Serpents of SatanJames & Isabella Swartz exposed: taking 179,000 Euro & abandoning autistic student who went on to attempt suicide before hospitalizationTerror, confusion & abandonment sear into his psyche like the scorching winds of hades. A stranger in a strange land abandoned at the side of the road. In great distress, he can only watch helplessly and longingly as his two 'teachers' gallop off into the sunset like 'Bonnie & Clyde', heartless and without remorse with his 179,000 Euro. Compensation money awarded to him for being abused, controlled and put through terror for nearly two decades. 'X' shares his final set of disclosures, including the repeat of a pattern now spanning over forty years.
The following email was sent in response to 'X's Mothers email demanding that the Swartz' honour their demand for no-contact, and stop the harassment (shown in the last post):
James Swartz
I understand your defence of your son, (Mother of 'X'), up to a point. Maybe it serves him, maybe not. It serves you. The truth is what we want it to be, not so?
You and 'X' can deny all you want, manufacture whatever reality you like. You are entitled to see things in whichever light you think makes it is easier for you to cope with what happened with 'X', past and recently.
I will not try to defend our position, because there is no need. Your comments about us and our treatment of 'X' are beyond ridiculous.
Yes, we sometimes gave him tough love.
Isabella Swartz
They came and assessed him and found that he was absolutely fine. So why the drama after that, at the hotel, the attempted suicide. Attention?
this your example of 'tough love'? Attempted suicide for attention??? Haven't you went to great lengths trying to
claim that you phoned the emergency services when we can see you have said you did not? Why would you even try to lie about that, if after all the person was merely looking for attention? Looking attention, is it? A person screaming, crying, begging for help in a confused and terrified state, soiling themselves due to the terror. This
is looking for attention! By screaming for you to help, they are trying to get
your attention to
help! God, we are dealing with
fools here.
I admit, that at times I have found the actions of James & Isabella Swartz so bizarre that I have wondered is it me that is insane. Excuse me for pointing out the obvious, ad Infinitum... perhaps 'X' attempted suicide due to the sheer hopelessness and trauma of his situation. In which
you invited him to a foreign country,
took advantage of his pure love and took
half of his compensation (179,000) and
abandoned him. The two people he trusted.
Do you know something James & Isabella? The spiritual by-passing that is with Shiningworld students is extreme and clearly saw from the view of traditional Vedanta. But you two, you bring it to a whole new level. Do you know what acting humanely is? Certainly not this.
Isabella Swartz
We did not abandon him when he became psychotic in Durban – we called YOU immediately. But you took your time to respond, didn’t you, (Mother of X)? I warned you repeatedly that you did not want him to get into the hands of the local institutions. It is convenient to blame us now, I am sure. We had to leave for Cape Town because we had a seminar with 40 international people coming, to whom we were committed. I told you I had no choice but to call the local medical emergency services to attend to him when we left.
We are not afraid of him, why would we be? Nothing can touch us.
Perhaps if you had been the recipient of the kind of manic behaviour from someone you had done a lot to help, as we did, you would have a better understanding of what it was like for us. Have you ever considered that?
'X's behaviour inside and outside our apartment was threatening. In the extreme.
Here is a message I have for 'X', and it will be the last.
Hello 'X'
What could possibly make you run like a terrified rabbit from your gurus – the ones responsible for teaching you and helping you find moksa, if you did?
Don’t you think it is time to stop running and face the fear that is behind the joy-full mask you put on for the world? The deep dark unconscious thoughts that you can control, up to a point, but most people don’t see?
Stop twisting the facts and manage those emotions that are managing you.
And advise your mother to do the same.
Apparently, you are dropping some things off at Hotel Balcon for us tomorrow morning. We will be there to pick them up at 11 am, Meet us for a coffee, if you dare, to make peace and put a stop to this stupid emotional nonsense.
