Two Worlds- I've been thinking about what you wrote, and you're right- without announcing it, gary has taken over the position. I guess I see him a little differently in that I always wondered if JH was full of it, or believed what he was saying. Gary has a different air about him- I believe he is sincere, and maybe disillusioned in the same way the youth are - being taught for years and years they are something different and special, with the world's fate basically on their shoulders. That's something I just thought of when reading your post. We are constantly told that what we do essentially decides the world's course- the whole negative energy bounces back, and causes things, like the tsunami. That somehow we cause these things because we have a biger responsibility than "normal" people. So yes, I do see the cult behavior here. I don't even see some of the things taught as being negative on their own- a lot of it is actually positive, but it's the context that surrounds it.
Another difference I see between Gary and JH is the motivation. Not sure what it is now except trying to hold together something he believes in wholeheartedly. He still collects tithe, yes, but I also know that only about 50% of people are paying it at this point. As far as a compound like living arrangement- the only one I know of is The V family, and it's pretty much just their family.
Maybe it's the subtlety of things that makes me question what we really are. It's easy to look at Waco, Jonestown, FLDS, etc, and see clear-cut destructive groups. It's not so easy to see when I look around and see people who come accross quite successful, well-adjusted, warm and relaxed- people who seem to interact just as well with the "outside" world as with eachother. It is subtle.
I was among those coming home from retreats flying high- with a new sense of purpose to my life. It has slowly eroded through the years. But I don't see my life as purposeless. I try not to let the group dictate my life, and I can only make sure my own children are raised with a less delusional self-image. It's tricky to strike that balance. My family is still 100% devoted. Again, it's tricky. I appear to be a part of things. I don't question- in order to not stir the pot with my own family. I've never felt that we aren't allowed to question things, and it has actually been encouraged by the leadership, but most won't question because of fear that their own family will disapprove, and that can be a powerful thing.
I agree with you. Gary is not a manipulator but he does have an extreme reverence for JH. All his teachings reflect this, and he constantly states Abba said this or taught that. I believe he is trying to hold things together for a variety of reasons, I am not totally sure either. I don’t think the teachings were all bad either. I still gain spiritual strength from some teachings. That is one of the things that enable people to slowly overcome the ridiculous teachings, when some teachings are founded on strong spiritually. However I don’t feel it is very minimal or subtle. It may be hard to recognize but it has caused severe confusion, split or loss of identities, loss of meaning and purpose, pain, fear, disillusionment and a feeling of not belonging anywhere, due to constant severe psycholgical, emotional and spiritual manipulation. It doesn't seem as if this is the case for you and that is good. I know my children will not tell their children these delusional things. That I am sure of. There are very phanatical young people as well. Visit CO if you want to see compound like. This is a residual cult with tons of collateral damage. I see things waning. However they have waned and apparently disappeared before, only to rise again. It doesn't really matter. The cult was a clear, clear cult formed by JH and has caused irreparable damage to many people that will last a lifetime. I am glad you feel free of that and feel it was just a passing stage of your life and if you just go get a career and family outside the group all is well. Others do not feel that way. There are reasons my family members and many others do not feel as free. The fear of telling others is primarily the most debilitating reason. I don't know how you feel it would affect you if you told anyone, but I know from personal experience that it is bad. I know of grown children who have been ostracized for this as well. Most young or older people don't want to risk this, lack of belief or not.