Criminal James Swartz: Shiningworld Cult Leader Evades Indian Tax AuthoritiesCriminal Convictions, Bankruptcy, Potential Assests & Tax Evasion, Cult Leader James Swartz exposed Using 'God' to Justify Illegal Behaviour.Quote
Shiningworld Satsang
Danielle: First of all, to finish with the ex-teacher. He’s was questioning your integrity of both of you around money and talking about secrets he knows about both of you and so on. Just such obvious crap without any interest. I was feeling so wrong to make this kind of statement behind your back I took as a duty just to inform you because if he did it with me he did it with others I guess.
I haven't been privy to what Stan wrote to 'Danielle'. I suspect it is more of a factual claim than one of questioning integrity. This is because there cannot be any question regarding integrity since the evidence is James & Isabella Swartz's own written words. Of course, it seems that very few Shiningworld members are interested in the truth, since to date, not one single member has been in contact to scrutinize the now mountains of independent evidence that prove how despicable the Swartz are. And, had 'Danielle' of contacted Stan and asked to see the proof, instead of scurrying off to tell-tales, they might have had the opportunity to see they are indeed on the wrong side of justice.
Such actions merely show that the Shiningworld Cult is not interested in the truth. My oh my, aren't you all bastions of truth, openness, humility and nobility! Each time that proof is offered to be sent to you (by me), you flee like Dracula from a crucifix. As much hilarious as it is sad, there is no spiritual evolution in the land of the assholes. And you, all of you, are such an example of what not to do in the face of injustice.
Shiningworld Satsang
Sundari: What this person has to say about us has nothing to do with us, not as the Self or as the imaginary person he is attacking. He is only attacking himself. I know where it comes from, tamas, ignorance. It is not his fault but is really beneath us to respond to such nonsense, especially about money. We have nothing hidden in any way about anything, there is nothing to reveal and he knows it. Everything we do is above reproach. But now that he is a fully paid-up member of the alternate reality conspiracists truth no longer matters to him. Truth can be anything he makes it out to be or wants to believe. And the lowest tactic to injure people is to make veiled accusations of things you ‘claim’ to know about them but do not reveal. He cannot reveal anything but he has nothing. Anyone can say anything about anyone these days, regardless of veracity. Who cares?
The 'imaginary person' he is attacking. Here we go again, eka jiva vada, this person or this world is imaginary. Tell me, Isabella, if you are imaginary, will you jump out a window, right now? Surely the imaginary fall will have no meaning, on the imaginary Isabella body. Yes, you're a complete fail, before we go any further. It is this 'imaginary' bullshit, that is the cause of you and the rest of your cult disciples screwing over other people.
Dearest Queen of the Damned, the verdict is in, you are insane. Insane with the lust for power & control as the (latest) chief concubine of the King of Penis enlargements. Since you are so fond of awarding others titles, I could award you: 'Adept at Telling Lies' except that would not be apt, for you are seriously deluded. You speak about Stan and 'veiled lies', yet you cannot address my open and unveiled writings about you. You ignore the proof of the claims, which are you and your husbands own emails! Neither will you go face to face with me in video call so I can show you in the recording screenshots of those emails, that proven, once again, that you are a bare-faced liar. What kind of spiritual teachers are you both? There is no spirituality in this. A pair of greedy incubus & succubus. Though I don't know who is which.
Your words here are going to come back to haunt you, further into this topic, however. But first I must lay a bit of the groundwork in the investigation that I have conducted, with the idea of building up, though to also jog the memory of any other victims of the Swartz'.
An investigation was conducted primarily regarding James Swartz, and the following parameters were used:
Name - James Swartz.
Age - 02/02/1941
Areas lived: Portland, OR. Vancouver, WA. Berkely, CA.
Relatives: A**** SwartzResults were returned across a broad spectrum, these included exact addresses, phone numbers, emails and also associates over the last twenty years at least.
Readers will perhaps know from the defamation James Swartz has published about myself and others, and of more recently speaking in his so-called spiritual classes, rantings regarding criminals. Perhaps he is referring to myself, but where James Swartz & I differ regarding the Criminal Justice System is one of its cornerstones = rehabilitation. If a person owns up to their offences, co-operates, pays for it in some manner (including training), they may be viewed as rehabilitated. I am rehabilitated and am a vocal supporter of due process. It is a primary reason why it was myself who brought the phoney allegations about me, to the attention of the authorities. And why not? It debunks anything anyone with common sense would assert. James Swartz does not believe in rehabilitation, for there is an absence of his admissions in the face of his emails. He is so afraid that he cannot come face to face with me alongside his wife in the video debate. Indeed, not even a two-to-one advantage makes them feel any braver. Fair enough. However, in our investigations, we have uncovered that James Swartz, the King of Hypocrites has a criminal record himself...
