Credit Risk Update: CHRISTOPHER HANSARD LIMITED, CULLIPS HOUSE, 4 NESBITTS ALLEY, BARNET, HERTFORDSHIRE, EN5 5XG. Other human health activities. The legal status is a Private Limited Company and the current status at the registry of companies is Active. The last filed accounts are dated 31 October 2015. The company was incorporated on 16 October 2009.
The accounts next due date is 31 July 2017. There are no mortgages.
The above was based on public record information as at 22 May 2016 and may not reflect the current status. Please access the current report to ascertain the current status and credit rating.
CHRISTOPHER HANSARD LIMITED business sector includes chiropodist (nhs), chiropodist (private), chiropractor clinic (on their own account), clinic (health service), collection of female human urine for hormone extraction, community health service, community medical service clinics, community psychiatric nurse (nhs), dental hygienist, dental therapist, disablement services centres, district nurse, family planning association clinics (not providing medical treatment), foot clinic (nhs), foot clinic (private), health centre, health visitor, home nurse (nhs), homeopath (not registered medical practitioner), limb fitting centre, mass radiography service, maternity and child welfare services, maternity clinic, medical laboratories, midwife (nhs), midwife (private), neuropath, nurse (private), nursing co-operative, occupational therapist (private), ophthalmic clinic, osteopath (not registered medical practitioner), para-medical practitioner activities, pathological laboratory, physiotherapist (private), physiotherapy clinic, psychiatric clinic, psychiatric day hospital, psychologist, public health laboratory, radiographer (private), school dental nurse, school health service, school medical clinic, scottish ambulance service, speech therapist (nhs), speech therapist (on their own account), sperm banks, st andrew’s ambulance brigade, st john's ambulance brigade, transplant organ banks, ambulance service, artificial kidney unit, artificial limb and appliance centre, blood banks, blood transfusion service.
Registered Number: 07047172
Date Incorporated: 16 October 2009
Date Latest Accounts: 31 October 2015