Thankyou for your comments I identifyed with what you said. I have learned to love and trust ordinary(non-christian) people. I see God moving in them everyday. All I was taught to see in the fellowship was their sins and Satan using them. So this is a big change in my perception and it has brought serenity into my heart.
That is how God works he loves everyone unconditionally.
The ethos of KCF is to only mix with christians, that they are a chosen people. (They might say that is not true as they do activities like carwashing etc ,but reports from the streets of Kirkby suggest that the general public think they are Mormons or some other weird cult) to be knitted together in co-dependent unhealthy controlling relationships, this is how Cheryl keeps control of the whole fellowship. Nothing adverse can be said about her and her methods , as people are too afraid to say anything as it would be reported back to her. These relationships come between families and break them up. The family is therefore excluded and not reached with Gods love, That surely is doing Satan a big service. KFC believe that they are a chosen people different from all the other churches in the city, in other word superior super-spiritual christians .This is a common trap that cults use to entice people to stay. When Jesus was being tried in the desert Satan used this temptation of power . As the bible says "power corrupts". If spiritual power and gifts and ministries are esteemed more highly than Love ,problems like this arise. You know the scriptures "if I have not love etc then iI am like a clanging gong etc ...
I cannot trust any christians anymore (but would like to try so that this negative power can be broken over my life) after my experiences with KCF. I have had more than one breakdown over the damage done to me. Most of my problems were fear based. I have recently done a 12 step programme and that has really set me free from my fears.Hence that is why I can talk so freely on this site. You might find this link helpful.