Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: April 10, 2021 08:54PM

Jai Ludwig.

And Jai Ulrich Von Jungingen...Jai!


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: April 10, 2021 09:32PM

Poland for over 100 years was under partitions of Prussian, Austrian and Russian partition. Mr. Wittgenstein was born during the partitions. Polish society was oppressed, deprived of its national identity, and had limited opportunities to educate or accumulate property. Additionally, during the life of Mr. Wittgenstein, World Wars II broke out, where the Polish state lost 6 million victims in World War II, including 3 million Polish citizens and 3 mln Jews.

You have to be really ignorant to present a violent Austrian in Poland as an authority ...

A similar nonsense to the lecture by M. Midget, where he tells a Ukrainian woman about all the facilities in sense gratification, where Ukraine, due to oligarchic relations and the presence of Russia, is a poor country, and in Poland, Ukrainian women could earn 10 times more as a carer for elderly people and Poland was at that time 2 -3 times poorer per capita than, for example, the USA.

You have your great authority. Arrogance and ignorance.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2021 09:34PM by DaWatcher.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: April 10, 2021 09:41PM

DaWatcher Wrote:
> Jai Ludwig.
> And Jai Ulrich Von Jungingen...Jai!
> []

In the last scene, the heroes - the knights meet a girl - Jagna. She is a woman of flesh and blood, working, contrary to the previous love of the knight Zbyszko - Danusia - delicate, fragile and ephemeral. Symbolically, Jagna is an allusion to Yagya - Yajna - fire offering.

Whom do you want to teach here ...

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: April 10, 2021 10:56PM

When I embarked on this useless battle after I was called to do it, I spoke to a friend who had served directly in HI for decades. A faithful disciple.
I voiced my concerns. She was rather annoyed with me and said:
“I can assure you that those who are onsite serving, are very happy”.
I know another person who was banned for a few years just because she is not a doormat, a bit volatile and conflictual.
They even turned her son against her.
I saw her suffer for years. She is by war one of the most sincere souls I have ever met. And she has a very kind heart.
She even confessed to me that she had some suicidal thoughts at one point.
Still hanging out with them, always carrying that wound and never understanding the harsh treatment she got.
People are hostage of their attachement to Krishna and the security of having a community.
Being in this forum for a few months, I feel much more sorry for us than them.
If some people want to be led by a leash like dogs, be put into submission by the alphas of the pack, it is their choice. Because this is what it looks to me.
I dedicate this useless battle to all the sweet souls that took their lives including one of my friends.
My years at the SoI felt like being in limbo between heaven and hell.
Thankfully all the time that I was there, I was protected by the illusion that my spiritual master was “spotless”.
What you don’t know.......
If CB is the pure medium of God and that I am being punsihed for the elephant offense, it is best that it costed me my faith.
Time to free myself of the anger and resentment and focus on the good that I got from being a memeber of CB’s pack!
The doghouse days are over. I have graduated to the position of lone wolf.
I include the testimonial of Canada girl.
I hope that my friends and teachers (including CB) will know that I care about them. They can either see me as an offensive demon or someone who is helping them to wake the F up from this nightmare.
And that from now on they will be a bit more careful how they treat other devotees. Or treat each other.
A just Creator (whoever it might be)is watching and has watched for decades.
All the tears shed via abuse are held in the hands of a just God. It must be an ocean by now.
The same parasite cleanses that are imposed upon the servants should also be applied to the SoI.
Putting down my sword. Time to focus on much bigger battles.


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: April 10, 2021 11:43PM

Truth wins Wrote:
> “I can assure you that those who are onsite
> serving, are very happy”.

Vedic teaching is - you are checking everything yourself. Observation, the scriptures, God in heart. Any change in the teachings?

MLM methodology, hunny bunnies?

Anyway, I remember the account of the person who came back - it sounded different somehow ...

What about the testimonies of some initiated disciple - i remember some words "I feel that staying and hard working there i will loose my atraction to spiritual life". Something like that. With comments that spiritual life means doing something someone else wants us to do.

What went wrong?

> They even turned her son against her.
> I saw her suffer for years. She is by war one of
> the most sincere souls I have ever met. And she
> has a very kind heart.
> She even confessed to me that she had some
> suicidal thoughts at one point.
> Still hanging out with them, always carrying that
> wound and never understanding the harsh treatment
> she got.

Recall the spiritual achievements on LSD. How it changes the psyche, the nervous system. Drug visions ...

> I dedicate this useless battle to all the sweet
> souls that took their lives including one of my
> friends.

Not useless. Part of the verification process.

> My years at the SoI felt like being in limbo
> between heaven and hell.

True, experiences were controversial.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2021 11:46PM by DaWatcher.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: IanKoviak ()
Date: April 11, 2021 11:42PM

Nice article and great explanation of guru and temple culture.


