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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 25, 2009 01:25AM

My Good Name,
Hi. Should I post them? One is a rap sheet and the other is an article reporting on a sexual assault claim. Each post would be about the individulal members, their address and locations and last know....personal info.
Is it OK to post? Presently we have all made vague references to people by name addresses have been posted.
What are the board rules???????

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 25, 2009 01:33AM

My good name,
I put the article in your mail box. Did you get it?

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 25, 2009 01:59AM

Jack Hickman was a very adept insidious cult leader. Gary is not. He clearly believes all that Jack Hickman taught and he is some one who sincerely seeks God. He may have some underlying financial motivation and desire to perpetuate the name of Jack Hickman, because this is the tie that keeps the group together. Jack' teachings are taught and quoted constantly, as if the word of God.

Gary is NOT anything other than the prodigee(however spelled) of Hickman as well as a co-abuser and you are not telling the truth....whoever you are.....and you know that.
Gary believes what jack taugh??????????????????????///
ok GENIUS........What did Jacko know....behind closed doors??????
What is it that the ''other type'' of person on the board shouldn't hold onto?
We shouldn't hold onto articles with facts?????????????
We shouldn't hold onto memories???????????????????
We shouldn't hold onto personal accounts???????????????

IF I'm vague I'm told to back up more stories.
Then if I give facts i'm told not to.

And I LOVE this.
Here's why genius.
The responses I get for my posts gives a clear indications of the responses that trapped adolescents and children get from deceiptful ''elders'' who cloak themselves and run this operation.

Gary it a pervert.
Those who don't agree have a different definition of what perversion is.....
My definition is corroborated by the laws of the USA....

Another post and another attempt to persuade me and anyone on the thread that the group is simply a god seeking congregation of slightly confused good guys???????????
Go ahead.
It helps me.
It helps anyone who wants to understand the intricacies of brain washing.....

Post away.....


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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 25, 2009 02:13AM

Two Worlds
: I think what Good NAme means is that there are two distinctly different catagoires of people on here. Some are involved in an ongoign struggle due to lost faith yet still apprearing to be involved and not being able to let others know. Others have not been involved in this at all for 30 yeard and are holding on to this very long past injury when at thiass time they should have started healing.
Have we met?
Do you know me?
What is the nature of my injury?
Be clear when you spew out psycho babble in an attempt to pass yourself off as a psychoanalyst or guru or god seeking nice guy.
I am serious.
Do you know me?
Now explain what needs healing.
In fact....heal me.
Go ahead....
Start with...shhhhhh.....shhhhh.......quiet....your being too emotional and angry.....
let it go
It's the past.....

Is that what you mean? Shut the lights and shut your mouth and let it die????????????????

My past is part of me.
If I shut out my past I shut out a part of me.
I'm alive and well. All of me.

How are you doing genius?????????????????//

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: pequagirl ()
Date: October 25, 2009 02:14AM

sallie- I am very interested in any factual information you can send to me! I do not know what Jack taught behind closed doors but I would love to know. I only know what my family and friends were willing to share with me- the persecution, the vague reference to "the shit hitting the fan", Jack being the direct blood descendent of Jesus (how does passing the seed keep that going?- crazy me- I thought a descendent required a female, birth, etc). I find myself in Gary's pesence on occasion and am not sure how to act based on the things you have said (the turkey baster and NAMBLA reference as well as calling him a pervert) I would love to call him on these things but have no facts. Please send along whatever you feel you can. Rest assured I am only an aging person trying to piece together the last 40 years of my parents' lives before it is too late. Were you involved when Jack took the group to Spain and later to Israel? Thanks.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: pequagirl ()
Date: October 25, 2009 02:20AM

Has anyone close to Jack ever "defected" and told the truth about Jack? Does anyone know the truth? I was told that he always "knew who he was" and the whole Lutheran pastor thing was just a cover until the time was right to "come out?" I think he was about the same age as Jesus when he did? Coincidence? Also- this was an elaborate ruse- it must have been in the works for years. Was it a ruse of a delusion? Did jack take himself serioiusly? Will we ever know?

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Two Worlds ()
Date: October 25, 2009 03:01AM

Yes, we have met and your rant supports what I said.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 25, 2009 03:15AM

Your posts are like a glimple of heaven. You see Gary occassionally????????
Oh how fantastic.
Clike onto this thread.
Have him read every one of my posts.
Ask him to respond on the board.
Oh how I would love to chit chat with that pervert.
HI Gary Coons....
I believe and have faith in my own ability to discern right and wrong and I have faith in my belief that you are a pervert.
How do you respond??????????????????
He can answer me on this thread.....
Oh ....I'm in heaven...

Or how about this....

HI GARY COONS.....I'm interviewing potential employees. I would like to hire a spiritual guru. GARY COONs would you be so kind as to fill out an application for the job.

What is your spiritual guru education. Who were your proffessors(however spelled)
What guru school did you attend?

We can start there.....

HI GARY COONS YOU PERVERT.......................

LETS TALK....................

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 25, 2009 03:56AM

Here's another post you can bring to Gary Coons....

Hi Gary.
Again...I am interviewing applicants for spiritual guru....
Can you answere this question.

Considering the fact that homosexual acts between consenting adults IS LEGAL in the USA.....
What sort of man would persue a woman accross state lines in the hopes of appearing to be in a sexual relationship with her....if that particular woman had a CLEARLY STATED AND LEGAL RIGHT TO PURSUE WOMEN INSTEAD....BECAUSE SHE HAD AN....UM.....AVERSSION TO THE MEN.....

A) A good and god seeking man who wanted to rescue that woman from a sin filled life told
him to....
B) A man who derives sexual gratification by forcing himself on a human being who clearly has no interest
C) A pedaphile who wants to give the appearance that he is not a pedaphile.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Two Worlds ()
Date: October 25, 2009 04:07AM

Rules of the forum: "Vitriolic posts that personally attack people, will not be tolerated and are grounds for banning the author from this message board. Any person that is here to cause trouble, start arguments and/or intimidate people, will be banned."

Your posts are blatantly violating these rules, especially since you make very severe and harsh accusations and statements using a persons first and last name.

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