What he said he could only say to this hypnotized group. In a discussion on TV (with experts in history, psychology etc) it would have become clear what he is: a chatterbox and an ignoramus.
All crap has been refined because "the lama said...", and if you don't like that, you don't have a pure view.
This distortion of "pure vision" is at the heart of how this group was kept in a trance.
I find it interesting as a dropout to take a look at what toxic crap was pushed into your head during hypnosis.
If anyone wants to investigate this grotesque cult further, here is a collection of the crap.
Here are the websites of his "Question + Answer" in Englisch:
O.N. Answersand in German
O.N. Answer GermanAnd its interesting to search old versions of the websites, because changing the past with censorship is common in that group. They change articles and delete a lot of photos. The scam with the Unesco is of course deleted. The archive in "Buddhismus-Heute.de" is deleted.
Here you can search old versions of a website: