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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: My Good Name ()
Date: October 25, 2009 05:15AM

My good name,
I put the article in your mail box. Did you get it?


I did not receive the articles. I would like to see them if that is okay. I think it might help me.

I tried to PM you, your mailbox is full.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Fallen 49r ()
Date: October 25, 2009 06:20AM

I've never seen or heard of Gary doing anything of that inappropriate nature to anyone in my life time... It's not that cut and dry. This is a different time, different players, different visions. It's still bullshit, but it's not the homosexual assault club everyone seems to think it is...

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 25, 2009 07:53AM

From Massapequa? Is that what pequa means? No matter.
One more question I have for you dear. Why would you need facts before confronting Gary Coons the leader of this cult? I suppose it might encourage or embolden you. But take courage in the fact that you are not a court room judge. You are a human being. You can question whoever you want to about whatever you want. You don't need facts.
This is America. If someone says ''hi how are you'' then, if you want, you could ask ''what's it to you?''
Of course that would be rude and rarely recommended. But can ask anyone anything.
You can walk up to someone and say ''hey...there is a web site and it seems to feature you and your teacher and it is implied that you are a pervert. Are you? BTW how do you define perversion???''
Just ask.
Don't be shy.
This is America.
If he wants to know what facts you have you can say....''none, just my seem like a nut....are you????''
Do it.
Why not.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 25, 2009 08:00AM

btw OT Bible, NT Bible, even Torah...repeatedly God's people as confronting the odds. They are always outnumbered and yet they always face their enemies with boldness.
Jesus Christ himself represented this when he allowed his enemies to publicly surround and brutalize him. He showed that without lifting a finger and having been tied up and beaten...he could still win.....

Jack Hickman likened himself to this????????????????????????????/
Jack hid in the dark and shot his sperm at young boys because overpowering them excited him???????

Shame on ALL OF YOU who do not feel disgusted by that.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 25, 2009 10:16PM

I'm not finished

rrmoderator: I think what Good NAme means is that there are two distinctly different catagoires of people on here. Some are involved in an ongoign struggle due to lost faith yet still apprearing to be involved and not being able to let others know. Others have not been involved in this at all for 30 yeard and are holding on to this very long past injury when at thiass time they should have started healing. They are asking for names and beyondeverything was bullying people for information, which is he is invloved he should know and if he isn't manes are unimportant. Thank-you for realizing this and banning him from the site.
OK Class

Let's just contemplate the post that TWO WORLDS wrote
1- this is addressed to the individual CONTROLLING the thread. Think about that.
2-The tone is friendly, as if they are peers or maybe Two Worlds is instructing the moderater. TWO WORLDS is clarifying things for the individual
in control.
3-Two Worlds SEPERATES the type of people on the board.
4-The first group are described as those who have a right to post and who belong. Coincidentally he is part of
that group and also supports the goodness of Gary Coons.
5- Type number two are the ''others''. Sallie is one because she hasn't been in the group for 30 years.
beyondeverythingnow is also one and...""oh yeh....btw''....says Two Worlds. ''thank you for casting him out''
6-Sallie...belonging to TWO WORLDS ''OTHER'' category, has co incidentally called Gary Coons a pervert.

What's being implied here class????????????????????????????????????
Can anyone spot the flat out lie?
The lie appears when TwoWorlds, in describing the ''Others'' writes "" They are asking for names and beyondeverything was bullying people for information, ''

Did you catch it? Saliie was not asking for names.

Maybe it is just me but, having been a member of this group I get a vague and slightly sub conscious suggestion that ''Sallie is one of them that is about to be thrown out.''
Does anyone else see that?
For anyone still involved in this group and afraid to voice their opinion please please please consider this.......being thrown out of the good graces of Gary Coons supporters will not get me thrown off the board. Does everyone get that? Anyone still you get it? I still have a voice.
And if you are in this group then still have a voice too...even if the members who raised you don't want to hear you...someone else will.....

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/25/2009 10:28PM by Sallie.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: October 26, 2009 12:16AM

Let's try to be reasonable and courteous on this thread.

No personal attacks please.

The subject is the Jack Hickman group.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 26, 2009 12:57AM

Fallen wrote,
I've never seen or heard of Gary doing anything of that inappropriate nature to anyone in my life time... It's not that cut and dry. This is a different time, different players, different visions. It's still bullshit, but it's not the homosexual assault club everyone seems to think it is...

I have. I have seen Gary doing something innappropriate. I spent months with a 15 year old who was being courted and groomed by Gary Coons. The boy was going to become a ''prince''.
Whether you are in the group now or are having memories of the past....something must ring true about that.
So the boy has a ''special meeting'' with Jacko and sinks into a state of suicidal depression.
Because Gary Coons and Jack HIckman, who were living and sleeping together....did what?????????????
I also knew a woman in the group whose young son behaved in a VERY SEXUALLY INAPPROPRIATE WAY towards her younger daughter. First she told me the story as if it were no big deal. After she saw my horror she went into a self induced amnesia and never spoke of the incident again.
During the 30 years that I have been gone from this group I once met a family who had some sexual boundary issues...
During the years that I was 14-17 and involved with this group I met dozens of young persons who had sexual boundaries crossed and each time they were told to shut up and two of the ''illeged'' perpetrators ended up being accused by ''outsiders'' of sexual abuse.......
MY GOD DO THE MATH..........
The only two individuals who I ever met that ended up on a sex offender list or being arrested for a sex offense belonged to this group and both of them had GROUP MEMBERS that told me they had been assaulted as well but silenced by the group....
Also these are NOT different players.
These are the same people.
Gary is not a different Gary Coons he is simply an older one.
The Heck boy who tried to gang bang a small young teen with his twin brother is still the same Heck boy.
The chiropracter who is on the registered sex offenders list is the same man.
The woman who decided to shut up about the rape she endure by Ari(I think), the friend of Jacko, when she was still there and has children of her own......
I could tell story after story.......all from a three year period in my life and....since I left....I have not encountered any other people who have gone through this kind of thing because it is not normal.
I had four female friends. Four. That's it.
Each one had been assaulted at a young age....then just shut up about it.....
DO THE MATH.......

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Two Worlds ()
Date: October 26, 2009 01:24AM

I agree with you Fallen49r. The issues people are facing, have nothing to do with homosexuality. The "princes" are struggling because of the teachings they have received regarding how special they are and the reality they have ultimately had to face, which is, they are not actually princes. This struggle may sound small but it is huge. It is devastating to realize you have believed an exalted role for yourself for your whole life, and that it was actually just someone elses delusion or manipultation technique.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 26, 2009 03:53AM

My Good Name,
I'm going to clear my mailbox. I will try and pm you the article again.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: pequagirl ()
Date: October 26, 2009 04:02AM

sallie- I would very much like copies of whatever articles you have if you are willing to pm them to me as well. Yes, pequa as in Masspequa- that is where I grew up in St. Johns Lutheran Church. FYI- I assure you that I would be very disgusted by the things you relate but I had no idea about Gary. I was only told that he was kind enough to take care of Jack in Colorado when he got sick. I was told that he had a big house out there and he took Jack in to care for him when he couldn't care for himself. I see him (Gary) only by chance when he shows up in Maine when I am visiting my family who I still struggle to have a relationship with. Thanks.

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