened that Dr. Sagan seems to believe that only through his system can anyone achieve release. This is simply not true.

For the person wishing to study or do past life therapy, I recommend first IBRT (International Board for Regression Therapy) certified courses in past life therapy, plus extensive study and reading. There are a number of excellent resources. However, I cannot recommend this book as a starting point, or even a mid-point. Frankly, I have found that this book did not significantly contribute to my knowledge or practice. Regardless, if you are suffering from a problem which may have a past life root, I would urge you to seek out a competent past life regression therapist. If that is in Sydney, it may well be Dr. Sagan or his group.

A reply

Initial post: Sep 24, 2014 11:10:21 PM PDT

M. Fiorello says:

The points that (1) some people who experience regression come away believing they are royalty or famous and that (2) the author discourages past-life regression for recreation rather than liberation, were very minor in this book. Your review's focus on these points misses the positive thrust of the book, which is that untying samskaras through regression therapy can lead to greater freedom and can alleviate suffering in one's life (without requiring many hours of meditation). I do not think Dr. Sagan's brief comments about mainstream regression therapy -- even if they are inaccurate -- would warrant a 2 out of 5 star rating

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2015 09:41PM by corboy.

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Re: Samuel Sagan Clairvision
Posted by: TM75 ()
Date: December 14, 2019 12:22AM

affirming the initial post from member jowhite, and also endured awful experiences during my involvement in this cult called clairvision. By every definition of the word cult, that is absolutely what this is.

sex was also suggested as a solution to my problems, as another poster listed.

i would suggest you to ask yourself this question: What is clairvision doing that is of any positive value?

i would never, under any circumstances, recommend clairvision to anyone.

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Re: Samuel Sagan Clairvision
Posted by: oneclickwonder ()
Date: March 19, 2020 04:36PM

I went there for a nine day intensive a while back.

nothing good to say but nothing bad either. had some good meditation instructions but definitely felt pushed to share very personal stuff by teachers and also felt they disregarded my personal boundaries in one or two cases.

I'm definitely wary about the school and of going back there.

for what it's worth, the meditation practices really worked for me and were very effective. not sure about the IST though, I got pushed to share by the instructors and it made me uncomfortable.

the food was great though if you like vegetarian! lol

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Re: Samuel Sagan Clairvision
Posted by: metanoia ()
Date: March 26, 2021 04:51AM

I had a very strange set of experiences with a couple of Clairvision students/practitioners a few years back that set off red flags for me and led me to this thread.

Two young women came to some local events in my city and introduced themselves as being really into meditation/spiritual far so good, it's always nice to make friends who are interested in the kinds of things I am. They said they were running some classes in the area while they were in town, which I attended out of curiosity.

The 'classes' felt more like a set of sales pitches--'here's why you're miserable, you've got [samskaras, entities, energetic cords, etc.] that our techniques and services can help you with.' For some reason, this didn't make me dash for the exits, and I ended up doing some 1:1 work with one of them for a few weeks; I have no idea if it was helpful or not, it definitely didn't seem to impact my functioning in any perceivable positive way, and they were offering a weekend workshop at the end that I signed up for because why not?

I got cold feet about the workshop, something was feeling kind of off and so I canceled, and then the hard sell began--'we just don't want you to do anything that would jeopardize your spiritual growth'--lots of guilt-tripping 'I thought we were friends', etc. I had big red flags popping up about this and so I cut them off entirely.

A few months later, I felt like I needed some closure so I reached out to one of them for some coffee, and finally asked them the question that had been on my mind from the beginning--'what is this school's goal or aim?' It just felt different than the Buddhist or Advaita approaches I was familiar with. She told me 'well, ultimately it's about building a subtle body that can survive death.' At this point I think I may have started laughing, as it was just utterly clear that this was something I had no interest in. And while it was funny, I also found it to be incredibly disingenuous to present oneself as a healer/spiritual teacher and offer classes, services, and workshops that purport to help other people while not disclosing what the ultimate orientation/aim of your practices is. To me, this was antithetical to what real spiritual practice and growth is about and I don't think I would have ever gotten involved if I had known this at the start.

Generally, I found their spiel to be on the 'spiritual materialism' wavelength, i.e. our practices will let you read auras, heal people, do this, that, and the other thing, and I think the pressure tactics and lack of transparency around critical pieces of information reads as pretty cultlike to me.

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Re: Samuel Sagan Clairvision
Posted by: oneclickwonder ()
Date: April 09, 2021 12:12PM

anyone interested in more of my take about the school can feel free to PM me

see my above post for details.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2021 12:13PM by oneclickwonder.

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Re: Samuel Sagan Clairvision
Posted by: metanoia ()
Date: April 18, 2021 08:25AM

Just some follow-up here: I recently received a private message from an individual with the following text:


I wonder if you would be willing to share more about your experience with Clairvision? Would you be open to sharing which of the Clairvision instructors/IST practitioners you had this experience with? Or at least which city you were in where this happened?

I have also been a part of the school and know that there are some ethics issues being explored with the school right now. I'm in a phase of collecting information about potential ethics violations with the school. Anything you might be willing to share further would certainly be appreciated but I don't want to push you to share more than you are comfortable with.

Thanks for your consideration...."

I asked for more information about who this person was, their relationship with Clairvision, and the way in which this information might be used, as fulfilling their request would entail providing potentially identifying information about myself. I received no response. Make of that what you will.

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Re: Samuel Sagan Clairvision
Posted by: metanoia ()
Date: April 18, 2021 11:33PM

Addendum to the above message--received a reply; this individual seems to also have had bad experiences with the school but does not want to share more at this time.

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Re: Samuel Sagan Clairvision
Posted by: orangegrl ()
Date: May 01, 2021 10:46PM

At least one person said that the Clairvision school had been involved in lawsuits earlier in this thread, but I haven't been able to verify this so far.

Maybe I live in a different country so I'm not getting the same search results for either Australia or the US (that's where their two main locations are as I understand)? And I think in the US you might have to search individual state government sites to see that kind of information, which makes things more complicated.

Anyway, if anyone else has had success finding more information about the legal problems/lawsuits that the CVS has been involved with and can post those links here, it would be helpful. You can also pm me if you're not comfortable posting publicly. Thanks

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Re: Samuel Sagan Clairvision
Posted by: mesche ()
Date: June 15, 2021 03:48PM

Years ago I was in this school of meditation and there were good and bad times.

The good: I learned to meditate and work on some of my personal problems.

The bad: I walked away with new and painful personal problems.

I experienced:

I met people I would otherwise never meet

But also

Being drugged
Cold misogyny
Emotional blackmail
Thought Policing
And yes, brainwashing.
People I wish I had never met because they violated my trust in disgusting ways.

Also, while being in the school, I sometimes became a person I'm not proud of having become.

I don't know how to sum up all that happened back then. But when I read this I see that the school still deflects responsibility by claiming that a questionable culture within the school was tied to a certain phase or that they are in the process of dealing with ethical issues. Even now after all this time I have a feeling I might guess what type of nonsensical response senior instructors would come up with if presented with negative feedback.

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Re: Samuel Sagan Clairvision
Posted by: oneclickwonder ()
Date: July 11, 2021 04:29PM

Very good post. I feel it is extremely informative. I like how you summarize the issues of the school as well as the positives. I have felt them both as well and I know for a fact that you are telling it like it is. I would like to hear more so I hope you post again.

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