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8 years ago
Apostle Dog
KBoy, I like that guy too. Ironically somebody just posted some of his stuff on my Facebook page. That one where he is the meat eater acting like a vegetarian is really good. I do recall lots of people back in the day in the Walk that acted just like that guy. I remember one guy that would just put a John tape on his forehead and just tune into it. That's right, not even listen to it,
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
I have discovered all of this to be true, and nearly every time. It's really a nasty way to make a living. I have been in the backstage part of the sheep slaughtering, and what this guy says is the steps to ministry, much more than we might think to be the case, well, here it is:
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
I made a statement critical of Living Word Fellowship for having a double standard, for accepting all the deviant behavior that the straight guys did but kicking out gay people, for no other reason that being gay. I was misunderstood. But I did answer really rudely, out of frustration of always being misunderstood and being judged, having it assumed I was saying the opposite of what I was say
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
No surprise there. If everyone would really think a little about it, the good old democratic Party has a similar bottom line. In fact, this Alliance thing could have borrowed if from them.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
Lilyrose, First of all, this is going to be sloppy typing, because I had cataract surgery, so bear with me. I only said that some homosexuals are turning heterosexual by prayer and through seeking ministry. I spoke about Romans 1 because someone that got offended already said in their posts that homosexual acts are NOT a sin. That is again something they should take up with God. Oeople that
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
changedagain Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm not sure if I'm in alignment with scripture on > this one, but I prefer kind, ethical gays over > belligerent, alcoholic heterosexuals. Perhaps it's > just because the former can't be ministries in > TLWF. If you go back and read my posts on this subject, you will notice
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
I am sure ONE can hide just about any motivation behind bible verses, the fact however is PBXGUY, I am not doing that. Your accusation that I am persecuting gays is a ridiculous assumption. Your issue is with the Apostle Paul, because I was merely point out that God often turns people over to a depraved mind, and they become homosexual. I gave the bible passages. I know that a lot of you on thi
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
pbxguy,, I think if you can get somebody to explain my post to you, you would holster your liberal rant a bit. But basically I don't like you and you can kiss my ass.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
I probably am going to get a rise out of some people over what I said in the last post, i will only point to Romans 1:18 to the end of the chapter. It seems that this is an historical pattern, at the end of empires, this seems to become more and more evident in those societies. Perhaps God does turn people over to a reprobate mind, when they worship the creature rather than the creator. Wors
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
I'm glad you clarified that for us Lily Rose. To me, I think that if it is in the word, that it is wrong, in fact, it seems to be something that is put on someone for being drpraved in the first place, and in mental health circles, until recently homosexuality was considered a mental illness, all that said, I don't think the church, any church should condeme homosexuals at all since the
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
You know, one thing about it, and I guess you all are going to be shocked at this coming out of me, but with this shooting in Orlando in the news and all, I was thinking about JRS and others after him throwing out gay members. I was in a church about I guess in 1994 or so, and there was a thing called Overcomers, which was similar to Celebrate Recovery, which Rick Warren is acredited as starting,
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
My own belief on it all, is no matter what JRS thought, or anybody else thinks, I personally think we are all going to find out what is what pretty soon. I go right to the bible now days and it seems to me the book of Revelation is pretty much matching the news, or the real news, the news you have to dig for yourself, the evening news might not match all the time. I know that back in the days
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
Actually, I was thinking after standard Catholicism you were going to go either into Islam or perhaps, the real next step right into CHRISLAM.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
Wow, so Pentecost is fulfilled...So now after, what, 60 years, 70 years, and Living Word Fellowship has evolved into a what, a Pentecostal church? A Charismatic church? Isn't that what this whole thing was about to begin with, JRS getting asked to leave Pentecostalism and starting the whole Latter Rain thing, along with the freedom to get drunk, and a little white witchery mixed in. then w
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
Sorry about that last post, it turns out that was not Gary Hargrave that was buttering up the Living Worders. I don't know the guy that was sending that word out, but if he meant it, if he was being nice, the Living Word Fellowship will probably vote to have him booted out. It has been my experience that churches that don't mind spending all their money to support some joker's extr
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