Bhaktivedanta was very vocal about building ISKCON temples in every city. It was a goal of his that followers took very seriously. Ironically, it's not even vedic as this article points out. Yet they will use "vedic" and ancient as a major preaching tool to gain recruits.

Butler has focused much of his preaching and fellowship on white, middle-class followers who are more interested in playing guitar and living a health conscious lifestyle than any spiritual persuit. It's a money making venture. Many of his disciples make money on sculpting cute krishna statues or selling other things like dolls, art, tshirts and booklets about the krishna character. God is a commodity to them. Something to make money on. As long as you label it "karma yoga" you're fine.

The more you vacillate in you position and feelings with this cult the longer you keep your own self in a hellish mindset.

Toss your time with these clowns in the dustbin of time and never look back. I can assure you every ounce of it was nonsense. You thrived in comradary and idealism. You can again find this elsewhere if it's something you crave. No need to follow Butler and his gang of mindless fools. Life begins where fear ends, as it's said.

Nothing will happen to you, no offense has been committed. You called a fellow human being in thier bullshit. Big deal. You owe them nothing and the burden of responsibility lies with them. Thier making the bold claims of superiority and purity and holiness. You are just holding a mirror to them and asking if that is really what they see. If they do, well, ignorance is bliss, as it's said.

I would go a step further, and this was helpful to me 100 fold, abandon the idea of the krishna god. Start from scratch in your search. If it leads you back to krishna, so be it. I'm sure an all loving god will be eagerly awaiting your grovelling return to his lotus feet. After almost 20 years it has not been an attractive proposition to me. I feel free from that world of fanatics and misguided minds. At best I see vaishnavism as a colorful culture and footnote in religious history. By no means even mildly a philosophical systems worth a passing, entertaining glance. If it creates gurus like Butler and followers like his, I see no valid rationale to take it seriously. Sentimental fools trapped in their imagination. The alternative if you want to stay close to home would be Bhaktivedanta swami's hari krishna's it Gaudiya math. With their shaved heads and sikhas and history of irrational and fanatical behavior. The modern day hare krishna's may have reinvented their public image, but don't be fooled, it's still the same cult it always was. If you're honest and research it thoroughly you will find it's true in pretty much every one of these groups.

That is my personal hope in speaking against them here. To make it clear to those who still have a mind of thier own that their life is wasting away within this cult. Many have gotten out successfully and with no repercussions of detrimental outcome. If anything, they have thrived.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: April 12, 2021 12:40AM

Thank you Ian. You are a very noble soul to take so much time to try and help those who deal with SoI.
You are doing an amazing job at it.
I know that you only do it out of the goodness of your heart.
I have a lot of healing to do and it is not jut related to them but my other life experiences.
I have been in lockdown prison without any significant human contact for a year.
And one of the path and the people I apprecaite are thousands of miles away.
So the mind can more easily play with me and my emotions.
I honestly was not really thinking about them much other than some casual contacts.
You know my story and how it all went crazy.
I do not think that the path of Bhakti Yoga is meant to be cultish.
It is about a personal relationship with God and following some principles.
Everything has become corrupted and we must only trust our own instinct and relation to the divine. No matter what that divine represent.
The greatest journey for every person who has been emotionally, spiritually abused is to heal. And there are many layers like an onion.
Whatever I said or did was worth the pain I feel because it was done in the name of justice. And a greater force took over in order for me to do it.
So I trust it needed to be done.
I am grateful that I was spiritually saved from such an infected enviroment.
It has all been one huge lesson.
It has been wonderful to find all of you in here. It validates everything I have always felt in my heart.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: April 13, 2021 09:46PM

After a few months of studying this forum, I have mainly seen fingers pointed at Butler.
First of all ABC started the Isckon movement and handed a loaded gun to a series of Western hippies.
Created that rotten Iskcon empire and these are the offshoots.
Second of all the early disciples of Butler are as responsible as him. They have enabled and fed his ego and tantrums.
My excuse is that I was never around that lunatic behavior directly. I only heard good things about him and heard his lectures.
I was exposed directly to anger and abuse by a disciple. I put up with it for a few years. Then called her out on it and removed myself from the situation.
I chose not to be part of the problem. I also chose not to introduce more people to them. I protected other souls. Thanking my inner guidance for giving me the vision.
It takes a village to build an egocentric Guru.
And now some of us had to stand up and be the janitors of SoI. Doing the job of God to try and protect some clueless souls who are under the spell.
They are so deeply in trance that they see us, those who stand up for them, like demons they would gladly kill.
But we still did the dirty job that should be done by some more powerul divine forces and accept the bullets of hatred.
To all the senior big dudes of SoI, your mindless sheep attitude has caused the suffering of many.
You call this crap hole spiritual life?
They have helped Butler keep everybody in fear. He does not operate alone.
In all scriptures, even God (whoever that entity is) has his angels, demigods...
Those guys carried out his mission and represented him internationally.
They have witnessed the abuse and stayed silent.
So let us make the load a bit lighter on Butler and share it with his minions.
One day you will answer for your silence.
We have inherited the corrupt kingdom they have helped build. There are many stories from old timers on this site.
But this one takes the price. Posted by Devadasi.
I have many regrets in life but I don’t think that betraying these people will be one of them. They truly deserved it.
And after reading all the pages here I have no doubt that I did the right thing.
What I am happy about is that now they know there are insiders in the group and they must operate even more like an underground secret society and in paranoia.
I had to add this because i feel they are getting away too easily and all the arrows are mostly shot at the slave master and not his partners in crime.
Not trying to start a conversation. Just making sure the blame is equally shared.
Still grateful and appreciative for their efforts.

