In answer to Vaidya -- I was circumspect in the way I presented the information I received from the Bon organisation in Canada. They were much more direct about their distaste for CH. I think you are clutching at straws.
pema, what kind of comment is "you are clutching at straws" supposed to mean? you don't know anything about me or my life
and sorry but i won't thank you for being circumspect in your communication - in the spirit of objectivity don't you think we should have no more filtering of the truth?
i think that if you have something to say, say it, and if the bon people told you not to say anything specific then say that - i think so far very few people in this discussion have been open, honest and truthful about their experience
and with regard to the tibetan community, if CH is a charlatan, why don't they come forward and accuse him? aren't they curious or concerned about this fellow who may be misrepresenting their tradition?
my guess, is that because the entire system of tantra and lamaism is highly subjective, and moreover, absolutely chock-a-block with some pretty unbelievable stuff, that tibetans are reluctant to come to judgment too quickly - similar to my earlier reference to the aghoris and their awkward place in indian culture
come to think of it, most religions are based on some pretty unverifiable stuff - approaching 50% of the world's pop'n believes that mohammed is the messenger of god, with no evidence other than his word - i know bin laden is listed as a cult in RR, but are all the major religions?? is this a discussion about belief or experience?
regardless of his lineage or the truth of his education, his capacity to facilitate healing was amply demonstrated in a workshop i attended on vancouver island
this was a group of first nations peoples (indians, if you will) and western (white) people that were interested in the subject CH professed to teach
CH wasn't the only teacher, but he was the lead teacher, the one who pulled it all together and taught most of it
i know that from talking to participants, that this was a unique and healing exerience for many, specifically, between family members and between the first nations peoples and the western community
and when i say this, i don't mean that people were miraculously cured, but that these profound experiences deepened an awareness of their own lives and personal issues
it was during this workshop that i actually did receive a small injury from christopher - before lunch CH was having individuals come up in front of the crowd of 150 or so and share specific details of their lives, facilitating a process whereby they would access and share the pain of this experience, and come to some resolution - even if this pain was hidden or masked - this part of it was very confronting, because of course some people had no desire to share their experiences, but when essentially coerced into doing so by CH, ended up going through a kind of catharsis that seemed to have a healing effect (at the time, at least, i haven't kept up with individual participants)
after lunch we settled down for the afternoon session - we were watching two people, sharing their pain, holding each other, crying
i was watching intently, but because it was all day of people doing this, and also because i had a brownie at lunch, at one point i became a little indifferent to it, my mind felt a little dull and quite frankly bored, even thought i contnued to watch
CH was watching as well, and then as this process was happening he quietly sauntered up to me and became to tap me, rather hard, with the butt of a tibetan ceremonial dagger on the top of my head
of course i was taken back, but with the 2nd-3rd tap i felt a tingling in my lower spine/buttocks and a wave of energy building and rising into my heart, and i began to feel the pain of what these two people were sharing
as soon as i fully connected to what was happening, about 6-7 taps, CH stopped w/o mentioning a word to me, and i was left with renewed compassion for what i was watching
however, my head felt a little bruised
out of a crowd of 150, how was he aware of my mental state? perhaps i looked sleepy, but actually, i was conscious that he might be looking my way and was trying to look intent... how did he see i was pretending? and when called on it, what was the result of his intervention? a wave of compassion?
the experiences that were shared in that particular workshop, recounted by participants while it was happening, were intense and apparently significant for many, and with the first nations people present, it was a unique cross-cultural experience that seemed to achieve a synergy with this clearly arrogant trickster white-skinned bon fellow...
if CH had just been hired as workshop facilitator it would have remained a pretty amazing experience for many - in between these participant exercises and his discourses, his capacity to chant and perform what appear to be highly ritualized movements while drumming, even if it was gibberish (which some of it wasn't, b/c i cold pick up on tibetan-sanskrit words like agni, etc), it was an amazing performance if nothing else
all in all, the only significant teaching that remains with me after my involvement with him is the importance of staying in the heart - something that many may find a hackneyed sentiment, but for me is a very specific teaching that addresses my tendency for over-intellectualization, and even if CH was ronald mcdonald, will remain profound and significant
i disclose all this, knowing that with each post it may become easier to identify me, but i only do it in the spirit of openess - i have no fear
regardless, i retain my claim of anonymity and unless CH sends a hired assassin i won't be shut up, but nor will i maintain a sense of entitlement that allows me to make claims against someone without backing it up with evidence
if you can demonstrate that he is a fraud i will bring this into my heart too