Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Date: August 18, 2024 05:28PM
People seem to not know that Caty came from a rich family, she had everything. She was ONLY in DWB cos he was Ole's hook up. She has no talent in dharma, she just got the biggest trophy for her (Ole), and must have been smiling a lot inside cos she stole Hannahs position. I dont know why Hannah stood up with this guy, I guess she was too hooked on following the Karmapa. No woman should put up with Ole's harem antics, its only plays for Ole not the lady whose "just another hook up" for him. When Caty and Ole ended their relationship she surely tried to build a life for her pride, in dharma work like holding lectures she has no value at all, she is not gifted in meditation, she was just a good genetical humanbeing from the top level of the 6 realms of existence. When she lost the trophy position she slowly lost her ground. She tried to monetize on the sangha members like acting as a jobs office which had nothing to do with the dharma. Now she has come down hard after break up with Ole trying to patch up a "dharma cv", cos she gave her life for working for DWB so long and then when she quit she had nothing. She was trying to play for herself only when she realized shes not Oles sweet lady anymore. Mustve been one hell of an ego trip for her going down the rollercoaster. She did do some lecture trips on her late days in the sangha, and I must admit it could have hurt her ego when she realized shes not that much of a draw like Lama Ole was. Women are often more fixated on titles and such than men.
But in the end she worked for the dharma quite a long time, so hats off to her.
People on DWB are not the best class of genes, they are mostly humans, animals and below on the 6 realms. Its unfortunate that Ole couldn't teach them any good style cos he himself was just a donkey on the podium mostly as I saw, a cult like leader with too many offtopic things to market on which had nothing to do with the buddhist practice. Maeby they should teach rightful conduct in the sangha, but would it help idk. The problem is that when someone "mid tier humanbeing" hears all the undecoded non-sense in "magical like terms" they often build high sand castel for themselves and start building huge ego of "rightful high nosed hypocricy" of thinking they are right in everything in the world. Although its mentioned often that "Buddha" is not a god nor human its a state of mind, many people give the teacher god like status, and think everything they do is somekind of high wisdom but fail to really get anything meaningful out of it in the long run.
I must agree on the covid scam tho, never took a single jab and never will.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2024 05:48PM by Stefan107.