The Union of Mammon & The Queen of the DamnedJames Swartz's greed and Isabella Swartz's Gaslighting, gives birth to the antichrist, that demon of narcissism and hate.With narrow eyes and drooling saliva, Mammon, the demon of greed, now incarnated as James Swartz, giggles like a madman, as his Charles Manson eyes infect the very words he is typing to 'X'. Adapting the words of the Great Equaliser - Freddie Mercury - James Swartz 'wants it all, and he wants it now!.
James Swartz email
19 Dec 2018
As you know, to buy the property we both put in ½ of purchase price of 325,000 euros, which amounts to 162,500 euros each. That money went to (...) the previous owners, but the transaction was not complete. Just after you returned to Norway, there was a balance due of 30,000 euros to register the property and paylawyer fees but there was not enough money in our joint account to pay the 30,000 so she used the 13,000 euros in the account, half of which was mine, and 17,000 that I sent to her through a friend, (...), who keeps an account for me in Germany. So, you owe me ½ of 17,000 euros which amounts to 8,500 euros to complete your side of the transaction.
Hail to Mammon, in the form of James Swartz. Thou art the Demon-King of Embezzlement. O Majestic One, your tactics
greatly out-shine Sun Tzu in the 'Art of War'. Is there no being in existence that has the power to challenge you? Oh, Great Master of penis enlargements, likely bought from the life savings of multitudes of vulnerable people you have victimised, I prostrate to you, offering my prostrate, thou Alpha of all males!
James Swartz, what is the
exact reason that the person who is loaning you half of their life savings at an incredibly low-interest rate, has to be charged further, to the tune of many thousands of euro, for
their generosity? Don't even try to come off with this 'it was the agreement', for you have taken advantage of good people. There is absolutely no way that someone who has loaned you 179,000 should be charged for doing so! That is pure extortion.
It is at this point that 'X' steps into my post to ensure that everything remains precise and accurate:
it is important to know that there were two phases in this story.
1) Phase 1: At the start, I am a co-buyer of a house where I will also be a co-owner and live there. meaning all expenses are shared 50/50 (this was the scenario until approximately the 4th of September).
2) Phase 2: Then came the day James and Isabella decided to have only James' name on the deeds and made the phoney loan agreement in which by doing so it changed everything regarding my status. I became a simple money lender, a cheap bank.
3) This change of my status meant that all expenses became theirs (naturally enough), but it has been extremely difficult for James to accept, even if it is very logical and normal.
4) I could also have charged for all the work and all the expenses in connection with house hunting. but I did not.
5) Also normally in a case like this which is an official private loan and registered mortgage the costs of lawyers fees are shared 50/50
and the house insurance should be paid by the owners
6) But in that case I paid 100% of the lawyer fees and the notary fees and I am paying as well for the house insurance
7) James and Isabella said that they will only sign the mortgage under these conditions mentioned above. (And the money was already gave to them by this time, so we were really at their mercy in order to get them to sign something actually legal this time.
Nice move Swartz'. Demons of deceit, you tried to get away with it with this phoney loan agreement, and abandoning your student when they were delirious at the side of the road in a foreign country, while you escaped to Spain. And although you did not expect 'X' and his mother to follow you to Spain, it is quite obvious here that you still wanted things one-sided in your favour financially. Both of you are a disgrace.
Distracting deception by the dazzling of decimalsQuote
James Swartz email
19 Dec 2018
Here is a summary: The total cost of the property including the government tax and lawyer’s fee etc. was 355,000 euros. You paid 162,500 + 6,500 which equals 169,000 euros. I paid 162,500 + 6,500 (my share of the remaining money in our joint house account) and the unpaid balance of 17,000 euros. So I paid 186,000 euros.
The difference between what I paid (186,000) and what you paid (169,000) is 17,000 euros. As you will know from our loan agreement, the first payment of 20,000 euros is due on January 1, 2019. It is interest-free because the house transaction was not finished. The 20,000 euros reduced the interest-bearing payments to 144,000. Here is a copy of the payment schedule.
So I deducted the 8,500 euros that you owe me from the first payment of 20,000 euros, which explains why I transferred 11,500 euros to your account. Hereafter, the second payment of 24,000 euros plus interest of 2880 euros falls due on or before January 1, 2020.
20 Dec 2018
Dear James,
Regarding your two last emails.
As (Mother of 'X') explained in her previous email to you, (name withheld) will inform you in detail.
As it is Christmas vacation, she will contact you in the new year.
I hired (name withheld) for this new assignment in connection with the loan agreement between you and me.
The loan agreement needs to be corrected, signed and registered in Spain.
(Name withheld) is my representative for this new assignment.
The correct amount to be reimbursed is not half of the purchase price. It is the exact amount (177 897 euros) which I put in the fund to start with + 2% interest + the first lawyer's fees of 1900 euros which I paid from another account before the fund was established.
All communication must go to (Lawyer). Not to me, not to my mother.
