I feel like many people have already shared examples of the abuse above - these are the kind of things you will have to accept as normal.
As far as members engaging in things they may have previously thought reprehensible, here are some examples that come to mind:
-participating in an orgy
-exploring your sexuality with a same-sex partner
-becoming a legal prostitute (legal in Nevada and close to one of the Clairvision retreat centers)
-enacting a rape scene with your partner to see what that feels like
-killing an animal to see what it feels like to kill something
metanoia Wrote:
> -If you go on to advanced levels of the
> Clairvision work, you will be required to accept
> certain activities many would consider spiritual
> abuse as a normal part of your path to
> enlightenment.
> -Members engage in activities that they would have
> previously though were reprehensible
> grok, would you be willing to share examples of
> these kinds of occurrences?