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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 19, 2009 05:45AM

Oh Pequa,
Sorry. I just re read your post. Worried about posting? OK. Yeh, watch out for the people who pm you. Beyond everythingnow was not the only person to try and contact me off the boards to find out who I know. Just listen to the board monitor. He's right. Don't give anyone your private info unless you are willing to let the group know who you are. Some people, like me, don't care if they know. But you might want to stay anonymous so my opinion...don't trust the pm you get from persons who claim they left the group, that is...if you want to remain anonymous to the group.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: pequagirl ()
Date: October 22, 2009 11:21AM

I do want to remain anonymous but i am not even sure why! Why do people want to know who we know? What are they worried about? If I have a friend who decides to leave the Methodist church and become an Episcopalian, oh well. No big deal. That's one of the things that makes this so creepy; I'm creeped out and I don't even know why. First I thought it was because the group was worried about persecution but now i think no one is out to persecute them or even worry about them except those of us who have loved ones there. It's amazing how so much has happened over these years and no one in family told me anything. Just, oh yeah, we're moving off the Island. It's too crowded. and, oh, by the way, so is most of the St. Johns congregation and some from East Meadow as well. Did that all start happening after the newsday article?
Sallie, I have printed out all of the posts and I plan to reread them. I would love to put this all together in my head. I wish I knew who to trust to get the truth but if we knew what the truth was..........

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 23, 2009 12:15PM

My Good Name:

I think it can be very healthy to talk about what happened to you. I think when someone opens up about what happened to them this is a very good thing. If it is something that they heard happened, that should be mentioned so things do not get confusing.
Do you mean that you think people should be careful to explain if something is ''hear say'' before they post it?
That's a good point.
I agree.
If I had a Newsday clipping about a group member's interaction with a non group member from the 1990s do you think it would be less confusing than some hear say postings?

Or if I posted an arrest record of a group member's interactions with a non group member...would that be less confusing than hear say?

You know, for their probably is best that the members stay isolated. Non group members have a tendncey to react with such anger toward behaviors that....well...a group member would just ''lovingly accept and then let go''.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: pequagirl ()
Date: October 23, 2009 11:28PM

Sallie- that's true- that's the response (accept and let go) I got when I mentioned the Newsday article about the "passing of the seed"!

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 24, 2009 02:19AM

About 35 years ago when I was in grade school George Orwell was a big deal. Are you familiar with ''think speak''? If I remember correctly it was a term he used in his book ''1999''. Think Speak was a new way of talking introduced by ''Big Brother''. ''Big Brother''(who was actually the ruling power of government) simplified the language of the masses in order to simplify thought....making the masses easier to control..
So I just thank the good Lord that we live in a country where speech is still free. So is thought. I can think about and hold onto and dwell on whatever I want. As the board monitor pointed out, warning others of our experiences is part of a healing. In that way we feel like we can stop a cycle of deception.
I will NEVER let go of truthe. I will NEVER embrace falsehood, lies and deception.
There was an author...Alice something...Miller I think. She came out of the Nazi era in Germany and wrote a book which was called ''For Your Own Good''. She's a psychologist. She asserted that in Germany there were
abused children who, in her belief, suffered a worse fate than Holocaust victims. Her reasoning was that the ''outsiders'', whether they were Jews or Gypsies or whoevers....those outsiders who were persecuted by the Nazis had the ''right'' and ''ability'' to hate their abusers and to believe that the abuse was wrong.
Those ''within'' the Nazi group who were being brutalized also had the added burden of having to ''accept'' acts of abuse as if it were ''for their own good''.
I realize this cult does not physically torture.
Nonetheless they are bad because they are raising up youth to accept things that the government of the USA doesn't consider legal. That's the psychological abuse.
Don't let anyone tell you what to think. And as long as it is legal, say whatever you want.
Years ago I had problems with family who are still on the fringe of this group. I just kept answering them by saying...''that's a lie and we both know it''.
To my shock and sickening dismay a loved one of mine went into a zombie like trance and started spewing out what sounded like a rehersed speech about ''truth''.....
Unfortunately it is a fact that these people really do not believe that what has been perceived is.....truth.
They believe something bizarre is truth. If no one is hurt than love abounds and that is truth. Anger and hurting is part of a non-truth dimension....something bizarre like that......
My head spins trying to remember....never mind repeat the outrageousness......

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: October 24, 2009 02:27AM

You were told to ''let go'' of the Newsday passing of the seed article?????????
You mean the article which says that the seed was actually sperm and that ''passing it'' meant ejacuting on 16 year old boys????? That article?
I don't let go of it.
Why should anyone let go??????
The ''leaders'' of this community are grown men who accepted the proffessed deity of Jack Hickman after they knew that he ejaculated on 16 year old boys repeatedly in order to keep the lineage of Jesus in tact.
I'm not letting go of that.
I'm holding onto it.....
Anyone got a problem with that????????????????????????????????
Cause if they do I can post a few more articles about some other members......
Do I sound angry?????
If I am then just....accept it and ....let it go.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: My Good Name ()
Date: October 24, 2009 04:37AM

Anyone got a problem with that????????????????????????????????
Cause if they do I can post a few more articles about some other members......
Do I sound angry?????
If I am then just....accept it and ....let it go.

Please post a few more articles if you have them. I have only been able to find about four or five articles including the Newsday one. All the others ones but one have anything of interest.

I found this one that has some good info in it. The most interesting part is on the last page. It has a border around it.


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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Two Worlds ()
Date: October 25, 2009 12:48AM

rrmoderator: I think what Good NAme means is that there are two distinctly different catagoires of people on here. Some are involved in an ongoign struggle due to lost faith yet still apprearing to be involved and not being able to let others know. Others have not been involved in this at all for 30 yeard and are holding on to this very long past injury when at thiass time they should have started healing. They are asking for names and beyondeverything was bullying people for information, which is he is invloved he should know and if he isn't manes are unimportant. Thank-you for realizing this and banning him from the site.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Two Worlds ()
Date: October 25, 2009 12:56AM

I have an ongoing struggle in my life that can't be resloved without being ostracized. It is all around me. I live in the middle of it. I am not dangerous because of my age nor are others my age dangerous. We are trapped. Our children are trapped too. Not because of something that happened 30 years ago but because of TODAY and everyday with no end in sight. Grown children are actually Jewsih, through conversion or being raised Jewish. No one tried to invade the Jewish community. Some people just sought a mainstream outlet for their sincere beliefs. Being Jewish and not believing all the other teachings and knowing they are beyond far fetched is crazy making, discouraging and causes grown youth to have a great great struggle finding their palce in life. It has nothing at all to do with articles that were written 30 years ago. It is a present day reality.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Two Worlds ()
Date: October 25, 2009 01:09AM

Jack Hickman was a very adept insidious cult leader. Gary is not. He clearly believes all that Jack Hickman taught and he is some one who sincerely seeks God. He may have some underlying financial motivation and desire to perpetuate the name of Jack Hickman, because this is the tie that keeps the group together. Jack' teachings are taught and quoted constantly, as if the word of God.

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