What is commonly practiced in this group is called "shepherding" or "discipleship" this is thoroughly explained in 'Twisted Scriptures' basically one person or a few people are giving a ranking of authority e.g. Jayse, Trent, Amy C. or any of the young men crowned as one of the 144,000. They are appointed by the leader or 'prophet' as a discipler or a type of guide to one or many people and this is where the abuse begins.
OH YES BRAKU Tim did say this in one letter from 6/04 I believe he said GOD TOLD HIM THAT JESUS WOULD COME AND 'PLUCK THEM FROM THE EARTH' in 7 YEARS and then in another pdf study that is no longer up Tim said the 'innocent and forgiven' would be raptured only, but wait does that mean not ALL Christians are worthy of forgiveness, only those who earn it through Tim right? The Bible clearly says that those who believe on Jesus will be adopted as children of God, who by the way is no respecter of men. IN FACT Braku many thought that halloween 2010 would be the last, and also the feast of trumpets would be the rapture and 'no further past 2011' but then Tim went back on what he said and said something to the like of "well...I can't be sure if that was God talking or just an educated guess..." really? So what else can't you be sure about? EVERYTHING! Like the last letter Tim is obviously grasping at straws and threatening his 'flockers' not to dare listen to any of us who are bringing his LIES to the light. You guys have been BRAINWASHED. I would challenge you all to quit supporting Tim's addiction of playing God and see how long he lasts. You are gonna have some serious counseling to rewire your view of the angry God Tim has portrayed throughout the years. You are going to question your faith BIG TIME all thanks to Tim who didn't care if he crushed you like a bug. And some of your deceived followers printed out the material on the studies pdf files so they have the original REedited PROOF that you said that Tim, not to mention those who had the book and haven't set it on fire yet. Unfortunately I believe many of the followers will just be brainwashed and bullied into dismissing this HUGE failed prophecy as a 'miscalculation'.
Timothy, take what I have given you, and give it to yourself to alleviate that which has become burdensome of your
mind. Take that which is received from the winebibbers, and give it to the poor. Do all that you have placed in front
of yourself, and you shall find that which is enough to sustain you until My first harvest. In two years hence shall you
have plenty. In those days, you shall tithe and also hold back a portion for yourself
The Full letter goes.Quote
4/13/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Look to The Lord for All Things... The End is Near, the Trumpets Have Been Placed in the Hands of All Those Called
Timothy, why do you ask of the things you know already? Trust in yourself, trust in your newfound wisdom. Feel
what is right, for I have placed this knowledge in you and your wife also.
You have asked, and The Lord shall guide you in these matters that will very soon come to not. In much larger
matters of life and death, for you and My people, also will I guide you, for they are soon coming upon you...
The Lord’s return is at hand...
First, the gathering up...
Then, the judgments...
Next, a trampling, the blood is as a river...
Followed by the glorious appearing.
Then, destruction of the wicked and their leader, by The Holy One of Israel,
The great and powerful One, called The Nazarene.
Timothy, take what I have given you, and give it to yourself to alleviate that which has become burdensome of your
mind. Take that which is received from the winebibbers, and give it to the poor. Do all that you have placed in front
of yourself, and you shall find that which is enough to sustain you until My first harvest. In two years hence shall you
have plenty. In those days, you shall tithe and also hold back a portion for yourself, which will sustain you during the
terrible days to come, for they are the labor pains, and all will be in travail. You shall be as the midwife and a father, their
counselor and prophesier, bringing all their requests before God on their behalf, those in your charge.
In your hand, I have placed a trumpet... Sound it to the four corners.
Soon all 144,000 trumpets will sound together as one,
As the voice of The Lord and the sounding of His coming...
Ears open, My people.
Volume One
Letters from God and His Christ