Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: March 05, 2007 10:40PM
An Open lettere to he members of Kirkby Christian Fellowship..
John 13 34-35
I'm aware by the high number of hits this web site has taken in the last several days that more than ex-members have been viewing it.
I write this letter to all of this 'fellowship', I am aware how information is suppressed unless it is fed through the top first,
this information is then turned into propaganda. The beauty of this forum is they can't stop you from looking at this site, wether its in your home, at work or
somewhere you feel safe enough away from their reach. My aim: Is for you reader to look at all the peoples experiences in this site and to start asking youselves
'Are these people telling the truth, and I am frightened of what i feel is happening now, but feel i cannot do anyhing in case I am found out'.
If you'r reaction is to say 'no', i suggest you stop reading now, you have already made your mind up and if this site hasn't started alarm bells ringing in you. You cannot
think the unthinkable. God is not afraid of you questioning anything, why should you not be afraid to think the 'impossible'. This is called 'free will' He gave it to all this people.
What has hapened in the last 5-6 years were ex-members have left, is not a new thing, this has been a continuous movement, but because the numbers where small they went unnoticed.
Even 30 years ago a leader was accused of being a 'witch' and people were shouting at them 'what is the problem with us' before they left.
Since i left a host of lies has propergated about our reasons why, one was we were 'after leadership and couldn't have it' so we left. Do you really believe this? in that period at least 4 leaders left with
a combined total of approx 90 years work in the 'fellowship' no one was more commited to the call than these people, usually they were the first in the buildind and the last out. If this was the case why didn't they
leave years ago when each one of hauled over the coals for doing something, being told to 'step down' from leadership and suffer months if not years for something we were to blame for. If there are any people reading
this, who have been\are in leadership, they will know exactly what i'm going on about.
Do you believe the doyles don't lie? why? do you really think truth come from their mouths when they speak. O.K. lets go with the latter, they always tell the truth, Ask youselves this,If we and you know who we are, are all that they say we are. Why are we still here? why are we still moving in God, why have we seen more of God's work in the last 6 years than the previous 20 years? we got involved with Merseyfest in 2006? , The NE1 festival in the northeast in 07, have you heard of the 'Boiler House' in Liverpool?, what about 24/7?, what about International prayer week?, are you involved with other churches in Kirkby?, Surely if we are the people they say we are, and being 'put under judgement' (something they do with wild abandon to anyone who disagrees with them), why has God allowed us to prosper?
One thing that really disturbs me about the 'fellowship', is how they split families. I'll ask these poeple who think it was noble to have nothing to do with their sons,daughters,mothers or fathers, because they either left the fellowship or fell away from God. What would Jesus Do?. Do you think its o.k. to evangelise a stranger, when you reject your own?. I think this is a tragady, some of you will be devestated when the truth comes in.
Fear is used as a manipulative tool in places where the leaders don't want truth to reign, unless its their version.
One thing we discovered when we left the 'fellowship' was Our God is Bigger than anything else. We have seen miracles. His Grace is sufficent. What I'm trying to say is, this is for any one who knows and loves God, no one is special in God's eyes, we are all loved equally. They's no greasy pole or boot licking to do.
Can you ever worship regulary in another church? why? Our daughters are more in another church than are own, we have other co-leaders who worship at another church, quite a few of our congregation supported another group in Towerhill. One of my daughers in working in Durham with Youth for Christ. Like i say its a big, big world out there.
Ask yourselves these questions: 1) Are you afraid of your leaders.
2) Can you confide in peole, or is there a risk this information will be passed on the the leaders.
3) Do you feel isolated when things go wrong
4) Are you frightened to question,even in your own mind, when you hear prophersies,the word and think its 'strange'
5) Do you want to go to he meetings, or do you have to push yourself
6) Do you ever get any time, just to sit and think.
7) Do you get the feeling the leaders keep expecting more out of you
Is you self esteem low
To anyone in the'fellowship' who is having doubts about being there. Don't be afraid. Be strong and courageous, you know where we live and we still have the same telephone number, we will speak\meet with anyone who needs help. we are almost in touching distance of some of you.