Thank you Devadasi for your priceless contribution. Here is what she wrore:

“I remember the pipe incident with Vaishnava dasi, it was a simple accident. But Siddha was so angry he said it was a conspiracy and the result would be she would have to die 10 years early!!!! This is so outrageous I kick my self in the butt for not leaving immediately after this incident!!! Then he said because she would die 10 years early that meant he would die 10 years early because they would both be going back to Krishna together. In other words because she got a little bump on the head we were all condemned for causing them both to leave the world 10 years early!!!!

Concerning Siddha becoming dependent on his followers. I remember an incident when everyone was condemned, I can't remember the exact reason, he got a hair in his soup or something like that, anyway he cut everyone off and would not accept anyone's service. He even tried washing his own cloths. This lasted about two days. He was not capable of doing anything for himself and so he had to forgive everyone to get his house cleaned, clothes washed and meals served.

Concerning offenses and scripture. Many things are exaggerated in the Veda, it says so within the Veda itself. The fear of offense was way overused in Chris's cult in order to keep people under control. Just a fear tactic, the same thing is used in Christianity, the fear of going to hell. But also one will find in the Vedic scripture that nothing is more powerful than service to God, so offenses are overridden by service and in a healthy situation in Krishna Con. it is love not fear that motivates the practitioners. That is why the association of sadhus is recommended. But Siddha never really had any association of sadhus because he already imagined he was one. He was as alienated away from his guru as he was his material father. Prabhupada tried to get him to have more of his association but Siddha refused thinking himself a great sadhu already.

We were told Srila Prabhupada was happy that Siddha did not need his association. Siddha told the story many times that Srila Prabhupada wanted him to come to India with him. Siddha said Prabhupada was very pleased that he did not feel it necessary to go to India with him. In fact Prabhpada said later, 'what kind of a sanyasi does not want to go to India with their guru?' He was very dismayed that Siddha did not want more of his association.

The picture that was painted concerning his guru recognizing him as a pure devotee and blessing his own outside movement was completely concocted by Sidhha and his top men. Maybe his top men really believed it. But all one has to do is go to the Prabhupada Folio (practically every word Prabhupada said is recorded) one will find that in fact Prabhupada denied the idea that Siddha was a pure devotee, Prabhupada says himself, 'I never said that, (that Siddha is a pure devotee), that is a concoction.' He says in another letter, 'Siddha has his own philosophy.' In a room converstation Srila Prabhpada is trying to convince one of his diciples NOT to be part of Siddhas group and he succeeds. The devotee was asking if she could join with Siddha and Prabhupada tells her emphatically NO.

Everyone knows it was practically a sin to use the word 'Prabhu' (master) Tusta himself would not allow anyone to call him that even his godbrother and people outside of Siddhas cult were asked not to call him that. That was a direct insult to Srila Prabhupada as Prabhupada himself told Tusta everyone should be referred to as Prabhu, (master)”.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: April 14, 2021 12:13AM

Truth wins Wrote:
> They have helped Butler keep everybody in fear. He
> does not operate alone.
> In all scriptures, even God (whoever that entity
> is) has his angels, demigods...
> Those guys carried out his mission and represented
> him internationally.
> They have witnessed the abuse and stayed silent.
> So let us make the load a bit lighter on Butler
> and share it with his minions.

Who to blame if the initiated ex-leader publicly calls the devotees "you are up your ass again." When I pointed this out to another leader, he relativized "a devotee may be like a rose, sometimes like a thunderbolt". There has never been an apology from those who humiliated people and left to the site, to Hawaii. Never. And I say - thank you. As one of the carefully studied elements, it gave liberation from this situation.

Being attracted to higher teachings, offering life to spiritual values and sanga. Sacrifice but also liberation. From the cult. In which there were also some transcendence.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2021 12:15AM by DaWatcher.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: April 14, 2021 06:47PM

Truth wins Wrote:
>Many things are exaggerated in the Veda, it says so within the Veda itself.


Men of small knowledge are very much attached to the flowery words of the Vedas, which recommend various fruitive activities for elevation to heavenly planets, resultant good birth, power, and so forth


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