This follows from the Photographer section in the post above the one above.
[Note: per copyright protest by MP the following it a summary quoting MP material from previous post within "fair use" guidelines for the purpose of a critical review]"Empowering Intent: Stripping away the outside world."
And participants "sign yet another agreement and taking away his name and giving him a number."
Everything is designated including "pend, name tags, flashlight" and a "candle."
There is an "On site Release Form."
Leaders are instructed to say: "Read this carefully and look at me when you're done!"
Initiates are told "don't talk about your experience when you leave here, don't copy it, don't talk about anybody else when you leave here, and don't hurt anyone while you're here."
Some pivotal points during the training:
"Each initiate basks for a moment in the light as he descends into darkness."
"Each man directly confronts the ultimate questions of life he gets a brief vision of a higher purpose (sacred king & mission) before he continues the descent into chaos and blackness."
Again, there seems to be some manipulation of this process as the "King/Elder" is told "Make real statements of inquiry, light questions. This permits more room to not answer, as many men will not have any answer. We want at this point for initiates to 'hear' and hold the question. You may be surprised by the deep (perhaps archetypal) recognition men display when they feel these questions. You may see or feel them jump, jolt or startle."
There is a "ritual elder serving as the symbolic 'king' ...with a candles placed so as to illuminate both your eyes and the initiates eyes."
Could this be hypnosis?
More choreographed rituals carefully scripted follow more "eye contact" a "blessing" and "prayrer."
There is scripted Q and A with "King/Elder" asking the questions allowing "15 seconds" for a response. And whatever the initiate says the leader says "Thank you."
There is again some acknowledgement of the power of the "process," which "may snap the men from a deeply emotional place of soul to more spiritual cognitive place."
And over the "three days of the NWTA the theme gets planted (1), nurtured (2), tilled (3) and harvested."
"King/Elder" also "plants the idea of mission and service as one of the first things during the greeting Friday night."
"New brothers" then "know their mission and the inner king whom they serve as New Warriors."
MP notes distintions between categories of men such as thos "under 30" and "Men in mid life (age 34 45)."
Then the "Initiates surrender some more of the security of their outside world" and the leader is to "Begin stripping initiates of personal items."
This includes "all jewelry, keys, money, electrical devices, sacred objects,
tobacco, weapons, drugs, time pieces, and food."
This is thne sealed in a "bag" and put "into contraband room."
"Escorts" are used to "firmly guide...initiates to where they need to go."
Firm commands are given such as "Sit there" or "Stand here."
Again, there are detailed and choreographed rituals timed to the second such as bringing initiates to "the pit" at times "blindfolded."
There is an "Escort Coordinator."
Initiates lose "worldly attachments by removing his personal stuff." This stuff is referred to as "identity items."
Every command in this process is scripted such as "Put your stuff on this table," "Open it," "Take everything out" and "Hurry up."
"Reading material" is "confiscated."
The emphasis of seemingly endless scripted questions apparently is submission, obedience and ultimately surrender.
MP initiates are reduced to a number. Staffers ask, "Who are you, number __ ?" Staffers then "repeat" this "with variation as often as needed."
MP explains, "we want the initiate to acknowledge his number as part of
getting him to lighten up on his current identity."
Beginning to sound a bit like "brainwashing"?
See []
"Why are you here?" and "How is this like your life?" MP uses this as what it calls "throwaways." They "don't expect or wait for an answer and accept any answer."
The purpose of all this is "to stimulate some self questioning under pressure and keep [initiates] off balance."
Participants even go through "The Pat Down" a personal search, which MP says "is partially an intimidation process." Staffers are told to "make careful notes about "men with extremely resistant attitudes for accountability team and future reference."
During the MP weekend "initiates are suddenly left in the dark for deeper contemplation and reflection." This helps them to begin "feeling the descent."
Staffers are coached by MP to show "some feelings of anger" and "notice that some asshole" has done something wrong.
Again, this all seems to be a process of breaking down initiates.
MP says "We model a sense of safety within the male intensity of male conflict in which initiates feel strangely safe."
MP says its "training is about taking a look at the shadow, that in ourselves we repress, hide and deny. We look at how our lives as men work or don't work. You could resist, but that is not why you came."
But MP claims this is "educational, and not therapeutic."
The following steps are outlined by MP regarding a process of "accountability."
"Confront with his behavior"
"Ask 'Why'"
"Challenge explanations and excuses."
Coclusion: "Nothing happens by chance" and "There are no accidents."
MP defines "integrity" as "taking responsibility for your life, owning all of who we are, including the shadow."
And "Being accountable means being in integrity."
The stated goals of the MP "accountability" proces are to:
"introduce the concept of 'shadow"
"Break patterns of rationalization and victim."
"Connect consequences to personal choice"
"Get past some identity defenses in getting how and why we do things"
"Feel the forgiveness of honoring shadow through 'make ups'"
"Create safety by demonstration of our ability to handle confrontation"
"Learn that honorable men can be accountable to each other"
"At end, repeat opening Shadow statement."
MP has what it calls a "secret male ritual."
This includes scripted recitations regarding the importance of "commitment, " and to keep MP's practices "secret."
MP states, "All of the processes we do are secret."
And almost like a mantra MP wants its participants to know "This is not a therapy group this is an educational training."
Similar to other LGATs that understand "therapy" is something you might need to be licensed for and that might also require professional credentials.
Initiates are told that the "training...will challenge [them] both physically and emotionally."
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2010 02:35AM by rrmoderator.