PS: Comment from Mother of X:
On several occasion, you and Sundari have expressed directly your gratitude for X’s efforts, time and money spent on finding a house and landing the purchase. However, I think that thanks to Ganesh should also be published on ShiningWorld. X’s total dedication and devotion are a shining example for ShiningWorld. Why keep it a secret?
Ahh, you are quite on top of things regarding the finances ye King o' Swartzophile's. You have gone to some considerable detail and depth. The only problem is that in your dazzling and quite
distracting array of mathematical 'facts', you are purporting that 'X' has only paid 169,000 Euro, while you have paid the extra, of which your costs are 186,000 Euro. The difference you are claiming is 17,000 Euro. Hmmm, yes, we can see there is some
attempt to reclaim your so-called losses here. The only problem is, that once again, you have just told lies. Why do you and Isabella keep telling lies? It is pathological. You know something, when I talk to some of your Shiningworld students, it is also quite clear that they too are not interested in any
actual, factual & contextual truth.
You are morons.
While you
claim that 'X' paid 169,000 Euro, what he actually paid was 177,897 Euro, plus 1900 Euro, closer to 180,000 Euro. Yes, you are
caught out yet again, your greed getting the better of you.
By this time, it was quite clear to both 'X' and his mother that James & Isabella Swartz can be nice to people's faces at times, but just as quick try to character assassinate the same people. As Valma says, 'X' is a '
kind, generous, pure & gentle soul.' And neither himself nor his Mother/Family were going to allow the sneakiness of the Swartz' to blacken his name. In an exceptionally brilliant tactical move, the Mother of 'X' forced James & Isabella Swartz to publicly acknowledge 'X' and his worth. As Valma implies, this public acknowledgement is quite different from the way they spoke in private to 'X' and his Mother, and also the way they spoke to many of the inner sanctum of the Swartz's Cult.
A mortal blow to the walls of Castle SwartzIsabella was not happy in being forced to for once speaking good about someone who had just parted with close to 180,000 Euro. What follows is excerpts of her response, notice the aggression in her wording and tone.
Isabella Swartz email
23 December 2018
Dear X
You want this to escalate into such unpleasantness, threatening your gurus, from whom you obtained moksa? You can do as you wish Micah, but think carefully what it will mean for you because, for us, we are fine with whatever Isvara presents to us.
Isabella Swartz email
If you don’t want to hear from us, why do you insist on writing to me, sending me WhatsApp messages?
Yes, Isabella, looking at the actual Whatsapps messages, we are talking about a couple of messages, and you have equally been in the conversation. You feed of gaslighting, why stop now?
The other thing, is the Gurus do
not provide enlightenment. It is the student and effort, among other things. You are both so far away from actual Vedanta, I could write a book about your inaccurate teachings. Only someone
egotistical would try to claim ownership over another's
freedom! It is typical cult behaviour.
Isabella Swartz email
I have never spread misinformation about anyone in my life. How you interpret what I said to H is your affair. He told me you are living in the same area, not necessarily in (location withheld), which is very interesting despite your denials.
Excuse me, I am about to have a heart attack laughing. I can't breathe with laughter. Oh god, Isabella, Queen of the Damned, you are something else. Priceless. You
never spread misinformation? I have a
23-page e-Satsang in which you spread misinformation about
me. Which I can prove with
real screenshots of the
true conversations. And you and the
Jimmy Saville of Spirituality also posted
more recent satsangs about me that are
completely debunked. That's only a start. What about Stan? I suppose the fact he
has debunked your lies with your actual emails means nothing also? And what about 'X'? All those emails of your own words, proving yet again you tell lies about those closest to both of you, you,
Serpents of Satan.
Isabella Swartz email
Perhaps it is you who is spreading misinformation about what happened with us buying out your share. I told you from the time we found the house that we could not live with you or anyone, and I have all the emails and Whatsapp messages to prove it. If you wish to retract the loan, there are other options in that case, such as the fact that you will then have to buy us out under the same terms you propose for us.
First, it is both of
you who have been caught out spreading misinformation about
scores of your students. Here is the
true story of how the house came onto the radar:
Isabella and James knew the place and the house from before because they lived one year just nearby a few years before. So after my many months of searching and visiting properties, we ended up in that place (when Isabella stopped in Spain one week on her way from the US back to South Africa, in June 2018).
One day she said let's go to this place (location withheld). We drove there (3 hours) and spent 2 days there in a B&B. So we went for a walk near that house and out of the blue she said: "I love this house perhaps it is for sale... "(she also entered the property finding a small passage between two trees even though the owners was not there, and I followed after)
Then a few days later after she had left for South Africa I started to put notes on the door of various houses asking if they were for sale. I asked Isabella if she wanted me to put a note on this house she loved so much as well, and she said yes. so I did.
Interesting. Isabella, are we supposed to believe that you came across this house by 'accident'? And a property that was not for sale, which of course to purchase would have to be with an offer of top Euro. Something that you did not have the resources for. Yet, I do wonder. While peoples starve and are homeless all over the world, you seem able to jet-set between the USA and South Africa, not a problem. Even stopping off for a week-long layover in Spain! Indeed, life seems to se so hard for you and James, international jet-setters, flying on the backs of money belonging to people who suffer. It must have seemed like all your Christmas's came at once, with 'X' and his kind and trusting nature, on the scene.
