Re: Jack Hickman
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Date: October 28, 2009 01:46AM
For a long time, I had a problem with the label of "cult" on this group. Looking back now, I absolutely see Hickman as a cult leader. He had a gift for reading people- he knew how to take advantage of peoples insecurities, and he was charismatic. As someone mentioned earlier he would bring something to the table, and let people take it where they wanted. So the direction it took was often based on the personalities of the members. What made him a cult leader was the followers. People would do whatever JH said, or what they thought he said- as he was very clever in never actually "telling" anyone what to do. I believe most people are very sincere in wanting a relationship with God, and JH was teaching the "truth". I was a beleiver. I did question things to myself- but one thing I kept being drawn back to is that JH himself never actually claimed to be a prophet, or the Messiah, as many cult leaders do. He claimed to be a descendant of Jesus, but claimed there were many out there. That changed when I heard he claimed to be the reincarnation of Jacob several years back. That was just a little bit too much to swallow. But, as Two Worlds has said, my entire identity was entwined with this group- my whole family is a part of it. While the beliefs are easy to walk away from, the relationships aren't.
I see the present circumstances a bit differently. Things have changed and evolved from one generation to another. First, there's no more JH. While there are a handfull of the "youth" who were loyal to him, they seem like the minority. Most of the kids, who are getting married and having families of their own, seem to have a different mindset. The older generation- mainly the 50+ crowd, still have that "cult" mentality. JH is gone, and there is noone in his place. Some see Gary as the leader, but it's a position he has never claimed to have, nor does he act in the same manner as JH, in my opinion. I think it's the older generation who have replaced JH with him in their own minds because they need that "leader" or they are just lost.
For the most part, the younger generation share the relationships, but not so much the beliefs. Maybe I am wrong, but its what I see. Labeling it a "cult" at this point seems innacurate, at least as far as I understand the definition of Cults. For one, it is lacking a leader. Two- there's no real oranization of any kind. there are many little clusters of people in areas, but there is no compound of people living and working together like there was in say, Waco, or the FLDS group. Almost all the children go to public schools. Almost all go to college. Everyone has their own house, have regular jobs, live their own lives. Even beliefs differ. Some (most of the 50+ers) are vegetarian. Some are not. Some follow rabbinic Judaism. Some don't. Some are liberal democrats, some are conservative republicans. The "youth" are in many different directions. Some marry from within, as they have had lifelong rlationships. Some marry from outside- college sweethearts, coowrkers, whatever. Ther are some in the armed forces, some in law enforcement, many varied professions. And From what I see, most people are very successful in whatever direction they chose. While there are the extremests, I don't see most people holing up waiting for the world to end.
Maybe I have ben more sheltered than some. I think some kids might have issues as they've been taught they are somehow different than others, or more special, or knowing a truth that most don't. I think some have been affected by having to hide beliefs because of possible persecution. is definately an "us vs them" mentality. It's a lot to grapple with, though I think the level of difficulty kids have depends on their family, and its level of functioning.
I have never ever seen any kind of sexual behavior whatsoever- or any kind of physical abuse in my lifetime. That's not to deny what others say they may have experienced- I just don't see that at all. I also don't believe there is a soul who would stand by and allow any of there children to be abused or violated in any way. I certainly wouldn't.
Two Worlds, what do you mean by disillusionment in your children? I am curious as to what you mean- are you talking about the fear of the future, or the self-identity they were taught- as far as being special?