Cult Leaders - James & Isabella Swartz abuse Victim of Andrew CohenInfamous Pair of Predators Abuse Victim of Another Cult Type GroupI've just came across one of the latest posts in Shiningworld. Looking at what was wrote in the satsang, I'm really writing this for the person who they are speaking to. 'Barry'. Hopefully they will see this, and if not, if there is anyone in Shiningworld that knows who this would be, kindly direct them to this post.
The Swartz cult leaders cannot seem to help themselves.
I have allowed myself to be abused to an extreme by Andrew Cohen. Speaking of low self-esteem…. I have done plenty of work to resolve all the mental fallout of this little growing up lila that Isvara sent my way, but as I said, the pattern I see repeated in the painful break-down of relationship with the endorsed teachers in SW, obviously close students too, hit and exposed a raw nerve that I am getting a chance now to slice off another layer of karmic residue.
Perhaps it did hit a nerve Barry, yes. Though might it have also started some common sense in your mind? Another former student said to me, if Shiningworld was a corporation, and the boss kept sacking all his top executives, at what point does it be horrible leadership? The Swartz' use this satsang to make you feel responsible for everything wrong, while they say you should not question them. You were greatly affected by Cohen, and let's get to that a little further down. This post wont be a polished piece, so if anyone doesnt like the rawness of it, go read something else, :).
Though Barry, don't ever set aside your own ability to critically think, in favour of what someone in authority says. Vedanta is not about that, it is not about authority. As I will show further down. And certainly, you went through this before with Cohen, and put the blinkers on. How many times is history to repeat itself.
Isabella Swartz Queen of the Damned
we are free of the jiva, but to live fully free of it, as you point out and I have said many times, is very rare. Ramji is the only person I know of in the ten years of working and teaching Vedanta that I can say this is true for.
Then you don't get out too much, do you? Too busy shopping for designer clothes, while you sneer at peoples collection of artwork as you visit their homes (recall Carbondale, that place where you are not wanted?? Lmao).
First off, Scamji doesn't teach Vedanta. If both of you and I video called I could show you and the world in the 5 minutes. Once you introduce teachings NOT Shankara, it is not longer Dashanimi Sampradaya. Hellooooooooooo ;).
As for how majestic James SWartz is, do you forget about the times he is shouting, screaming and spitting saliva at the monitor when he us controlling students?? Oh, how silly of me, I fogot. You are a psychopath also, so of course that behaviour is acceptable.
Isabella Queen of the Damned
That you see the honesty samskara in me as a Vedanta teacher as an abuse of power is interesting, and again, understandable.
You always make me laugh. You are an idiot. I'm a convicted armed robber, and i've more honesty than you. Well Miss Honesty, get onto video call and lets discuss the hateful way you are in your emails. All either of you do is abuse power. And run when challenged. Haha. You are both cowards. There is one piece of evidence I've not posted, and I'm dying to show you face to face. Face me.
Isabella Swartz Queen of the Damned
Your allegations in respect of the Shiningworld teachers we unendorsed are also purely your point of view because you do not have all the facts. Most important, it is clear you do not understand nor respect Ramji’s authority as Isvara in protecting the teachings.
I see, so you feel it is important that Shiningworld have all the facts regarding the unendorsed teachers? Well, you don't seem to be doing too good a job of sharing ALL the facts with your cult members, for all you do is share one side. What parts of 'your version' constitutes 'all facts'. Per usual, you have just wrote and published another lie. And per usual, you are found out. And per usual it is me that has debunked you. And per usual, i'm so enjoying all this.
That is window dressing however. For I detest cult leaders. Most importantly it is clear that YOU do not understand Vedanta. A Vedanta teacher does NOT have authority as GOD in regard to teachings. Are you completly f***ing insane? Who do you think you both are? That is wrong, and so damaging. A teacher only has a role to play. Not authority. A person does NOT have authority over another in Vedanta. Jesus like, the idea is to free the person. Not have them yoke to another authority. Two cults leaders grooming for power.
Isabella Swartz Queen of the Damned
There is no person on this planet who is more qualified than Ramji as a Vedanta teacher, more humble or less inclined to power plays than he is.
I am speechless. Im actually having to pause, due to shock. James Swartz is not recoqnised IN THE LINEAGES as a teacher of traditional vedanta. You and the cult can see him as the second messiah or whatever else you want, but... IN THE LINEAGES he is not recoqnised. Moreso, a lot are not even familair with who he is. Haha.
