Well... that totally rules Butler out.
Quote: "Krsnadasa Kaviraja lists the twenty-six good qualities of a Vaisnava:
(1) He is very kind to everyone.
(2) He does not make anyone his enemy.
(3) He is truthful.
(4) He is equal to everyone.
(5) No one can find any fault in him.
(6) He is magnanimous.
(7) He is mild.
(8) He is always clean.
(9) He is without possessions.
(10) He works for everyone's benefit.
(11) He is very peaceful.
(12) He is always surrendered to Krsna.
(13) He has no material desires.
(14) He is very meek.
(15) He is steady.
(16) He controls his senses.
(17) He does not eat more than required.
(18) He is not influenced by the Lord's illusory energy.
(19) He offers respect to everyone.
(20) He does not desire any respect for himself.
(21) He is very grave.
(22) He is merciful.
(23) He is friendly.
(24) He is poetic.
(25) He is expert.
(26) He is silent." End quote.
* cue the circus music *Butler's Greatest Chastisements-
"You are all demons, you are just like f###king ISKCON, You’re all
"I am not condemning you, you are condemning yourself."
"My God Brothers in ISKCON are clumps of dog stool."
"If I don’t want to answer you, you are at fault, not me."
"If you don’t know you are not supposed to know."
"Tell that a-hole the only way he can come to a gathering is if he pays $100 each time."
"Tell a-hole I changed my mind, he has to pay $1,000 every gathering he comes to."
"As soon as you realize you have nothing to offer me and you don’t know
anything maybe then I can teach you something."
"It is your fault, the guru is faultless."
"My disciples make me sick."
"You would think with 25 kitchen servants and 35 preparations a day, spending over a hundred dollars a meal, you a##holes could make something good to eat. Instead I have to go to a Chinese restaurant to get a bite to eat. A-holes!!!'"
"You fool! Don’t say the metal detectors are to detect guns, say they are to detect beeper watches, you know what a great offense it is to wear one near me. Oh I am so irritated by that sound!!!"
"Damn it keep your gun in your bead bag. That’s what it is for idiot!! You probably thought you were supposed to keep beads in that bag. Fool!!! I have to teach you guys everything!!!"
"WTF is a##hole doing here, tell him to get the f##k out of here."
"Tell J--- I don’t want to see his face, but because I have to talk to him and deal with him, he can wear a bag over his head, then I don’t have to see his face."
"I am more humble than anyone, even my own guru."
"Damn bogus guru! They all have guruitis."
"My disciples all have guruitis too!!!" [Guruitis- a term used by Butler to describe a follower who is envious and wants to be guru]
"My disciples are all f###king neophytes."
"Everyone has guruitis but me and VD."
"Insulting VD is worse than insulting me, you idiot."
"Are those a-holes still running that store in Lahaina, why don’t they give it to DTE, a-holes--- and they call themselves my disciples make all kinds of money while their kids skate and surf, a-holes, they should give it to me."
"WTF!!!!.. you guys have been working on getting this house together for 6 weeks now. You expect me to live here after you shit all over it??? You missed a space there dumb shit, cover it with tin foil so I can live here in peace. Straighten out your germ mask idiot."
"Tell Sankirtan das to stay out of my house, he has dirt between his toes."
"Tell Wayne and Krishna das (Mike Gabbard), WTF, I let them get into politics and now they act just like politicians!!!! They became politicians those buttheads!!"
"I let my disciples dress like karmis and materialist and now they act like karmis and materialists, a-holes."
"Call the head of personal service, everyone fast for 6 months, the milk in the refrigerator is out of date. Call a meeting worldwide. Tell the head of personal service to get her ass here right now!! WTF is this hair doing in my soup gaddamit. Tell everyone fast for a year, six months is too lenient. Tell the head of personal service not only must she fast from food and water she has to fast from sleep too!!!”
“Get that sh###t out of here, you call that prasadam, a-holes!!!” Everyone is ined 1,000 dollars each.!!!"
"You spend a fuggen 100,000 dollars on this air machine and I still have to use an oxygen bottle, can’t you guys do anything right??"
"What you expect me to breathe, common air?? A-holes!!"
"What? Just because you come here and clean my loor and wash my dishes, eat my toenails and drink my foot water you think you have the right to talk to me, write me a letter a-hole."
"The only person I can trust is VD." [VD is his wife, Vaishnava dasi aka Wai Lana]
"The guru is never attached to the opposite sex."
"Where is VD, I have not seen her in the last 10 minutes."
"What you think I spend all my time with my wife because I am attached? A-hole this is pure devotional service, me and VD will serve together in the spiritual world too you envious snake!!"
"The pure devotee is peaceful and does not need anything or anyones service, he has Krsna."
"The pure devotee is self satisfied, always peaceful and never troubled by the duality of the world."
"The servant of Krishna has no enemies."
"What is that A-hole doing here, I told him get the hell out of Hawaii and go back to New Zealand."
"Ok you can take off the bag now, I think you learned your lesson."