Whoop, there it is, the old butter up, LIVING WORDERS, tighten up the ole spincters and grab hold of the billfolds, Gary is about to build on his retirement fund........... kBOY Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > BREAKING NEWS: On A More Upbeat Note . . . > > "You Are God's Treasure" > June 8, 2016 > > > asure/ &g
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
I think the thing that bugs me so much about Christian television, and especially one of those guys that did admit that what he had been teacthing was garbage basically, he then went right back to teaching it, because that is what people like to hear, and that is what people WILL PAY to hear. Jesus Himself, just to drop a name, did say that He would not return till after the falling away and the
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
You are absolutely right Lily Rose, the situation in the Walk was 50/50 for certain, it was the for certain character flaw that Marilyn played on, and then you look back at Jezebel, look at the king that she ruled from the shadows, that too was the male ego at work, then check out Samson, what was he up to with Diliah? It goes on and on, and it certainly is not like the guys want to interpret it,
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
Well, while Gary is telling everybody that they better get it right, the kingdom of God can not come on Earth as it is in Heaven till they make sure they really mean it, just one example. See, tribulation is what births the "sons of God" it's not hooking up with the right spiritual wife or screaming the loudest for the latest guru to enter in and pull you in with him, or he
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
"I killed the male spirit"--Caitlyn Jenner In one swipe of a scalpel was accomplished what it took cunning and kissing up and manipulation by Delilah, Jezebel, Marilyn, and now Hillary. some people just know how to get to the point, and some take the long way around, but the object is still the same, so many prophets and that need ultimate circumcision, the work of a good woman is ne
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
Lily Rose you said it perfectly. All of that is very true. JRS said one thing, but the reality of it was something quite different. He kept saying they had commissions not positions, it all sounded good, but what people forget is a very simple biblical principle, a good tree can not bear bad fruit, and you will know them by their fruit. What is the fruit of the ministry. I know there are a few p
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
I have said it before, and I guess I will say it again, as I try to sort things out in my mind about ministers everywhere, ( I don't use the word MINISTRY when referring to one person, MINISTRY is the whole show, minister in theory means servant) but anyway, as I ponder these guys, right now, the motivational speaker my wife was so crazy about, the one that it took nine days and getting his
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
Lily Rose said: . A system of total obedience to those over you completely undermines this Biblical principle, leading ultimately to the Nazi ethic of innocence in the light of obeying orders. The Nazi ethic and the type of totalitarian obedience Stevens has in mind is an analogy that should not be lightly dismissed. Hence, the words on the tape that I heard, the ones that made me wake up a
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
It seems that I heard that before, about a congregation walking out of the Walk, you say that it was at South Gate. I am curious as to what the circumstances was at the time this happened. I know of someone else, a church that was in the Walk, in the South, where the congregation walked out on the pastor. Of course, in that situation, it may or may not have been after the pastor of that chur
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
You little people should actually consider yourselves fortunate, Gary and Marilyn at least had enough pity on you that they didn't make you go out in the yard of the church and eat grass, and take a video of it and put it on youtube.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
HERE YOU GO Gary Hargrave, you need to make sure you have total control. This is dedication here.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
Larry Bobo said: "This mistrust of God reminds me of the “word” of resurrection life for John. If you surrender your life to me, John, and then you, will escape death. When it didn’t happen, the sons were responsible because of their lack of obedience – not those who came up with a false word. Either it never was a word in the first place and people were not speaking the truth, or God c
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
The Living Word Fellowship is famous for many decades now, they don't pay but certain pastors, they don't pay for "volunteer" work they that people are "encouraged" to perform in their for profit sweatshops, and they don't pay any pensions except to certain people. The Living Word Fellowship seems to me to have been Babylon on steroids, they were just the
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
precisely, that is the whole point. Gary and Marilyn went down to Brazil to sing the praises of a pope that is absolutely opposite in theology, does anybody else think that is a little unusual? TheSarge Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Apostle Dog, you think Gary might not be against > LGBTQAI? Well, he and Marilyn set Marty out of > the Body.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog
There is one thing good about it, the current Pope is for re-distribution of wealth. Since Gary Hargrave supports him so well, it is time for the Living Word Fellowship membership to demand that he spread the wealth around the church, perhaps give back a huge amount of the money he has been pilfering all those years. I assume that he does not have the hardcore rejection of homosexuality that
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
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