Once more we step into the fray, as Castle Swartz assaults kind and decent people with their trademark venomous arrows of gaslit hate. Au contraire Grandmaster Swartz, thou machiavellian God-king. It is only in your Branch Davidian-Esque clique of sheeple in Shiningworld that the truth is what one wants it to be. After all, what Your Holiness says is the truth, irrespective of your own words proving otherwise. May we take our leave from you, the Emperor with no clothes, as the rest of the world feels that the truth is
not what one wants it to be, the truth
is what it is. I hope your almighty black magic wrath doesn't befall me, as I share here the actual truth about you and Isabella, ironically coming from both of you...
If the abuse and bullying of an autistic man, who was vulnerable due to psychosis is your example of 'tough love' praise the god's that you did not have children together.
Sheer hypocrisy knows no bounds when you tell the mother of 'X' that you did not abandon him. Slavering apocalyptic predators leaving someone at the side of a road while you swan off to teach under false pretences of love in a seminar and calling their mother 6000 flight miles away, is abandoning 'X'. Get with the program. 'X's life was in danger and both of you, James and Isabella Swartz, were by your volunteering looking after his care. Yet he didn't matter anymore for you cleared off onto a plane once you have 179,000 Euro of his. Perhaps pausing in duty-free to shop for some Italian handbags for the lady, while James is in the departure lounge hunched in a corner behind a plastic tree pricing penis enlargement that he liked to speak about in front of 'X'. Knowing full well such language disturbed the morals of 'X'. Heck, I have known of those morals for years, and we've never met.
And yes, you had 40 people in Cape Town that you were committed to. Did these 40 people have accommodation? Did these 40 people have their senses about them? Were these 40 people free from terrifying confusion and hallucinations? Were these 40 people safe and secure enough inside that their very lives were not in danger? Were these 40 people under your care as they are regarded as 'innocents' by you? Yes, Isabella Swartz, it does seem that you have most certainly got your priorities correct. If you are in the Twilight Zone.
And, for the last time, you did not call the emergency services when you left. Your own words to 'X's mother the next day are that you did not want to call the police or know what to do. So you asked the landlady to get him help. You gaslight 'X' as being deluded when the mountains of evidence I have seen from yourselves show that it is you that are the deluded projectors.
Oh sure, you say that you are not afraid of him? I am glad that that is out in the open. I shall leave it at that.
You leave the best for last. Having the audacity to lecture his mother on what it was like for both of you. Are you fricking kidding? What was it like for 'X'!!! Understand you are not the victim, he is. You and your husband are perpetrators of deeds that are so disturbing that even ex-Shiningworld members are traumatised hearing about this. How dare you attempt to stand on the back's of 'X' and his mother by implying they are neglecting what it was like for you. The life of 'X' was in danger, you locked the doors and video him soiling himself, ready to use it to threaten him and his mother a few months later. Yes, you may call us a den of vipers in the Cult Ed forum, but you - James & Isabella Swartz are Serpents of Satan...
Remember the invitation to meet at the hotel I mentioned? To hopefully clear the air and get closure once and for all, 'X' went to the meeting. The next sequence of events shows the manipulative gaslighting serpents of satan for what they truly are.
The Swartz' succeeded in convincing me to come to a 'friendly meeting at the village hotel. My mother will also say, that I am a trusting person. I always see the good in people first, only to find out later that it is not the case always. Yet, I still don't give up on the goodness that I hope is inside others, so I agreed to the meeting and went.
During the meeting, I was talked into cancelling the mortgage process which had been initiated. I even called the lawyer to stop the whole thing, and the lawyer then called my mum to ask what was going on.
My mother called me and I said; Don't worry, everything is good with James & Isabella. There's no need to worry...'
Mum thought this change in me was suspicious as it was quite sudden so she told the lawyer to keep things on hold while she investigated more.
After the meeting, they invited me to their Spanish house for dinner, and I went...
My body begins to shake uncontrollably as I stand beside James at their barbeque. There is only myself, James & Isabella there. James is warming paella that Isabella had made earlier as she comes to us and offers us glasses of kambucha that she also made herself.
Isabella began to show me around the place, and I noticed they had refurbished quite a bit, including the part that was supposed to be my home per our initial arrangement, which was now a Satsang hall.
