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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: My Good Name ()
Date: September 30, 2009 09:56AM

Two Worlds

I don't know whether or not Gary lied or if he struggles in his beliefs of all that Jack Hickman taught, but I do know that he has a deep and strong faith in God and strives to grow in his relationship with God every single day. He definitely is not faking his pursuit of a strong spiritual life. I know that when he was asked a very hard question about homsexuaity in the past, he answered truthfully. Gary is a victim. He has great allegiance and love for his abuser and this is his struggle.

Was his abuser Jack?

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: pequagirl ()
Date: September 30, 2009 09:50PM

Do many (some? all? any?) of the remaining group still accept Jack's teachings or have they moved beyond and are they trying to find new paths with Gary as they look back at some of the strange things Jack insisted on. It doesn't seem so since they are still intermarrying and seem to be keeping themselves separate. Do they still revere Jack as a holy man and prophet or do some now think he was ???? (delusional? crazy? manipulative? ) If Gary believed in Jack, what did Jack believe in? Where did he get his teaching? Who was teaching him while he was pastoring St. Johns waiting for his moment to reveal himself? It all seemed so organized an orchestrated- even the school (Bet El?) I should have been asking these questions for the last 30 or so years.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Fallen 49r ()
Date: October 04, 2009 03:46AM

It doesn't seem so since they are still intermarrying and seem to be keeping themselves separate.

This is to be expected no matter the state of things though. Decades of exclusivity have yielded some really unique results, many of them being positive, too. In the beginning the group was simply a hodgepodge of strangers, but they became a community that, given 4 generations, has now evolved into several large families that are mostly interrelated. We have friends whose parents were friends before us. We have friends who are friends of our entire extended family. They intermarry because childhood romances are picked up again, because your family already knows and trusts the person, because you've been on the same rollercoaster ride as they have, etc. They keep themselves separate because we were all born into this, and the fact that it started as strangers, some 40 years ago, is such a far-gone reality; we are family now, blood and otherwise.

The catch is that some of these relationships, even blood, are only as strong as your commitment to the group. When so many youth have grown up without Jack, knowing "the family" to be "their friends" more than anything, it's hard to standby and watch the older generation try to force this ideology upon them. Many of the youth just to keep their friendships, but live their own lives.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: My Good Name ()
Date: October 08, 2009 07:33AM

One of the key beliefs of the cult is that they think they are adopted into the family of Jesus bloodline. Here is what a few experts have to say about that.


Steve Olson, author of Mapping Human History: Genes, Race, and Our Common Origins, published an article in Nature demonstrating that, as a matter of statistical probability:
f anyone living today is descended from Jesus, so are most of us on the planet.

Historian Ken Mondschein ridiculed the notion that the bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene could have been preserved:

Infant mortality in pre-modern times was ridiculously high, and you'd only need one childhood accident or disease in 2,000 years to wipe out the bloodline … keep the children of Christ marrying each other, on the other hand, and eventually they'd be so inbred that the sons of God would have flippers for feet.

Talk about fish people . . .


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Locations and Dummie companies
Date: October 10, 2009 03:13AM

is there family in other areas besides Maine and Colorado?

can anyone expand on the family in Penn, No Carolina, Florida and Texas?

what about the dummy companies?

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Truth and nothing but the Truth
Date: October 10, 2009 09:25AM

i never left the community/family. my name was unjusticely slandered, and i've been ostracized.

i was never given a reason why.

i have many unanswered questions that need answering to establish the facts.

also, i want to keep up to date with the teachings and with what is happening.

reply via PM.

let me know if you are open to emailing or email chatting or talking on the phone.

Peace & Love, Richard

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Re: Jack Hickman
Date: October 10, 2009 12:03PM

who or what are the fish people?

why are they the enemies of the community?

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Fallen 49r ()
Date: October 11, 2009 02:01AM

In response to your PM, beyondeverythingnow:

You have no right to know who I am, where I live, how old I am, etc.

I don't know any of those people, and consequently, I believe all of this stopped having any relevance to you decades ago.

Just as My Good Name implied, I find your inquiry as to names, locations, etc untrustworthy and undeserving.

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Re: Truth and nothing but the Truth
Posted by: Two Worlds ()
Date: October 11, 2009 06:28AM

I think if someone is legitamately seeking any kind of spiritual truth, related to this subject or any other spirtual path, there are more sensible ways to go about it than looking on a website entitled Abusive and Controlling relationships.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Date: October 11, 2009 06:32AM

there can be no healing without Truth. ;-)

i have no goulish interests. i have always been involved. i never left.

i have not reached any conclusions. i am interested in Truth. The Truth will set you Free. :-)

i care about everyone that has been hurt.

i asked Two Worlds how he knows that Gary has a deep and strong faith in God and strives to grow in his relationship with God every single day. he didnt give me an answer. i wonder why? ;-)

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