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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Mary Lou ()
Date: July 05, 2024 04:03AM


No way hahaha!
I'd say I'm a free person right now.
It's unbelievable how hateful some people are.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/05/2024 04:03AM by Mary Lou.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: July 05, 2024 08:20AM

Ole Nydahl is a Fraud wrote


For the death-wish nonsense, you would hear DW people regularly wishing death upon people or whole groups (Muslims, gays, etc.) which Ole Nydahl has decreed are not worthy of human rights with his hate speech lectures.

This stuff is black magic.


It's a long way from the Metta Sutra:

"May all beings be happy, safe, free from harm -- and realize their Buddha/true wise benevolent nature"

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: 7 of 108 ()
Date: July 05, 2024 04:24PM

How can one contact rrmoderator?

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: 7 of 108 ()
Date: July 05, 2024 08:34PM

Now I know and reported it.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Mary Lou ()
Date: July 06, 2024 02:54PM


It looks like some nasty comments are gone. I reported them as well yesterday.
For the future we all have to react quickly to the abuse, we are not in DW anymore.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: July 06, 2024 11:09PM

Hear, hear.

Mr Rick Ross,moderator can be contacted here:



Trolls often start by slowly testing, poking at boundaries boundaries.

We get used to their presence, as we do a small pebble in the shoe.

The troll increases the annoyance level, and we adjust. We keep adjusting, the troll becomes a bully. The previously safe space becomes unsafe. We visit less often.

If someone becomes annoying long term, go to their profile and read all of their posts. This often reveals a pattern of increasing bad behavior.

That is when it is time to call the moderator.

Trolls and bullies and thugs often react by saying you are elitist, too sensitive, lack a sense of humor, are stopping their free expressions.

All this is commonplace lumpen thug behavior when we stop them.

Participation on the Cult Education Institute is a privilege -- you agreed to rules of honest honorable conduct when registering.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/07/2024 10:11PM by corboy.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: gatis ()
Date: July 07, 2024 09:46PM

I've been on and off to DWB community for decades, and I think there are some things that are far from being cultish:
- you can visit meditations for free,
- meditation courses are not expensive at all,
- nobody expects you to turn your back to your friends and family,
- the majority of community members are nice and friendly people,
- you can leave any time you want, you won't be harassed,
- there is some narrow-mindedness, but I wouldn't call it brainwashing.

And I never heard anybody talking about hating or actually harming Muslims in any way.

However, there are indeed some travelling teachers with questionable level of knowledge, giving too simple answers, uneducated group members sometimes even mixing Buddhism with New Age, and a slight sense of paranoia, especially since Ole's health declined.

In the gompa if they find out you're practicing anything other than Ngondro or 16th Karmapa meditation, they won't like it, even if it's a meditation that you got lung from Lama Ole himself during a course, e.g. Medicine Buddha or Green Tara. The gompa has very good atmosphere though, it really suits meditation.

Lama Ole's health remained a very sensitive issue, he's still talked about as the active leader of DWB. And I rather don't take the risk of asking questions about how a newcomer can take refuge now, or can DWB offer a more profound and inspiring way to learn about the Darma than listening to travelling teachers talking about the same basic topics over again.

Having these mixed feelings I sometimes attend common meditations, but less and less often.

(Maryjane, if you reed this, please seek professional help.)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/07/2024 09:48PM by gatis.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: 7 of 108 ()
Date: July 08, 2024 02:07AM

Well, I bravely take the risk to suggest who might give refuge after Ole to the newcomers:

Maybe Karmapa and his well trained teachers and lamas? Those who know a bit about medition after the three year retreat. Of course they are no Ole students but maybe it works as a substitute untill Ole Allmighty is reborn?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2024 02:08AM by 7 of 108.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Mary Lou ()
Date: July 08, 2024 05:50PM

gatis Wrote:
> I've been on and off to DWB community for decades,
> and I think there are some things that are far
> from being cultish:
> - you can visit meditations for free,
> - meditation courses are not expensive at all,
> - nobody expects you to turn your back to your
> friends and family,
> - the majority of community members are nice and
> friendly people,
> - you can leave any time you want, you won't be
> harassed,
> - there is some narrow-mindedness, but I wouldn't
> call it brainwashing.
> And I never heard anybody talking about hating or
> actually harming Muslims in any way.
> However, there are indeed some travelling teachers
> with questionable level of knowledge, giving too
> simple answers, uneducated group members sometimes
> even mixing Buddhism with New Age, and a slight
> sense of paranoia, especially since Ole's health
> declined.
> In the gompa if they find out you're practicing
> anything other than Ngondro or 16th Karmapa
> meditation, they won't like it, even if it's a
> meditation that you got lung from Lama Ole himself
> during a course, e.g. Medicine Buddha or Green
> Tara. The gompa has very good atmosphere though,
> it really suits meditation.
> Lama Ole's health remained a very sensitive issue,
> he's still talked about as the active leader of
> DWB. And I rather don't take the risk of asking
> questions about how a newcomer can take refuge
> now, or can DWB offer a more profound and
> inspiring way to learn about the Darma than
> listening to travelling teachers talking about the
> same basic topics over again.
> Having these mixed feelings I sometimes attend
> common meditations, but less and less often.
> (Maryjane, if you reed this, please seek
> professional help.)

Hi Gatis,

These free meditations are brainwashing,
Sentences like" only diamond way teachings can do this and that..." it's a brainwash.
Same like with catholics saying only they can achieve paradise.
16 Karmapa meditation is changed to the bits to manipulate people, they say it's changed so westerners can digest it.
There is a book written by one of the students about Muslims, it's been available for sale. If you're still in touch with them ask about this book. I don't remember who wrote it's been years ago.
I've heard myself in Benalmadena how Nydahl was commanding all Muslims to leave Europe,talking really bad stuff about them in front of Nedo Rinpoche. Nedo looked seriously embarrassed.
In relation to TT they have to repeat the same all over again to brainwash people. You said that they don't let expect you to turn back to your family?
Okay I've heard many times how Nydahl was manipulating crowds saying" look at you families and your relations, most of you have problems with your parents, siblings and look around at your friend's on the way,your all going to reach enlightenment together" what does it mean? It's a very subtle manipulation.
I'd suggest you to pay attention to what they say.
Did you notice that they only hang out with each other? That's because Nydahl says to not to waste time with people who don't practice Dharma.
These people will make you feel special through the meditation booklets, Nydahl books and TT brainwashing techniques. They call themselves bodhisattvas and some of them Mahakalas, guess why? Who made them feel like that?
I could go on about for the whole day.
Keep your eyes open.

All the best to you.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: letif ()
Date: July 08, 2024 06:15PM

thanks Mary Lou, very precise your words.

It was Tomek Lehnert who wrote a book about the danger of Islam.
I dont find it in Internet right now.

Often he and Ole said that there are "good newspaper that are fighting for free speach"
he mention several times: and epoch-times (and right wing hardliner in USA who are extrem in paranoia about Islam) are best newspaper for intelligent people. If you look there you see extrem right-wing hate against Islam.

In the Karmapa question Tomek Lehnert wrote a book (that is still avaible) "RĂ¼pel in Roben" where he wanted to show how China has his fingers in the Karmaparproblem ...
btw: before DWB has a lot of online social work (of course only for Sangha) at the yahoo Server. Than China buy yahoo. And because of massive paranoia of the Nydhal the Sangha has to close all yahoo activities, because they thought that China will spy the Nydhalsangha trough yahoo.

This familypoint is very important and you bring it exactly to the point.

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