We talked a little and ate inside the house, though the atmosphere was tense and strange. It felt awful. After dinner, I went back home around 10 pm, and I went to bed.
Suddenly I woke, the time must have been around 2 am, and I was extremely agitated and started to run around the house with no real purpose. Then I remembered the symptoms that I had in South Africa and began to notice that they were the same, which made things even worse.
I quickly packed a bag with a few essentials and drove my car straight to Malaga City, to a Hotel I knew well. It was important to get to a hotel because I thought that if I had been given something things could end up like South Africa quite quickly. I had to be near help as I was living alone in a remote place in the mountains.
I spent an entire week at this hotel, fighting something happening to my body. Extremely exhausted, I would sleep a lot, often just waking to drink many litres of water daily. Any food that I ate was done alone in silence, and I was fortunate this time around for I had all the essentials needed for surviving without any effort at all. Which was certainly not the case in South Africa.
During this time, my main contact with the world was my mum through hours of video calling every day and we managed to answer new emails from the Swartz'. Emails asking me to answer their offers of mentoring me and working for them as a taxi driver for future seminar attendees, and video editor. There seemed to be a great insistence from them regarding being in contact with me.
You will recall earlier we saw Isabella Swartz sending an email to someone I shall name 'H', regarding 'X' moving to Spain. Notice how negatively she speaks to others about 'X'. Let's then look at Isabella Swartz' actual response to 'X' in private in emails, regarding him speaking to her about his Spanish home and look at her true reaction. It is here you will see proof positive of the gaslighting and betrayal Isabella Swartz committed on this person who trusted her. Isabella, Queen of Hypocrisy and Lies, I humbly bow at your glorious example of how to be a spiritual fraud...
Isabella Swartz to 'H'
You can tell him from me that I see his decision to live in (location withheld), after all, that happened and how he behaved to us and particularly to me, as an act of aggression.
It's all talk from him, classic enlightenment sickness.
X 23/03/19 5 months after SA
On the 19th of April, I will move to a place just 1 km from your house.
With three bedrooms, so I could host two peoples during your seminar in June.
Then, from the start of September, I will move back to the guesthouse where I live now but will rent the apartment section on a long-term contract.
And not the main house where I am staying at the moment.
Isabella Swartz
You are very kind to offer your place, thank you. I already know the guesthouse you are staying at. Funny, since I heard you calling my name while I was sitting outside last week, I have had owls calling outside my window at night, sometimes for hours. I knew it was connected to you as owls are my animal ishta. They bring me messages from Isvara. And you are staying in the owl guesthouse. Isvara is so clever. We have a strong psychic connection.
Let's meet soon to discuss details for the event as we don't have much time, and June is high season here for tourists. Let me know your plans for today. Maybe we come see your place.? I think we must put your guesthouse on the books too, though it is expensive I have been gathering info about places from several sources already. Seminars here are going to be amazing! You must come and see the Molino.
Perhaps you are as confused reading this as I am. Where does one begin? First off we have Isabella sending her above email to someone else regarding 'X' moving to Spain. And if you recall earlier we also have seen James Swartz speaking threateningly toward 'X', even as far as trying to get 'X' to relocate. According to James Swartz, Isabella is refusing to set foot in the country while 'X' remains in his own new home. Fast-forward to the meeting at the village hotel, in which 'X' suddenly agreed to stop the whole loan/mortgage idea through his lawyers, and miraculously the Swartz' now welcome him with open arms! Not only into their home, not only into his home, but they are now trying to get him to work for Shiningworld. Who says you can't buy your way into heaven? Or in this regard, who says you can't be used and manipulated into hell...
For two people who were so 'traumatised' that the mere appearance of presents at their doors made them lose control of their bladders as they scurry like cockroaches to the police of all things, they seemed to have got over their fear pretty quick. Yes, there is nothing like a dose of 179,000 euro no longer being a legal loan as medicine to deal with one's neurosis and aggression. Such a victory would placate any psychopathic couple. At least until their next target came along.
