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Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement, Orville Richardson, Alcor
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 13, 2009 05:14AM

Its interesting, according to the 2nd article, the family wanted the 50K back from Alcor, and that is when Alcor then went after them.
So it does appear that Alcor was perfectly happy that they had Orville Richardson's 50K, and didn't have to spend any of it.

How many other cryonics cases does Alcor allow to slide between the cracks, and not do anything?
One notices how no one in the cryonics field, even asks about that.

What if Alcor also takes money from various elderly people, and then just does nothing when they die?
No one would even know about it, in most cases.

According to the article, Alcor didn't make a fuss until the family wanted the 50K back, that Alcor scooped from an elderly man for doing nothing.

How much in COMMISSIONS did those who signed this man up get?

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Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: June 13, 2009 09:11AM

OPEN THE TANKS. Full disclosure. Are the people who bought "immortality" actually accounted for?

This is a case for the State's Attorney General to protect people's investments. This is a clear question of business accountability.


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Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Anon1 ()
Date: June 15, 2009 07:54PM

Here is yet another twisted post from “unperson.” Notice how he trys to tie cryonics in with the bible. Hmmmm, pass the Kool-Aid.

“The thing is that we have to get people to sign up. People believe in the bible. The bible tells them that jesus is fighting a final battle against death. The bible tells them that faithful followers of jesus will live on the land forever. The bible tells them that to be faithful followers of jesus, they must raise the dead. I have posted these quotes from the bible with citations here and on cryonet.

The bible tells us that god helps those who help themselves. Cryonics is simply doing god's work as a disciple of god.

if you want to live forever, like the bible says you can, you have to do it via cryonics.

Earthly deeds as a follower of jesus are the road to immortality. The bible says so.

If we want protestants to sign up for cryonics, all we have to do is be preachers and preach this sermon. Again and again and again.

You have to reach them through their desire for immortality. And cryonics just MIGHT give us immortality. We don't know what the distant future may bring. Why, in our hubris, should we shut off the possibility of immortality via cryonics, via science? Especially when it is the only way we can go mainstream...when it is the only way we can make cryonics work for ourselves as well? We have to use the bible to persuade people that science and cryonics can give them immortality and that the bible says that they MUST do this to become immortal.”


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Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Anon1 ()
Date: June 16, 2009 11:56AM

Back a few days ago I wrote Mr. Ross an email requesting that he consider creating a "Group Information Archive" for the Alcorian cult. He has so kindly done so. According to the email from Mr. Ross the new archive will be up in a few days. He is starting the archive with three links from three national media sources that reference Alcor. The archive will be called "Alcor Life Extension Foundation."

Please help me out by thanking Mr. Ross for recognizing the fact that the Alcorians are a potentially dangerous group and please feel free to add links to anything that will help me incriminate this cult.

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WARNING: Alcor, Cryonics, cults, any contact could be dangerous
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 16, 2009 12:37PM

Its very important that people are warned beforehand about what is going on in cryonics at this time.
Its not what most people think.

They are using many techniques on the public that people are not aware of.

and if an elderly person goes to one of these so-called "Life Extension" conferences, what if a team of slick cryonics salespeople get their fingers into this person?
They are able to persuade people to sign complex contracts, and hand over large sums of money in a short period of time.

And as seen by the current fights going on, if a cryonics company gets ANY contact with an elderly person, there is a good chance, they are going to try to get the family into a court, to try to gain access to the body, and the estate.
So then entire familes are split apart.

And now they are using many techniques to try and break familes apart beforehand.

They are talking about getting the power of attorney over elderly people, and then taking control of their entire estate. Some are talking about putting restraining orders against one's own family.

And now they are going after a family, to get a corpse taken out of the grave.

Name one group or cult that would go that far?

Worse, some of the more intense cryonics believers literally don't believe in "death". Some of them believe that healthy people should be literally "frozen" when healthy and alive. That would be assisted suicide.
They are literally trying to establish a Venturist cryonics religion, with a religious exemption to autopsies, in an area where they have undue influence with the local authorities and coroner.

And they want to build their own cryonics community, where older people go to die.
Put that all together, and you have the potential where elderly people could be "put on the table" while still alive, and then injected and frozen. Then who would even know what happened, with no autopsy?
Also, when the person dies, all their money would go to the cryonics company.
That is the worse conflict of interest on the planet.

It can't get much worse than that.
And the list above is probably only 10% of the problem with these cryonics companies. Many more problems are listed in the thread, including threats and attacks on those who criticize them.

The handful of people running these cryonics companies have the potential to be running one of the more dangerous groups out there.
As ANY contact with them, they are going to try to turn into a way to get their hands on the estate of that person when they die.

So the only rational position is to have ZERO contact with any of the cryonics companies out there today. Its too dangerous, it could ruin your family.
As after you are dead, they could tie your family up in a fight over the estate for years.

Any contact whatsoever with these current cryonics companies, is putting your entire family at risk after your death. That is a fact, just look at what is going on right now.

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Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Anon1 ()
Date: June 18, 2009 12:26AM

Here is further evidence of the cryonic/Alcorian cult mentality. The following is a quote from “Cold Filter.” This is no different than the tactics utilized by many other cults.

“My objective is to use the bible to get american christians to sign up for cryonics.”


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Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement and deceptive techniques
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 18, 2009 06:56AM

yes, that is one of the main criteria's of any cultish group.
The use of manipulative techniques and deception in recruiting people.
Bait and Switch
Some of the cryonics people want to use people's religious impulses for Immortality, and get people to transfer that onto cryonics. Its being deliberately set-up.

