Hear, hear.
Mr Rick Ross,moderator can be contacted here:
Trolls often start by slowly testing, poking at boundaries boundaries.
We get used to their presence, as we do a small pebble in the shoe.
The troll increases the annoyance level, and we adjust. We keep adjusting, the troll becomes a bully. The previously safe space becomes unsafe. We visit less often.
If someone becomes annoying long term, go to their profile and read all of their posts. This often reveals a pattern of increasing bad behavior.
That is when it is time to call the moderator.
Trolls and bullies and thugs often react by saying you are elitist, too sensitive, lack a sense of humor, are stopping their free expressions.
All this is commonplace lumpen thug behavior when we stop them.
Participation on the Cult Education Institute is a privilege -- you agreed to rules of honest honorable conduct when registering.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/07/2024 10:11PM by corboy.