Though please forgive me, I nearly forgot, Good ol' Isabella. Psychic Queen of the Damned, you knew where 'X' was staying as you had owls calling out at you for hours. We can place 'Doctor Doolittle' as one of your alias's then. And tell us, what were these pretty little owls telling you? Who shot JFK? I think we know your answer, it was 'X' of course! The same as everything else.
Thank god for 'X's mother though, she was not going to permit the Swartz' to carry on using, abusing and manipulating her son...
Mother of X
Please James,
Do insist on proceeding further with the mortgage agreement. A valid agreement in Spain, respecting X’s rights and security.
'X' cancelling the mortgage signing does not say much good about your wanting to meet him and put things straight.
The current agreement is not correct and not honourable. You know it.
James Swartz
So your view is that I'm a dishonest person, someone who does not honour his agreements?
Furthermore, how could a person in my position take advantage of someone financially or in any other way? I am a totally respectable person. It would destroy my reputation, which is excellent. Thousands of people worldwide trust me, listen to what I have to say and support us in various ways. You also should know that we are quite willing to sign the agreement. However, since 'X' requested a change, he should pay for the expenses, which involves purchasing insurance on the property for the length of the loan, lawyer's fees on my side, translation services, etc. It seems he came to his senses and decided to trust his original view of us as honest people, which is admirable.
When I think about it, I can appreciate your worry in so far as it is quite possible that 'X' was not in complete possession of his faculties when he had that psychotic episode and he did not recall the events correctly.
Yes indeed James, 'X' was not in complete possession of his faculties during a psychotic episode (same as anyone). One in which you strangely managed to get 179,000 Euro of him, while you left him distraught and suicidal on his own, homeless on the streets of a foreign country while you and your wife cleared off to a Shiningworld seminar. By your own words, you convict yourself. You see readers, most of what is going on in these posts are the recounting of what James and Isabella Swartz have said in emails and WhatsApp messages themselves. What 'X' and his mother are doing is merely putting it into context, while I place it into a format that makes some sense for the reader. It is Swartz' own words that are the evidence. Proof positive of a dastardly duo, the Serpents of Satan.
James Swartz
You had to be there to appreciate just what we went through. It was horrible, particularly for my wife who put so much love into him for such a long time. I admire her greatly for her service. I won't give you the would just disturb you...but believe me, only mental health professionals are equipped to deal with it. I'm extremely dispassionate so I was able to manage the situation but it was not fun. While I tried to calm him down, my wife videoed enough of it so that if there was ever any doubt, we would have evidence.
Not satisfied with 179,000 Euro, insane with greed James & Isabella Swartz now begin to attempt to get 'X' to cover the cost of insurance and other costs for a for once real legal loan agreement. Are both of you insane? On what planet does the lender pay for the fees? Not only is that bad enough, but you are showing that you suspect 'X' may have no money left, yet you still ask him to pay even further???
And once again there is a clear threat regarding having taken video footage of an autistic man, vulnerable during a psychotic episode. James & Isabella Swartz, only in your insane world of evil and vindictiveness is something as pathetic as that even valid as leverage. What you write to this mother, who is merely trying to protect half of her son's compensation award, is beyond reproach. You speak of your reputation being destroyed. Yes, it has been. Honestly, it is over for both you and Isabella. The story of 'X' and his mother has never been made public, until now. And now that it is out, as disgraceful, sickening and traumatising it is to read -
it is out. Now that this has been revealed to the world, expect it to virally move to other platforms as well. What both of you have done to that family is a disgrace. Two so-called spiritual teachers, delivering trauma to an autistic student who is still receiving neuropsychological treatment for the trauma you inflicted. Manipulating, gaslighting, shouting at, physically attacking, holding prisoner in rooms, extorting, and potentially drugging.
Mother of 'X'
No James, it is not my view that you are dishonest.
This has nothing to do with my view, but with a fact. The current agreement is not valid in Spain and has no security for your creditor. It is not my view, it is a fact which the lawyer brought to our attention.
So, if you have X’s rightful interests at heart. Please agree to this valid and secure agreement that respects the rights and security of all parties.