Conviction Number 1:
James Bender Swartz
Age 80
DOB 02/02/1941
Case id# CMCRPR00508895DEF00001
Case Number: PR00508895
Charges Filed: 07/24/2012
Offence Date: 07/11/2012
Disposition: Convicted
Court: Multnomah County Courts
City: Portland
State: ORThere is a similar conviction of which I have the following details:
Conviction Number 2:
Case# 18VI141287
Location: Des ChutesYes, you accuse people of being criminals, while you also have a criminal record. You deranged Buffon.
James Swartz was declared bankrupt on 04/01/2004. And has a 'declared' income of $60-65,000 per year. I am informed by someone who oversaw the finances in Shiningworld that he earns at least the same amount again through seminars. In fact, in one seminar alone he extorted over $15,000! Why do I say 'extort'? Simply because people have told me the prices of what his commercialised seminars are like. 100 Euro's for prayer beads anyone? A bargain surely, since the great Scamji has touched them! God knows where though! Perhaps he and mooji have this love-bead thang going on. And it is that that love-of-war tug-of-war (ahem!) you are witnessing in the Mooji, e-Satsangs.
During the investigation of assets regarding James Swartz, his name has come up in association with a property in Vancouver, WA. This property is currently listed as being worth: $800,000,00. To date, it has not been completely ascertained as to what James Swartz's involvement is with this property, so nothing substantive can be said further.
In any event, all of the above is pretty small in comparison to what I am about to reveal. There have been many rumours regarding James Swartz & financial issues over the years, but to my mind, there has been nothing that can be said to be actual proof. Until now. To my mind, this will be the first time that such strong admissions of criminal activity have been revealed, by Swartz' own words.
What follows is a series of quotations from an email of James Swartz, in which he is speaking about what action can be taken regarding a 'troll/trolls'. I wonder though, if the Swartz idea of what troll is, is what a troll is. A troll merely wants to cause trouble and is not interested in the truth... Hmmm, does that sound like any group of people we might know. Shiningworld Cult anyone? I wonder, those Shiningworld students, that have children. Are you teaching your children to ignore evidence that does not fit into what the group around them thinks? That each child is not to be allowed space to look at all information as they grow up, to make their mind and take a stand against injustice? After all, that is exactly what you, the parents are doing regarding the Swartz...
James Swartz
I got a tip from a friend in India who is certain that the troll or trolls as the case may be is a group of Papaji devotees living in Tiruvannamalai who hate me for my views on Papaji and his 'teaching.' The troll or trolls did not contact me directly.
...asking him to see if he can determine if the original email originated in India.
And what would happen if you were contacted directly, James? Nothing, as you are too afraid to direct video debate.
James Swartz
I haven't heard from the guys who are monitoring the news is good news...about new posts. They were able to get the posts removed from one server and I was able to get them removed from another.
Excuse me? While we know that you put out the fireworks for every bit of praise, real or imagined, I thought that you and your wife paid no attention to criticism online? Why do you have your cult slaves out searching? Caught out with lies, gain.
James Swartz"
I want to keep it off the website if possible as most people who contract it have no idea this is going on and don't need to know...unless they do.
Yes, you do not want the Shiningworld Cult to know what is going on unless it is your version, minus the truth. Here's an idea:
Why don't you agree to go face to face with me on a video call? We will make it live, and record it. And you can place it on Shiningworld. I will post in screenshots on the screen all of your emails and WhatsApp messages where you have exposed yourselves as greedy, sneaky, abusive cult leaders. If I am telling lies, then agree, and trap me! Surely you have nothing to fear from your emails? While the truth is that you are not as important a cult leader as you think (or make out) there will be people that would want to see both of your faces live, while I show you your emails proving you are a scumbag.
James Swartz
By the way, the trolls also put the India tax department on me as several of my friends have had visits from them asking for me. By Isvara's grace Sundari wanted to go home early so we changed our flights and flew the coup. How about that! It was the best thing that could happen.
