Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: letif ()
Date: January 16, 2024 05:22AM

Interesting article

Nydahl’s mixing of personal habitus and teachings has led to the Diamond Way being termed “life-style Buddhism.” Further, Diamond Way criticism has focused on the extent hedonism evidenced by the enjoyment and propagation of high-adrenalin sports such as motorcycling, bungee-jumping and sky diving; and on the prevalent militaristic appearances, right-wing political views and fierce Anti-Islam rhetoric (Scherer 2009). In particular, the ever present hetero-machismo and (hetero-)sexual promiscuity within the Diamond Way has drawn strong criticism (Scherer 2011). Nydahl’s mixing of his sexual life with his teaching activities even sparked a short internal, semi-public disagreement with the late 14th Shamar Rinpoche in the summer of 2010 (primarily via shared e-mail correspondence); Nydahl felt slandered by a statement on the website of the lineage Lama, which contained some misunderstandings.

Nydahl has routinised his charisma by leaving organisational power to a limited group of administrators (called ‘the pool’) headed by his former intimate partner Caty H. and by appointing more than 200 auxiliary (‘travelling’) teachers (Scherer 2012; since 2014 called “Diamond way teachers”; apparently reversed to being called ‘travelling teachers’ in 2018). While this group includes a few experienced meditators and perhaps even one or two traditionally trained Buddhist teachers, most of Nydahl’s support teachers have no or no significant Buddhist education; no significant retreat experience; and have been appointed by Nydahl as personal choices based on closeness to himself and the vague criterion of “life experience”; in many cases they appear to simply regurgitate Nydahl’s own teachings. Yet, these auxiliary teachers are not performing any core functions of a Tibetan Buddhist teacher (lama), such as giving refuge. Still, Nydahl has been criticised for this non-traditional practice and the apparent cronyism as propagating “Buddhism light.” (Scherer 2009 and 2012)—a charge Buddhist modernists are regularly facing from traditionalists or parochialists.²²


i found it in wikipedia

if you click menue right above in info-buddhism you find many interesting articles

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/16/2024 05:26AM by letif.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Mary Lou ()
Date: January 20, 2024 05:31PM

I can't believe it!!
Can't even read this sneaky language.
They don't even have charity status, trying to scam people to take more money.

"As many of you know there is a wish to purchase our own place which would be the base for our Dharma activity in xxx We would like also to involve our friends from all over the world to participate in it, by making it an International Project.
In order for this idea to take off we will need to initiate it by being generous ourselves so it would inspire others to put their energy behind us and bring the project into fruition. Luckily we are extremely generous as a Sangha, what we are proving over and over again and this generosity is the
ground for development of Buddhist Teachings in xxxx.
As we want to be producers of Dharma in xxxx we will need to commit financially but it will not be much different or more difficult from what we are already doing. And here come some equations:
Imagine that you are a Sangha member paying monthly fees of €70.
Over 10 years period your total contributions were €8,400.
If you have been paying €100 then they were €12,000 in total. Now this money is dead, sitting deep on the accounts of our past landlords. Sadly, there will be no benefit from it in the future.
All this happens while we are in fact more then capable to buy our own place with only slightly bigger effort then what we usually do to just cover the rent and stay afloat.Our first property doesn't need to be tremendous, simple 3 bedroom semi would suffice, in my opinion as a first step.
The only condition here is that the living room is big enough for gompa or attic can be converted into one.
As an example I will use 3 bedroom house with price tag of €365,00."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/20/2024 05:46PM by Mary Lou.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: letif ()
Date: February 06, 2024 03:17AM

a strange video (reel) in FB

video reel in FB

Mr. O.N. look a bit desoriented

a comment:
A brave saint!..long live H.H Lama Ole!..may u stay in samsara till the last being be enlightned...Karmapa Chenno...

look at the channel of this person, it says a lot about the background you need to think that O.N. is H.H. ..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/06/2024 03:40AM by letif.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: letif ()
Date: February 06, 2024 06:21PM

if i could i would delete change my posting from yesterday

my question is: why they dont give him holidays, he was a workaholic and his brain suffers now from the lack of sleep.