Concerning the details, please read (Lawyers) explanations again.
Security is also in my interest, as I am paying 3% back to 'X' to compensate for the very low interest of this very large amount of money.
Please do as you wrote you would do yesterday. I have sent it to (lawyer).
PS: You know that 'X' was very stressed and accepted anything to please you and get rid of the pressure. Even if he wanted to give you the money under this pressure, it is not acceptable because it is at his complete disadvantage, stripping him of half the money he has for the rest of his earthy life. It is unethical.
James Swartz
Hi (Mother of X),
If someone other than me is willing to pay the insurance and the other costs associated with the loan I'm happy to sign it. If 'X' is short of money we can deduct the insurance, etc. from the balance due on the loan.
He is sometimes subject to psychotic the time he is not completely clear about what going on.
This what 'X's mother feels regarding some of what was said above...
'Mother of X"
He is very sensitive to stress, fast and loud speech, noise and time pressure.
No, he is not prone to psychotic events. The whole SA episode was one single event. What do I need to do to stop this false information from being repeated over and over again, even to other people?
Any person, ill or not, cannot be blamed for something he or she is not responsible for. And even if someone is responsible somehow, blame and/or mockery are open doors to stigma, a very serious plague in our harsh societies.
And yes, correct, he was not completely clear what was going on, as you say. That is why he was in no state to sign or agree or disagree upon anything.
(Earthquake: This is what his mother said to me:)
Mother of X
It is an immense privilege and blessing to be X's earthly mother. He is an example of integrity and kindness. An example I am proud to follow. And yes, his childlike enthusiasm, innocence and joy are intact today and will remain intact for the rest of his earthly journey.
ConclusionWith a face sticky through tears, we come to the end of this harrowing tale. It's 05.24 am, and in between the typing on the keyboard, I pause to listen to the birds, only interrupted by sobs. I am so sorry that this happened to you, 'X'. I am so sorry that it happened to you and your mum. This would surely have been traumatic for her also. Yet all I have seen in the evidence is a strong lady, one who would do anything for her son. A bond that will not and cannot be broken. The special relationship both of you have is something beautiful to behold. And even though people did try to break that up in emails, it was never going to happen.
There's an ache in my heart when I try to imagine what it must have been like for you in South Africa, and beyond. And I do try to imagine. I want to try to understand, even though I know I can't, not really. Still, it has been extremely traumatic writing this, and I know that it has for readers also. Yet it has been such a worthwhile endeavour. To tell the truth, and take a stand against lies and distortion, is a noble cause. It is the foundational principle of justice. Of all that is good, wholesome and proper in the world.
Thank you for the chance to tell your story. It has been a responsibility that I have held close to my heart, for your story has needed to be told. It was only last night that I was telling my two main students that I have wanted to get in contact with you for some time. I neither knew how to and gave up hope. And just as I was about to leave this forum, it happened. Your story not only deserves to be told, but it was also meant to be told.
This has been incredibly healing for both 'X' and his mum, as it has for people such as 'Disillusioned'. Another brave person following the lead of 'X' and coming forward fully disclosing another sordid and harrowing exchange. 'X' and his mother have diligently read every single post on this topic, and both are extremely grateful for Disillusioned words, and that she got benefit from their tale. It is the hope of both 'X' and his mum that what they have posted here will help others.
Earthquake: Now that we've come to the end of your disclosures, is there anything that either of you would like to say, to the forum and the world reading this?
The worst thing for me in this story is the betrayal from some people that I loved and trusted unconditionally.
But yes, our last words here will be a quote about Danam (charity) by Swami Dayananda:
"The culture of Hindus is one of caring. Elders, animals, air, water, earth, and people -all these we care for. We grow by caring, by transforming ourself from consumers into contributors. Danam, giving and sharing is a mark of growth. You grow big by caring".
And most of all, we send our many thanks and blessings to earthquake, thespare, traveller99 and heather and all the friends supporting us in bringing the truth into the light. And special thanks to Earthquake for amazing work holding the sword of justice.
'X' & his Mother
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
~ George Orwell