<If so are you "man" enough to answer and comment on my following statements? Do you have the "Guts"? ..............>
That's a bit baiting, don't you think.
<Of course, I was trying to bait someone into answering my questions. You never answered the one about a man (and spouse) not knowing anything about what the weekend is about, being put through an intense weekend of LGAT, and then being told he has to make an "oath" of secrecy. How is that integrity on the part of MKP??????? These men are broken, and then pushed into giving an "oath" that just might go against a previous one given to his spouse............ How does that fit????>
<To make a relationship stronger, and to understand where your loved one is coming from, disclosure IS the best way to go. Don't you think that your (if you have one) spouse "might" be more understanding and caring of some of your behaviors, reactions, actions, if she/he knows where you are coming from????>
He signed a confidentiality agreement.
<Not knowing what he was signing in regards to!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then AFTER AN INTENSE WEEKEND OF LGAT. Before he went he had no idea what he was signing in regards to. Our thought was as to what other men might tell him about themselves which I COMPLETELY agree should be kept in confidence.>
Your husband could have called you on Friday to let you know he was there. That was his choice.
<No, from what he told me (after I found the info on the internet) that was not his choice, the way they were immediately treated and his phone etc. taken away??????? Yes, sure, he could have called while being screamed at????>
I'd say that your husband was doing what he said he was going to do when he signed that agreement. I'd guess (based on your comments) that he was doing so at some personal cost. I would judge him to have high integrity personally... He signed a non-disclosure and did not disclose.
<Yes, my husband has very high "integrity", but, after the weekend of LGAT, it tore him up, a promise he made to me years ago, a promise he made to his new "brothers" after LGAT, oh yes, healthy healthy healthy.>
You were being asked to be understanding about not knowing the fine details about one weekend out of 20 years.
<I was being asked to, what felt like to me, throw my "integrity" of honesty about our relationship (after a promise we had made to each other years ago), and now allow secrets into our relationsip.>
Factually speaking, what money did they as for on a continual basis?
Use factual examples. Not heresay.
<He was given a form to Pledge a certain amount over a time frame.... I refused to allow this since we are NOT RICH and our children could better use new pants than MPK!!!!!!!!!!!>
You said that there are a couple of million dollars going into someone's pockets. Please provide references for such a claim. Who is making a million dollars?
<IRS forms that are public records that I found...... many different names for different states, slipping through having to pay taxes, I am still trying to trace where the money is going, many many many businesses owned by MKP "persons" which MKP then pays to have "websites" etc. etc. etc. created. Money going from their left pocket to their right pocket!!!!>
I have issues with where the money is going also, but it is a *private* organization. If there were non-profit there would be some disclosure rules.
<If you go to their web site they claim to be "NON PROFIT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!>
I don't think that you should suggest someone is making millions unless you have some solid facts to back that statement up.
<I believe the IRS forms with MKPers names point in that direction.......>
Process secrecy, having gone through the process, I understand why it is required.
<No, secrecy is different from confidentiality of what others tell you. I see no reason why my husband should not be allowed to share what should be his newfound truth and joy of himself with his wife and how he was able to do so if it was actually healthy for him, obviously I am not going to go to a mens mkp weekend............>
Integrity is doing what you say you are going to do. Nothing more. Nothing less. Your husband said he would not talk about it, he's keeping his integrity.
Am I brainwashed too?
If I say I will do something, I do it. Going back on my word at a later date because of certain conditions impacts my credibility.
<I would say you sound brainwashed. Sometimes life throws things at us and we have to do something different than what we said, does that mean you are breaking your integrity "word"? Or just that life changes what we have to do at times? So, I tell my kids, tomorrow we are going to the park, the car breaks down and we can't go, does that mean I am losing my integrity? Or, I say I will be somewhere at a certain time, I leave in plenty of time and whoa, a car accident that makes me late. Do I lose my credibility? No, it just means things happen. But, if a husband makes a promise to a wife, and then makes a different promise to someone else, who should he keep his "integrity" with? MKP is forcing men to make a choice that "IS NOT" healthy for them and their family.>
<I know why "sacred" items are taken away, are you going to tell me it is a safety issue as I keep hearing from my husband's I group? I [b:68eae55f46]know[/b:68eae55f46] it is to "remove" them from their "lives" and start "breaking" them down. If MKPers can't be honest with this one, how can I trust them with more important issues? Another lie from MKP?? Or just an unwillingness to admit why they do so, how are they keeping their integrity with this one????>
The weekend isn't about "your" relationship. It's about your husband himself.
<I am aware that the weekend was not about me or about the relationship between my husband and I. My responce to that is, anything I do in this life, and anything my husband does in this life, impacts our relationship. If I have made a promise to him, I will keep it, not change it just because a bunch of LGAT MKPers tell me to.>
I see you breaking your own integrity with this one!!!!!!! Real men lie to their wives? Is that the truth of MKP ??????
I was never asked to lie to my spouse or anyone else.
