Re: Trumpet Call of God
Date: March 23, 2009 01:31AM
frogla, thanks so much for the new information, it was a big help. I read through some of "Timothy's" and his wife's dreams. Odd. Here I think is a very telling thing in Timothy's own words from his site:
"I have not accepted even one penny for the Letters, nor do I plan to...the Word of God is free to all!
I do not have any previous learning in Scripture, no degrees of any kind, nor have I attended seminary, nor have I received any teaching from any pastor, minister, etc., nor have I been to church...I must remain separate from those whom God wishes me to give His message to, lest I become biased toward a certain denomination. I do, however, gather together with many others for Bible Study every Sabbath."
This information from Timothy is important. He admits he is a complete dumbass in dealing with centuries of Biblical study, biblical archeological advances and Christian studies in general.
More importantly he claims he "Must remain separate from those whom God wishes me to give his message to lest I become baised toward a certain denomination..."
This is telling. Didn't Jesus supposedly preach to the learned Rabbis? Why does he avoid anyone with a thimblefull of knowledge about scripture? Simple. They would tear this delusional fraud apart.
He makes the claim that God and Jesus are speaking to him (in dreams) and telling him that is composing "The Final Testament".
How many religions/movements/cults make this same claim: Islam, LDS (Mormons), David Koresh at Waco Texas, etc.
He claims he doesn't accept one thin dime. Well, someone pays for his bandwidth and I doubt it's him.
QUESTION: Does your friend's husband, or others you may know, give him money?
He may be 100% sincere in his belief that he and his wife are being spoken to by God. Benny Hinn believes it to be so as well. Just because you believe with all your heart doesn't make it so. This man is a fraud and self-deluded. If your friend's husband had any formal biblical study he would not be following this no talent ass-clown. I will continnue digging on this guy. Any additional information you can give me and other forum members will be helpful...
In other words,