Isabella Queen of the Damned
Ramji is the Self, a true Mahatma, and he truly can claim that ‘Isvara made me do it’. Whatever he does is correct, there is no fine print to it because he is Dharma with a big D.
God made me do it! HAHAHAAHAHA. You are a cretin. You have completely exposed yourself as cult leaders with this.
Isabella Queen of the Damned
You no doubt will interpret this to mean I have blind allegiance to Ramji, but you could not be further from the truth. I may not be fully Self-actualized, but I do know what that entails because I am the Self.
See, this is the exact point in which that amazon review was making. To those that dont know, the significance of this will be missed.
Not being self-actualized is not being enlightened. Probably the truest thing you've ever said, though who cares either way.
But, in TRADITIONAL VEDANTA, only someone who is enlightened and knows how to wield the teachings is allowed to teach un-supervised. Those that are not enlightened can teach supervised, and anyone is free to 'share' teachings.
Here is the Issue Shiningworld has. If James SWartz dies tonight. Since Isabella is not permitted to teach unsupervised (you cannot lead someone to enlightenment if you are not that, as you have to know the way after travelling it), she cannot award herself to do so, if he died. The guru gives permission. There would immediately be a teaching deficit in SW. THough not to worry Isabella, I've talked with many in Shiningworld, once James dies many are leaving, and it will fall to bits. And James, I am NOT lieing about that. Whatever legacy you think you had is over.
Anyhow, let's see if Isabella comes out as enlightened over the next few months... ;)
James Swartz Cult Leader
Was I playing the power card when I protected the tradition from the handful of individuals who didn’t abide by the rules?
What rules? Oh, that you must have another income if you are teaching Vedanta? Since you sacked poor Daniel Band when he asked for help for medical expenses. Of course, you are exempt from the rules. You dont have a second source of declared income and live of donations.
Ah, sorry. You mean the 'rule' that students must have the same POLITICAL views as the teacher? Horseshit again. I have went from being an open Trump Supporter to now aligning myself with the expression on actual anarchism. I post regularly on social media as a social activists, and the next day I posted Vedanta. Not once has anyone mentioned to me, in my lineage, about what my political views are. They would not do so. Such a controlling thing. I Would tell them it is my business. And it would not affect my role as a teacher in the lineage, using the name. Vedanta is about freedom, for you, your version is about control. You are always getting caught out.
Here is the thing. These rules are not actual rules in our lineages. I do not work at present, and I teach if I want, when I want. At no time has it been discussed with me in my lineage, any 'rules'. There is only one rule. To only teach what Shankara taught. I hope Shiningworld see this also, James Swartz has made these rules up. Like enlightenemnt sickness, it doesnt exist in Vedanta. Do me a favour, go google 'enlightenement sickness' and enlightenment sickness vedanta'. Check the first half a dozen pages of results. You will see, only Swartz speaks of it, and other listings for Zen Buddhism. As I told everyone, he is a liar and have brought in many teachings that are not true. But go see the evidence yourself.
James Swartz Cult Leader
If you were abused by Andiew, it’s on you, not Andrew. Permitting yourself to be abused when you know you are being abused is self-abuse.
I don't know if you are senile, or simply a hateful old bastard. But how dare you lay responsibility onto the victim, of a teachers abuse.
I told you guys, he is a cult leader. Barry, Swartz is gaslighting you. The reason he is doing this is because it not only excuses him, but it also sets the power dynamic whereby you stop questioning him, and start accepting all his dominion over you. James Swartz, you are a scumbag.
James Swartz Cult Leader
Pack it in, do your duty and avoid whiners. You’re testing my patience. If there is another letter with this complaint I will no longer reply and when asked by others I will show them our correspondence.
Swartz, how about you stop with these e-satsangs and face me with your concubine Isabella? If you don't I am going to make videos of things you have claimed at various times, and I will do voice overs to when I reveal the evidence in screenshots in the videos.
And Barry, I'd suggest the best thing you can do is to not be in contact with him. When I left Shiningworld I was apparently mistakenly thinking I was enlightened, and made out to be a basket case. Within two years,. I was teaching unsupervised in one of the top 3 lineages. With no word of control at all. In Vedanta, we are left to our devices, We are not to be controlled. You do not owe a teacher anything. Not one damn thing. And the teacher should say so if that appears. But regarding the Swartz', well they are two scumbags Barry. Do you need to feel you are doing something wrong for having been traumatised by Cohen? You are repeating the pattern by staying with SWartz. Why don't you buy Rick Ross's book, Cults Inside out. Just see how much is applicable to the Swartz.
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"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
~ George Orwell
Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2021 07:07AM by earthquake.