Let’s start from the first post from Pema.
CH is not and has never claimed to be a guru. I have never seen anything other than positive words in the media about him.
this is semantics - guru simply means 'teacher'
CH definitely claims to be a teacher, and has apprentices, and as such, qualifies by any definition as a guru
Celebs & rich clients?
Some maybe, but all I have seen in the waiting room are ordinary people coming to see a man and his team that they trust and they come back because they see positive results. I have also witnessed CH charging a very low fee or no fee at all for some seriously ill patients. Not really the actions of a money grabbing charlatan that you seem eager to portray.
CH definitely has a small very well-heeled group that are close to him - celebs no
I don’t think that Christopher’s system of medicine issues pretty certificates. If you want those there are plenty of websites that will sell you a qualification for $25.
CH went through an oral training system more rigorous than any western practitioner. If that isn’t good enough for you then again no one is forcing you to go to him.
i agree that credentials are meaningless
evidence of his training however is lacking - its all based on his word
i think this issue could be resolved in three questions
1. has anyone observed having a conversation with a tibetan in the tibetan language?
2. what do tibetan (not western) bonpo think of him and his teachings?there are people with apparently tibetan names that have created reviews for his book, from menri monastery etc. - do these people exist?
3. are his parents alive, and if so, can they corroborate his story?
“I think that Christopher Hansard is a fresh branch on this ancient tree of medicine. It has made me happy to see how effortlessly this young, well educated British man has brought an oral system of traditional practices from Central Asia into harmony with modern thought of medicine”
this requires a full citation please - no offense, but lets make sure we clear up stuff like this right away
Yes I have also witnessed CH at workshops being challenging, but that is the point of a workshop isn’t it? If you wanted to be cuddled you would have gone to a beauty spa. What I have also witnessed when some one is being “challenged” at a workshop is that the people most upset are other people not the person being challenged. People go to workshops with individual concerns or issues. We are all different thank goodness and those concerns are all different so CH’s remedy for one person will be different from the remedy for the next person. Just because you are shocked by something doesn’t mean that the person on the receiving end is too. I saw a man being given a log to carry once. To most of us it appeared ridiculous but when I asked him about it 12 months later he said it had really helped him deal with his issues. What those issues where are none of my or anybody else’s business. But he was helped, no one was harmed and he wasn’t charged extra for the special attention.
you aren't saying anything i haven't already stated - yes his workshops can be challenging but challenging in and of itself isn't a virtue - what ELSE is happening?
Yup I have seen him smoke cigars. I can think of a lot worse things to smoke than cigars. Does this make him a bad person? Well maybe in California but not in the real world.
of course it doesn't make you a bad person but i took pains to indicate HOW MANY he smokes in a day, with the WINE and FINE FOOD pretty much CONSTANTLY, almost as a kind of COMPULSION
the name of his first book is the Tibetan Art of Living
now let's recall the Kalama sutta:
"Kalamas, when you yourselves know; 'These things are good; these things are not blamable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness', enter on and abide in them".
in otherwords, doubt is dispelled in the teacher, when what is taught is also undertaken AND observed by the teacher - basically "walk your talk"
it is VERY clear to me at certain points that CH was in fact doing exactly the opposite, with regard to his health, as he related SHOULD be undertaken if we are to indeed follow the tibetan are of living
this is an important issue
indulgence to the point of sickness is not "wise body, wise mind, wise life"