and about the comment: everyone who was or stay in that group is more or less confused...nothing special...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/06/2024 06:35PM by letif.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: 7 of 108 ()
Date: February 07, 2024 01:36AM

Thanks for posting this. I find it disturbing to see him used as a kind of stage prop for the fashion show of his wife. Happy to read the comment of the Danish guy:“ Let him have his peace, stop exposing him.“

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Maryjane ()
Date: February 12, 2024 04:03PM

Ole Nydahl is the face for DWB spiritual hacker service "Lama" to happen, no wonder they put him in front cos he markets the program that DWB "teacher-student -relationship" is in their eyes and how they do it.

Like Ole always marketed his DWB lama thing "I am a program" - which is then carried by him posing on the front of stage and entertaining others, traveling around the world all the time, but never settling anywhere longer so his students can never catch up with him. I guess this was Nydahls way of losing whats not meant to be there with him (people who cannot keep up with him in genetical fashion). Whats interesting now is if the hacker service provided sangha will actually keep together, in quality.

No wonder none wish to take this role after Ole cos they would sing that all this hacking provided trumanshow -like fixing things and paying people to act upon you on SoMe or irl. I wouldnt support such thing to be played on everyone, its not teacher-student -relationship anymore when hacking and computers are used to run the show, but more over to run your freewill so dry one day something really bad will happen in their hacker secured sangha.

Should Lama Ole retire for good already, thats another question...but then they cannot run believably their lama-hacker scheme can they? Cos then the half-wit magical thinking (naive) people without life experience will think buddha is almighty god who can do anything and everything for you, but the truth is nowhere such, and thats really really bad for the sangha. They can go very extreme, but then again they already are, arent they.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Maryjane ()
Date: February 16, 2024 03:23PM

The most ridiculous teaching "lama" Ole Nydahl ever gave was on EC about 2009-2010 when someone asked how to stop using drugs Ole said to get addicted to young girls!

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: February 17, 2024 12:02AM

Those are the words of an ignorant lout, bounder and boor.

Sex addiction's worse than drug addiction because you risk summoning a child into the hideous chaos you're producing.

Plus a woman's health, finances and psychological health are at risk even with a consensual pregnancy in a stable relationship.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: letif ()
Date: February 17, 2024 04:05PM

What he said he could only say to this hypnotized group. In a discussion on TV (with experts in history, psychology etc) it would have become clear what he is: a chatterbox and an ignoramus.

All crap has been refined because "the lama said...", and if you don't like that, you don't have a pure view.

This distortion of "pure vision" is at the heart of how this group was kept in a trance.

I find it interesting as a dropout to take a look at what toxic crap was pushed into your head during hypnosis.

If anyone wants to investigate this grotesque cult further, here is a collection of the crap.

Here are the websites of his "Question + Answer" in Englisch:
O.N. Answers

and in German
O.N. Answer German

And its interesting to search old versions of the websites, because changing the past with censorship is common in that group. They change articles and delete a lot of photos. The scam with the Unesco is of course deleted. The archive in "" is deleted.

Here you can search old versions of a website:

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Date: February 18, 2024 01:22AM

Maryjane Wrote:
> The most ridiculous teaching "lama" Ole Nydahl
> ever gave was on EC about 2009-2010 when someone
> asked how to stop using drugs Ole said to get
> addicted to young girls!

Or you could be like Ole Nydahl: addicted to both drugs and sex!

corboy Wrote:
> Those are the words of an ignorant lout, bounder
> and boor.
> Sex addiction's worse than drug addiction because
> you risk summoning a child into the hideous chaos
> you're producing.
> Plus a woman's health, finances and psychological
> health are at risk even with a consensual
> pregnancy in a stable relationship.

Of course Ole Nydahl does not and has never cared about women, other than as something to stick his ____ inside of and sexually abuse for his own ends. Any concern he pretends to have for women's rights is in service of his own sexual predation and his racist agenda of spreading certain genetics.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/18/2024 01:23AM by OleNydahlIsAFraud.

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