Christopher Hansard
Date: January 26, 2007 09:35AM
Dear Moderator and Group,
Where is the private reply link? I'm afraid I don't understand how to do this.
Is it realistic to think that something can be made public that will alert those who need to be alerted? I have an email list of everyone on the courses I took, and I know most of the attendees anyway. But he isn't hosting any more courses (PLEASE tell me the courses have stopped!) and this isn't going to get on CNN. So, is it a dried up issue now? Pema, what do you see being a likelihood?
The man will move to another country and do it again.
His Tibetan chanting is not in the current Tibetan language, I know that much. I went with a Tibetan woman to a course and she recognized only names of gods in the chants. Don't have any idea what he was saying and that's eerie because chants can have power. His knowledge of Buddhism is very wrong also as her husband was a scholar of 13th C Buddhism who was having a fit at what CH was saying. He studies enough to look smart. Mind like a steel trap. He IS smart, in the scary way.
I had a huge vision in one course and darned if he didn't know everything I saw and finished my sentences and described everything when we were talking afterwards.. He can read minds, I'm sure, and somehow sees what everyone in the course is doing. It was very disappointing to realize how twisted he is because I was enjoying the shamanic dream. It is still reassuring to me to know that such siddhis are possible; I've always believed in magic and can now always say I saw some in action. And I have met other, much more principled masters since, very refreshing.
I also had an"enlightenment" shakti-blast. I fell off the chair and had a headache for a day. I had a strong increase in clairvoyance for months. Thanks for that, CH, but I need honourable teachers.
He is a shaman, I still feel sure, but one who is lost and will have a lot to account for. Deflected kundalini sounds about right. Avoid him. Powerful and unprincipled. Psychic as all hell and knows things about you that only you know. Compassionate when it suits him only. Part of the gig, too, to be compassionate and play the part. I rather suspect he believes this by now.
In the meantime, there are people who have gotten gall stones from ridiculous dietary advice, heart conditions worsened, people advised to get divorced, quit their job, sell their house (not all the same person!), take unsuitable herbs, spend money on treatments that didn't work...Yes he did help some. But he's a loose cannon. Who is NOT a doctor. His psychic abilities do not extend to medical matters. Every physical diagnosis he gave was starkly wrong.
It could make a good TV show.
A fascinating guy.