Well, that is hardly going to be a problem for someone who has not done anything wrong, yes? Let's read on and see...
In fact, let's pause a moment to get this straight. The Indian Tax Authorities have been looking for you. They had even gone as far as to make visits to some of your friends. My first question is why did none of these friends tell the authorities where you were? What is wrong with all of you? Your friends are as crooked as you are, as they begin to cover for you, illegal in itself. If they did not break the law, please give me their details (in private) so that I can report them to the authorities.
And, why did you not contact the authorities yourself, and co-operate? Why did you bring your flights forward, and both you and Isabella ran for the hills?
So, we have the Indian Government looking for you regarding tax. We have your friends covering for you, hiding you in effect. What's next? Oh yes, you and Isabella decide to bring your flights forward and 'flee the coup'! And it's the best thing that could happen! Yes, for a criminal, the Al Capone of modern Vedanta. You're exposed, haha. It's similar to what happened in South Africa. You got 180,000 Euro off 'X', leave him at the side of the road homeless & delirious, while you go hop on a plane and teach a Shiningworld Cult event, before fleeing the coup to Spain. Likewise in India, you are teaching while all along you are wanted by the authorities, and you flee India, never to return!
James Swartz
I got all sentimental at the end of the India teaching and agree to teach again in December...Back By Popular Demand!...but this put the nail in that coffin. They might flag my visa and keep me from entering. It is best because when I sobered up I realized that I didn't want to do India again. I've been trying to bust my India Vasana for a long time and it seems Isvara is helping out in this strange way.
You knew even before the seminar finished that you would not be returning to India again. The Government expected you to pay taxes on what you earned there. And why should you not? Who do you think you are actually? Well, we now know who you are... I wonder, did you do anything to try to squeeze more money out of unsuspecting devotees while you were there? Knowing you would not return. Please, if anyone knows the information, let us know.
Wanted for tax evasion by the Indian Government, trying to evade the Indian authorities. That is who you are, not a spiritual teacher. I can reveal what you are with one comment:
James Swartz
" it seems Isvara is helping out in this strange way. "
Yes, God is helping you to break the law! Are you completely out of your mind, you imbecile? You have exposed yourself as a cult leader. A cult leader is charismatic, who uses existing (or made up) spiritual teachings to create an obedience-response in others to plunder sexually, financially, or through power. You email others, gloating, boasting about how 'god' has helped you break the law. A pure cult leader, and despicable cretin.
James Swartz
Anyway, these guys are nasty. I knew some of them in the good old days in Tiru. They resent my fame.
Are you certain it's got nothing to do with you repeatedly draining unsuspecting people for whatever pennies they have while being on the run from governments by cheating the tax authorities? But it is not that you don't know this is wrong. The very fact that you know you will not be allowed back into India, shows that you know you are in legal peril there. You are an abusive cult leader who hasn't got the balls to face either the Indian Government or even myself directly. Run, run, run. By-pass, By-pass, By-pass. That is all James & Isabella Swartz do. And teaching all of you in Shiningworld to do the same.
When you read your teachers emails sharing how they got 180,000 euro and abandoned an autistic person at the side of the road, homeless in extreme distress after they videod him, are you proud? When you read how James got out of the car, about to punch an autistic person as he screams in desperation for help, are you proud?
When you see the emails from your teachers in which they openely admit travelling to a country that is very poor, to take-take-take, and not give back. To break the law and flee before they had to pay tax like everyone else, are you also proud?
What is wrong with all of you?
Isabella, did't your opening quote say that you have nothing to hide? I suppose someone else sent the scores of emails from you and James's accounts! It is finally at this point, that the evidence is overwhelming regarding how morally bankrupt both of you are. Both of you have been completely outed as hateful liars. The cherry on the top is that in your own emails, you use spiritual teachings to excuse your illegal behaviour. It is clear, without a doubt, that the both of you are abusive cult leaders with no regard for humanity, society or the law. This is the truth, underneath your virgin white veneer, as exposed by your own words and actions.
I'm away to write a book for someone now, for the next few months. I'll come back in for a bit of sport if the Swartzohphile shapeshifters come on trolling. Or for any other reason, I might decide, but i'm going to be quite busy. It's my downtime to come on here though as posting relaxes me, so I might return to post more.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
~ George Orwell
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2021 04:49AM by earthquake.