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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Liverpool Writer ()
Date: July 03, 2005 07:21PM

To my knowledge, I am the only person currently taking steps to expose publicly the activities of [b:e3c737242c]Kirkby Christian Fellowship[/b:e3c737242c] in Knowsley, Merseyside, UK.

In my first website about the group, I included their homepage within a frame. They changed the code on their website, however, so that any frame linking to them would automatically refresh to a full page. In effect, they engineered it so my website exposing them would redirect to the church's page.

I have been working on putting together a much better site, however. Please take some time to check it out, and if you are in the UK, you could do me -- and the many victims of this cult -- a great favour by passing the word around. Kirkby Fellowship Warning.

Liverpool Writer

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: ohmygosh ()
Date: July 31, 2005 10:34PM

Thank you for your efforts to protect others.

The redirect trick with the website seems to me to be rather tame,and appropriate for England, were good manners prevail,

Here in the States, a fellow set up a website called "ex-pentecostals"
someone bought up the URL and it now hits to a porn site.

so he had to take another URL, something like Be ex-pentecostal

be careful fighting the "god's annointed ones"
they pack a punch, and fight dirty

Research the Jason Scott case
you will see what I mean

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Kittykat ()
Date: November 30, 2006 08:51PM

I could not agree more about Kirkby christian fellowship, it is a cult!!!! People beware, ive had dealings with them personally. And once your in, you CANT leave. Can i ask if anyone has had any dealings with them to post a reply, id be very interested to hear from them. They need stopping!!

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: firefly ()
Date: January 17, 2007 04:03AM

I used to go to Kirkby Christian Fellowship- grew up in it unfortunately. Liverpool Writer- I know about your website and have been on it (the old one anyway) and I want to encourage you that you are doin a good thing. They need to be exposed- its disgusting the way they control people.

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: firefly ()
Date: January 17, 2007 04:06AM

I am a former member of Kirkby "Christian" Fellowship and could not agree more with what has already been said. Liverpool Writer- I would like to encourage you that you are doing a right thing. They need to be exposed- the sooner the better before they damage any more people's lives.

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Kittykat ()
Date: January 23, 2007 11:18PM

Hi there firefly, I would be very interested as to what else you have to say about Kirkby Christian Fellowship as i have a bit of an ongoing problem with them.Is there anyway we could email each other?

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: January 24, 2007 10:11PM

kittykat and firefly:

You will just have to wait until you have 10 approved posts and get private messaging.

Posting email addresses here is prohibited.

Of course you can continue to discuss concerns and information here on the message board.

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: firefly ()
Date: January 25, 2007 07:05PM

Sorry mods!
Kittykat: can you tell me more on here? I don't know if i'll be able to help or anythin, but i can try. What encounters have you had with them?

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Kittykat ()
Date: January 29, 2007 10:57PM

Well I dont really want to discuss to much on an open page so everyone can read it, but lets just say Its about a someone i was dating from the church (were both gay), they found out and there was a lot of problems. We had bin together a year and they made her choose bewtween me and the church cos they threatened her with going to hell, and she choose church. She still tells me she loves me and wants to be together but cant because its wrong! How long is it since you left? What made you see the light?

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: firefly ()
Date: January 30, 2007 07:45AM

I can understand you not wanting to write your personal stuff on here. Its about 5 years since i left, the circumstances of my leaving are to do with another person so i'd rather not post it.
The thing is, you don't see it for what it is until you've left really- even now its hard for me to admit that its a cult.

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