Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Date: May 07, 2024 02:41PM
After - another - day of crying and griefing about my lost lifetime due to my naivity to believe Ole Nydahls „teaching“ , all the confusion I experiencied due to my trust in his weird buddhist ideas, the stressful dogmas and imposed personality cult spread by his devotees, all the hours in his most boring and disturbed groups for nothing, all the time I lost because I was stucked in this destructive organisation-
I suddenly deeply realised, that „nobody needs Ole Nydahl and his teachings at all“. He is nothing but a joke. Not worth the time.Totally meaningless. Only his Umpa Lumpas need him as a role model to pimp up their style.
Ole Nydahl is not an introduction into buddhism but an initiation into grandiose narcissism of an all time addict, who turned everything into a drug experience.
If I would only have worshipped my own perceiption I had from the first moment of him -what a heavy lesson!
Still I find it to a very large extent
Irresponsible by those who knew better to give him a free hand . We could not know it as this sort of buddhism is quite new to the west.
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2024 03:00PM by 7 of 108.