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Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: October 04, 2006 12:24AM


You mean the worship of the "Siva lingham" - the penis of Lord Shiva? :lol:

I think the Christians have a difficult time understanding this!!!


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Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: October 04, 2006 12:44AM

Rama Das (slave name)

ALL YOU CAN EAT, SOUL BUFFET. "what? you're just giving it away? I'm a parasytical sucubus, damn... DON'T MIND IF I DO!"

I thought Rama das was exaggerating when he said this, HOWEVER, having heard how Chris Butler fines his disciples and makes them fast and generally crushes their spirits, I am inclined to believe that the disciples do let themselves be taken over by some paranormal parasitical forces...

Hhmmmmm, wonder what's next - Chris Butler telling his followers to drink poisoned Kook-Aid because he was not pleased with his 15-course meal???


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Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: October 04, 2006 02:29AM

ooooops, that's supposed to be KOOL-AID ... but I think KOOK-AID sounds much better!

:o :lol: :o :lol:

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Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: Fairytale ()
Date: October 05, 2006 08:49PM


Just out of curiosity... is this Chris Butler, or Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa, AKA "Prabhupad"?

I wound up here looking for a biography of Wai Lana. Anybody knows how old are, she and her husband?

There are more videos, and it certainly sounds like what you've described. "Jesus as a doormat", the surfers (common too to Wai Lana's videos, as sitting on the shore staring at the sunset, and the music )...

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Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: October 05, 2006 10:07PM

Just out of curiosity... is this Chris Butler, or Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa, AKA "Prabhupad"?

I wound up here looking for a biography of Wai Lana. Anybody knows how old are, she and her husband?


Yes, Jagad Guru is also known as "Prabhupad" -

It can be confusing, though, as A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami is also known as "Prabhupad"

Chris Butler is about 57 or 58 - Wai Lana is a bit younger I think.

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Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: October 05, 2006 11:08PM

Rick Reed, once senator of Maui, Hawaii, said that all HIV patients should be put in concentration camps.

It is well known that Rick was the mouthpiece for Chris Butler.

He also put forth a bill that would prevent teachers from teaching "alternative lifestyles" (i.e. gay marriage).


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Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: Fairytale ()
Date: October 05, 2006 11:17PM

Sorry, I might not have been clear about the link I put as the first line of my post!
It corresponds to a site called India Divine. There are several videos of lectures by "Siddhaswarupananda". That is just a random one.

And what I was wondering is if the man speaking is, indeed, Chris Butler.

Thanks, anyway, for satisfying my "gossip" needs, since Wai Lana looks -or looked, at least a couple of years ago- much younger than she may be.

Her yoga TV lessons are good, though. I was googling about her when I wound up in this forum...
It's been a bit of a shock for me to find out all the "queen bee" story. She looks nice, but there was something slightly odd about her and her entourage.
Specially that it took me quite a while to find something more than the short biography about being a "teenager coming under the influence".
I googled "Gold Moon Productions", tried to search for some more info, images, etc, all to no avail but her own website. And the lack of information was what impulsed me to search more.
There are also no images of Butler on the net, or at least I couldn't find any.

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Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: cultreporter ()
Date: October 06, 2006 05:42AM

Fairy tale - please contact us through the cultreporter blog

We are ex-folowers who have just started out trying to get as much information out about Siddha and Science of Identity as possible and are following up a lot of research atm.

Hopefully we can exchange some info. Our main contact who answers all the e-mails has pictures of Siddha he can send.

Would like to confirm the video for you, but having some trouble getting the link to work. Hopefully I can get back to you later on this.

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Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: just-googling ()
Date: October 06, 2006 11:14AM

Sorry, I might not have been clear about the link I put as the first line of my post!
It corresponds to a site called India Divine. There are several videos of lectures by "Siddhaswarupananda". That is just a random one.

And what I was wondering is if the man speaking is, indeed, Chris Butler.

Yes - I was able to download the lecture and that indeed is Jagad Guru Chris Butler or Siddhaswarupananda.

He looks good on camera and seems to have all the answers. It's the things that have happened off camera that are questionable and some of these things have been discussed on this forum ~~ quite a bit of info in these 35 pages from various people.

:arrow: Also note that this lecture is over 20 years ago. Many people believe that the older Chris has changed quite a lot over the years! These original older lectures are what kept so many of us as followers.... Apparently nowadays Chris is obsessed with blasting homosexuality and praising the "War on Terror" ~~ Quite the opposite of what he was like 20 or 30 years ago!


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Krishna group in Hawaii
Posted by: Fairytale ()
Date: October 06, 2006 04:46PM

Fairy tale - please contact us through the cultreporter blog.

Hi [b:3b279887e8]Cultreporter[/b:3b279887e8] , yesterday you asked me to contact you.
I couldn't leave a comment, so I'd appreciate if you tell me how to reach you.
I never belonged to Siddha's cult, I never belonged to any cult. (Well, I guess my short permanence in the Opus Dei, which made me feel "Run, run while you still can!", doesn't count.)
I only used Wai Lana "services" as a TV yoga teacher, since about 2 years, 'til present. But I'm highly interested in how cults work, and why the serious practice of Yoga is often associated to cults.
This is not my first experience running into a cult while searching for a serious, well meant Yoga instructor. (You can ask if you are curious.)

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