feldspar, I spent some time reading on the yahoo web you gave. Pretty eye opening stuff. I do understand what you mean about that forum. A lot of bickering between a handful of people, with neither side giving an inch.
I've got on too - and posted a couple of comments so should get some hairs on end - I think the best thing I can do there is promote some real debate!
I had never heard of the sex toy used in Ctalk. That seemed to gross me out. I was surprised that the men would hold it while speaking. I guess by that point so many barriers had been broken down, they just went along with whatever was suggested.
Mind control in action.
The information I have received in these last few weeks from the people here has been so helpful. It is hard to resist an "enemy" that you do not know. I understand the phrase - keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. I do not think my husband will ever associate with this group again. I am one of the lucky ones.
I trully hope he doesn't - this is the most overpriced commodity I have ever come across!
I keep thinking of all the women, who have read the literature and blindly believe it. You have to admit the literature, and the websites have everything a wife would want for her husband.
Clever semantics are at play with these people, very slick presentation. Completely empty rhetoric when any thought applied! Reminds me of the UK tory and labour parties - and the republicans on your side of the water!
This has taught me a very valuable lesson. Be wary of anyone who promises the sun, moon, and stars and a life of perfection if you just follow their path. There will always be a hidden agenda behind those promises.
We are but small people, disposable. I thought I was a cynic that had come across all the deprived human conditions - how did I miss all this?? - though as I have stated before, the UK seems a little less prone to these LGAT's - for now - we always seem to import everything a few years later!
There are a lot of people desperate to cling to one ideology or another, be it Christian, Buddhist, Socialist, Capitalist, Nihilst - is this the inherent human weakness? The need to comply to a higher power? We are the higher power!!!! When will we get over this collective madness?!