They deceive with their language they use, when the real factual language is in the larger documents, their sales material is full of deceptive fluff-words.

Others use exaggerated scare tactics.
And they are targeting vulnerable elderly people.

Immortality and denial of death, FEAR, and financial exploitation.

the cryonics companies meet nearly every criteria for even classic "cults".

Ten warning signs []

Never mind that there is an entire business system set-up which is a upselling scam.
They tell people that cryonics is easy and cheap, just a small insurance payment. Then once you are hooked, they start upselling, trying to get more cash up-front, power of attorney, and to take control of the entire estate and the corpse.

The way these fringe cryonics companies are operating, are really no different than some classic Sci-Fi cults. In some ways, they are worse, as they don't just want money, they want to dig up dead people, and they will take grieving families to court.

There is not one mainstream cult that goes as far as that, although many cultish groups do try to get their hands on the entire estate as well.

Any contact with the cryonics companies is very dangerous, as if they get ANY paper-trail about anything, they could go after your family after you are dead.
So the cryonics groups are bad, and could get much much worse if they get their way. They want to get 10x as big, or even 100x as big.

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Cryonics, Cults, and religious impulses for Immortality
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 19, 2009 03:41AM

There is more info around about how some cryonics people want to use religion to lure more people into cryonics.

There is someone who is claiming to be an atheist, who says that when cryonics fully embraces the techniques of the charismatic TV Preachers, then they will get thousands of people joining.
Notice they have absolutely no qualms about using deception to dupe people.
It will not be surprising if some of the cryonics companies start a sideline group or a "front-group", that will aggressively promote cryonics as a new type of religion to the mass public.
They want to use the hardwired human desire for personal immortailty, and focus that on cryonics, which is already happening.

"one charismatic TV preacher in one year would have 20 thousand new cryos signed up"

There are also various comments about Cryonics Religions.

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Luke Parrish, Cryonics, "deanimation" assisted suicide
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 19, 2009 04:21AM

Its almost unbelievable how far some of the beliefs of some cryonics believers go.
Some of them literally don't believe in death. They are trying to call it "deanimation".
This falls in with all of the other cryonics "jargon" they are using. And using "jargon" is actually another criteria for a cult.
Why is it the Luke Parrish is literally starting to sound like a mouthpiece for the cryonic Venturists?

QUOTE:"We need to get the foundations in place for a law that allows intentional deanimation with regards to cryonics regardless of whether assisted suicide or euthenasia is allowed in that jurisdiction."

This is all EXTREMELY dangerous stuff, in the cultic area. Where people start to believe that there is "no death" and that suicide, and "assisted suicide" (murder) are ok.
How many cultic groups have gotten people commit "suicide" as they didn't believe that "death exists", and that they were taking them to heaven, a spaceship, or another dimension?
Sadly, there have been many cases of this.

Even Melody Maxim, who generally makes good comments, seems to be more concerned with the image of cryonics, and not the potential dangers?
This is not just idle chit-chat, there are cases on record already in cryonics where these exact problems have come up, with real people.

Why is assisted suicide illegal? Not for just religious reasons, or ethical reasons. Its a complex issue.
Its due to human nature. There are some twisted people out there, who will literally want to expedite the death process, for their own purposes, maybe for inheritance reasons, for example.

And in terms of cryonics, if they have the power of attorney, and they could use assisted-suicide with NO AUTOPSY, that is a recipe for disaster. How would anyone know if there was foul-play?

Even worse, there are plenty of cryonics people who talk about "deanimating" when they are healthy.
What is that?
That is the suicide of a healthy person.
And some cryonics people talked about doing this with children. That is murder, of course.
That is sick stuff.

If a troubled person can get convinced that "deanimating" (getting killed then frozen) when they are healthy is a good option, some people will do that.
That is suicide.
But if they are conned into believing that "death is not death" that is literally the EXACT same position various cults have moved into, where there have been deaths. Real deaths, of real people, that is not a theory.

Any sort of assisted-suicide has to be considered murder, to deter people from doing it to others.
What a nightmare, if there could be so-called "deanimating" assisted-suicide of healthy people, with NO AUTOPSY, and having the Estate transfered to the cryonics company!
What a disaster, if some cryonics "Foundation" could get to the point where they could do "assisted-suicide" on people, with no autopsy?

That is literally a recipe for murder. It madness, really.
That is an area where the cryonics "Foundations" have to be stopped.
By the way, Luke Parrish does sound like the Venturist Talking-Points PR person. Notice how he uses the word "Foundation", when in fact they are talking about a RELIGIOUS exemption to autopsies?
He's pushing the Venturist agenda, while the other Venturists remain pretty quiet.

It would be exactly like if Scientology, were able to "deanimate" Scientologists without any oversight by the authorities.

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Re: Luke Parrish, Cryonics, "deanimation" assisted suicide
Posted by: Anon1 ()
Date: June 19, 2009 09:30AM

You are exactly right Anticult. I make it a habit to visit our "Cold Filter" friends quite regularly. The more I visit the more my stomach turns. The only one who I believe has her head on straight (pardon the pun) is Melody Maxim. I have got a couple of news reporters turned on to the postings of Cold Filter as well as our postings here. I spoke with one last night who just cannot believe this is going on. I am sure there will be a story out soon about this.

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