Isabella Swartz email
The agreement you signed in South Africa is legal and binding, there. You signed it freely and with witnesses. Additionally, the agreement you offered us was minus interest, and the one we had made up included interest to protect you. We also have proof that you initially offered your portion of the house to us for free and we refused, also, to protect you. I have it on video.
No, you are
telling lies again. The agreement signed in SA was
not legally binding. We know this since the lawyer in SA said to James and 'X'. This was because a loan agreement made in South Africa was not legal as it was regarding something in
Spain. To portray otherwise is the surreal world of the Twilight Zone.
It seemed to me that this lawyer understood without telling directly what was going on. He even said to James: "Ah I see you are after the money then...". Perhaps that is the reason why James never went back to this lawyer for proper signing.
And, you decided to take video evidence of 'X' offering you the money for free. Why did you do this? It is not what normal people do in a conversation.
Did you inform 'X' that you were taking video footage of him offering this huge amount of cash?
If not, why not? Was this when he was going through the illness that the hospital said was delirium?
It seems very sneaky and shady that you would take video evidence of him offering this money for free. And then you virtue signal by letting it be known that you cannot be dishonest, as you have video evidence you could have got it for nothing anyhow! Sorry, that kindergarten psychologically is bullshit, a ploy to try to cover your tracks. The fact that you took this video evidence of that offer shows malice aforethought. Yet again, you convict yourselves by your own words, emissaries of hell.
Isabella Swartz email
And in that case, I will publish the fact that we lost our Shiningworld base because you withdrew your loan.
Now, 'X' couldn't care less, but back then... You are again exposed as placing emotional & spiritual blackmail onto 'X'. Through the fear of what the Shiningworld sheeple will lynch-mob convict him as. I have images of you all jeering as myself, Stan & 'X' are placed in confinement while you dance around our burning, like something out of the 'Wicker Man'.
Isabella Swartz email
I will post all our exchanges on email and on Whatsapp regarding the house from the time we found it, which explain how I felt about living with you from the beginning, as well the problem of your attachment to me. As you know all too well, you stated clearly that you were only too happy to serve Shiningworld in whatever capacity and did not need to live with us. So much so that you offered it to us as a gift, which we refused. I would also post the emails I sent to your mother and to you after what happened in Durban so that our Shiningworld readers understand the greater context of this little leela.
Forget about the Whatsapp messages. I have read them all, the entire ten months. It would do you more harm, lol.
And yes, you would share his trauma and pain with the world, but in a way that tried to make him look like a fool. As you did try in your emails. He is not a fool, 'X' is an incredibly intelligent person, he simply has unconditional love. Which you took advantage of, and use out of context. Like you do with everything.
And for the last time, 'X' is AUTISTIC. You are projecting your judgements onto a person who views the world through innocence and love.
Your perceptions are
not his internal intentions.
Isabella Swartz email
I do not want to do that and nor do you, but do what you wish. The karma is on you.
You don't understand Karma. You and James are the cause, everything subsequent is the effect.
Isabella Swartz email
And just for your information, we have never kept your help with buying and paying for the Molino a secret from anyone. We have told everyone we know how it happened, how proud we were of how you handled yourself and the negotiations and grateful we are for the loan. There was no need for your mother or you to insist on the public credit as I had already written it up in the Newsletter about to come out.
And just for
your information, I
know that you character assassinated 'X', in private. Sure we have already seen you refer to him as a 'looney' in emails to Stan. Your cover is blown,
you are debunked.
The Mother of 'X' knew what you were doing, so there was every reason to get you to go public with some truth in your Shiningworld publications, for once. You seem to be more comfortable telling lies since you have to be forced to tell the truth.
Isabella Swartz email
There is no need for this unpleasantness. We understand what happened to you, we understand everything. This is a stupid mithya issue, we are not your enemies. We are and have always been, your friends in the deepest meaning of that word. You will never find truer friends for we are the Self, we are totally and utterly honest, and we see you as such, always have.
Stop behaving like the small self you are not.
Jesus Christ. Will you get a grip? Seriously. I'm not a psychiatrist, but I've been around enough terrorists, hitmen, serial killers, and plain old psychopaths to have a certain understanding. You are completely deluded. Probably, you don't even know it. You likely believe your bullshit, haha. Yes, this is the Emperor wears no clothes time. You are awarding yourself spiritual insights here that both of you simply do not have.
Epilogue'X' feels that he has now revealed enough information so that the world can make a more informed decision regarding James & Isabella Swartz. This will be the last post that he is wishing to make. There can be no doubt whatsoever among noble and sane people of what James & Isabella Swartz are like. And with that, I will once again, hand over the 'sword of justice to all of you, and step back also. Though like I mentioned before, if the Shiningworld Shapeshifters come on to troll, I will be in like Rocky Balboa, with much enjoyment, hahaha hahaha.
It's a great forum, all the best to each of you.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
~ George Orwell
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2021 08:31AM by earthquake.