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Re: Samuel Sagan Clairvision
Posted by: OakLight ()
Date: January 28, 2025 01:28AM

My friend told me about this forum after they inadvertently came across it while researching the school. They were curious to find out more about where I spend two weeks out of each year attending courses and meditating, as I have done for the last 15 years. They were concerned and distressed about these posts. I write because in my years as a student of this school, these have not been my experiences.
I have personally gotten a lot out of the school and haven’t experienced any of what’s posted in this forum. I have only found the school’s admin team and teachers to have more integrity and experience than a lot of the spiritual schools and teachers that are currently out there, places that I have personally encountered in my 40 years of exploring spirituality.
A couple years ago I had to take leave and skip courses at the school that I usually attend due to a death in the family. I did not experience any pressure to attend, and was only met with understanding and compassion. I received a full refund.

I am never pressured to attend courses. I am never forced to make donations to the school, to do work or labor, or to choose between the school and my family/friends. I simply attend two courses each year if I choose, pay the (very reasonable) fee to attend, and that’s it until the next year.

I have a longtime partner of 20 years that is not involved in the school. I am not pressured to leave him, and he is never pressured to join. I have other lifelong friends that aren’t in the school and likely never will be. I live a normal life, with other interests, spiritual and otherwise that are not connected to the school in any way. So the suggestion here that the school is as a cult leaves me feeling that the school is being misrepresented. 

I actually find many of the postings here to be quite alarming because they are stating facts with no proof, backing or evidence. Statements that are harmful in themselves, misleading, and seem to be -at times- driven by a personal agenda beyond what’s being stated. I have not seen or heard evidence of the claims here. Not through my direct experience, not by those that I have met that have taken courses once, several times or over many of years.

I am also concerned because it is my opinion that many of these posts create false concerns among the friends and families of students that have been or may be studying with the school and receive a great deal. I am hoping to portray a balanced counter-viewpoint to some of the more outlandish and unsubstantiated statements made on this forum.

Honestly, I feel my relationships, my spiritual health, and my happiness have only been improved by the practices I’ve found in the school. They have enhanced a lot of aspects of my life in many ways, so I am saddened to see some of the posts here about the school, some of which seem to be aimed at hurting the school.

Too bad there isn’t a forum for people to share success stories. It would bring a greater perspective about what the school is actually like.

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Re: Samuel Sagan Clairvision
Posted by: oneclickwonder ()
Date: February 11, 2025 05:47PM

this is propaganda, plain and simple.

People have lied to and abused innocent people at the school and there is massive abuse there.

Words in favour of clairvision written by fresh accounts on this forum are probably the lies of people who are premeditating deceptions in an attempt to. begin advertising for the school and may simply be accounts run by the school's leading members.

please be warned before you believe the statements of people who advocate for the school. I know people who were badly fucked over for life at clairvision and there was nothing done about it at all aside from gaslighting and alienation to keep their mouths shut.

the school is abusive and anyone who reads the novels will know it is a high demand organization that expects its students to believe in things Samuel said and those things are far too radical for people to be reasonably expected to handle.

never mind the cluster fuck scenarios isis has brought into people's lives, like people committing suicide or having psychotic breaks after doing clairvision work and then getting thrown out or alienated for it too no less! Of course the suicides were covered up... "but that's the nature of ISIS, it can make you unstable, things have to get worse before they get better and we can't predict what will happen in a given student's process"

what about the people fucking other people's wives and husbands to engage their "predator character" or SAMUEL fucking his students?

is all that stuff ok too?

Yes, there may be success stories at the school, but they advertise that on their website all the time, and never do they ever invite the legion of ex students to come forward and have a say, to be given the blessing of leading members so that they, the students who feel wronged, can come forward with the certainty that they will be welcomed so they can share their side of the story.

the school already puts out its success stories, it's called advertising and the school makes all kinds of high level claims right on its website.

It's like Samuel said in KT Foothills of the Great Mountain "It raises the voltage of consciousness as promised on... the front page of our website"

That's a blatant admission that the school advertises, made by its founder. Clairivison advertises its success stories all the time, and when I was a proud and loyal, dutiful member, I would even tell my friends "it's right on the front page of our website."

You do the math.

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