Barron, Theohumanity, claims Emotional Body Entlightment (EBE) as a need for real entligthment. He offers EBE courses and seminars (mostly held in Amerika, Ahsland, and Germany), lead by himseld and so called from his acknowledged facilitators.
One of his facilitators is a woman called Heidi [M.] and she was the first facilitator in Germany and she was leading groups since 2004. She was also the one to get Barron into Germany. (Barron lives now in Hamburg, Germany).
Up till december 2007 she had been more or less the Theohumanitypope in Germany and was fully scheduled for 2008, but is now suddenly not availably anymore, because she has no real heart, according to Barron. Since then facilitants are asked from the Theohumanity to come to open forums to tell how [Heidi M.] has damaged their EBE processes.
Up till now, I haven't found any clues to this behaviour of Barron.
I know [Heidi M.] as a very competent facilitator, and she must have been that too up till december let alone for the fact all other german facilitators has been trained by her.
When you asked somthing about this, no facilitator may say something on it. They are all forbidden to talk on it by Barron.
The more this so to call EBE movement grows, the more this Barron claims new things one has to have done before you'll be realy entligthend. It really sucks.
EBE as a therapy is very much like innerchildtherapy and transactional analysis. Without all the entligthment bogus it could be a good therapy, but as Barron offers it, its becoming a dangerous cult.
On his website he said on the question of cultism: "In summary, no Buddhist teacher until now has ever offered a criticism of their own outworn paradigm and then also backed it up with a new and radical self-validating path of consciousness maturation: that is all Theohumanity does, and only offers that what it teaches may be something you might consider considering. As such, those who view Theohumanity as cultic, or would even say that this article is cultic, and will not investigate its teachings for themselves, or examine the possibility that their difficulty with it may be emotionally or spiritually wound-based, and instead make misinformed judgments from a distance without making a deeper study of it related to how much Theohumanity threatens their overattachment to their present belief-systems, will never consider that what they are actually criticizing may be a self-validating path to their own emotional healing and spiritual maturity, and thus a truer access to the Love and Light of which everything and not-thing is mysteriously made."
(see: [] )
It's well said, so that nobody who hasn't done the full EBE-Barron trip, is able to say something against it. Barron is therewith the great one and only allknower, and all others are only speaking and doing from their not yet healed childhoodwounds and therefor immature and not worth to be heared. It really stinks. Also the faciltator requirments are too much: Commitment to strictly minimize any and all social/private contacts with facilitants, and that group EBE activity involving social interaction be limited to a few times yearly.
(see: [] )
Because of this requirment longterm freindships has been stoped. Asked why this is required, the answer is because it can violate your proces. Preciously this requirement has violated several people I know fully.
Another is: Agrees to never engage in any form of sexual touching or activity whatsoever with a facilitant, and if mutual desire for personal relationship with a facilitant does occur, to immediately cease facilitator/facilitant roles, consult with EBE Institute staff, and give adequate time to explore possible contributory unconscious unhealthy motives to the attraction.
This would be a good one, but mister Barron has violated it himself, has even married one of his students and she was also suddenly acknowledge as facilitator. I would not trust my dog to her.
Ex-followers, facilitants, are so damaged and full fear of telling something on their proces because they are fully indoctrinated by the entligthmentidea so that as long they're not entligthend they are not able to be objective.
I hope to get in contact through this forum with (family of) (ex) facilitants and (ex) facilitators to get an open discussion on this topic and find legal means to stop this Barroncult befor it grows too big and to make EBE a normal accessable therapy without all the entligthmenttrips and secrecy. Please send ideas and comment to get this done to my emailadress. Thanks a lot. Greetings Jos. (My english is not so well because I'm from Holland.)
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/01/2008 09:29PM by rrmoderator.