If I tell you that I can't disclose because I agreed not to do so, I'm not lying.
<You are if you had previously made a promise to your wife, and as far as I am concerned, it is a lie of admission.............>
Yes, they are deprived, (I know this as FACT!!!!!!!!) sacred items such as wedding rings, reading materials, phones, sleep, food, etc. etc. etc. etc. and yes it is "secret", a "man" has to give an "oath" of secrecy!!!!!!!!!!
<Your answer was just the answer I expected from an MKPer. Yes, life deprives us of all kinds of things that we don't choose. Does that mean it is right?>
Your statements:
"There is no mysterious 'secrecy'"
No? Would you tell us about Saturday night? Would you tell your wife about it? How about Sunday morning?
I didn't make that statement.
I would not agree with that statement.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I can say that I would not tell my spouse about anything that weekend as I agreed not to do so up front and of my own free will. If I would have disclosed that information, I would not have agreed to the process.
<That was not an answer, that was a "broken record" statement of someone not thinking......... If you don't know what is going to happen, but believe that you are being asked to not disclose any information about what other men might tell you, how are you agreeing to anything "upfront" other than to keep what other's might tell you in confidence to yourself? Then you are made to give an "oath" of secrecy after an intense weekend of LGAT, how are you then required to keep it??? When the police arrest the "wrong" guy, keep him awake for hours pounding on him/her emotionally, and then the person finally says "I did it", are they then required to continue saying they did it??? LGAT is the same thing....>
"There are a bunch of good reasons for the confidentiality" -- yes, imagine your wife's face if you told her all that went on!
Imagine telling another man about what went on. I think you have a valid point, but I believe that such is not the only reason to keep the weekend a private procedure.
So, within this men's group, integrity, honesty, guilt/shame is talked about and how a "man" should keep his integrity and honesty and not do anything that would cause him guilt/shame and if he does he should talk about it and "feel" it. So, if what happened is something you would not tell your wife about, is that not a form of guilt/shame as to what went on???
Are you objecting the the theory that a man should live his life in an honest way, with integrity, and keep from doing things that cause shame and guilt?
<No, did you not read what I wrote? Are you bouncing around the real question? So, if what happened is something you would not tell your wife about, is that not a form of guilt/shame as to what went on???>
I agree that placing men in a position where their spouse absolutely demands to know what happened over the weekend, refuses to accept the idea that that said man might have given his word not to disclose what happened might cause issues at home. From my perspective, since you've done so much investigation into the "process" and you *understand* that your husband gave his word, I'm going to suggest that you might be a little more understanding in regard to your husband's position.
<I understand that my husband went through LGAT, I understand that my husband made a promise to me a very long time ago. I did not "demand" answers, I just asked, and was put off because of an "oath" of secrecy he gave to his new "brothers" after a PROMISE he had made to me. ALARM BELLS STARTED RINGING, would they not for you in regards to someone you love?>
I think you have a valid concern here. In one form or another MKP practices a form of therapy by people who are not traditionally trained in it.
<Actually they use a form of Jungian Psychology which is dangerous when not used by trained (professionals), it is still a field of study not quite understood and for people to use it without correct training is just plain uncaring and as far as I am concerned and "stupid".>
Do you ever talk about issues within your relationship to a girlfriend?
<No, because I made a promise to him years ago that I would NOT and that our issues were ours and not anyone else's.... HIS REQUEST OF ME A LONG TIME AGO...... which I have kept!!!!!!!!!!!! Our promise to each other...>
If your man isn't telling you about his weekend, why would you think that he would disclose things you've asked him not to talk about - or things that he knows he shouldn't talk about. If you don't think he would know the difference, simply ask him - or tell him: please do not disclose.
<Ah, see, so now, every word I say, I have to think about, is this something he might disclose? Is this something I have to request him not to disclose? Is this something that would bother me if he did? So now I can't just have a heartfelt conversation with him without wondering. I cannot just be comfortable with my husband as I alway's have been?...Yes, that makes me angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1>
I'd like to suggest that you are a bit angry. Getting angry isn't going to help you here - or at home.
Do you understand what integrity is?
<Yes I am angry, this group uses LGAT with untrained people (where is the integrity in that?), and then forces a man to give an oath of secrecy, and it is supposed to be acceptable. I know what integrity is, I have kept it in my relationship with my husband and life for a very long time, it does not require "secrecy", which is different from confidentiality of what a person tells you about themselves.>
I do not believe MKP is a cult.
I think MKP might fit the mold as LGAT. I wouldn't object to that characterization. By saying making the association of cult and LGAT, I believe you are trying to characterize MKP as a cult, which is something you have no direct experience with as you didn't attend the weekend.
<No, I did not attend the weekend, but I am not stupid and have done much research, called many govt. agencies, asked many questions, Mankind Project is under watch, listed as an LGAT under the term CULT..>
<I have tried to reread this in the hope that things were not written over and over, as when I looked at one of my last post it seemed to copy twice.
Thank You for at least trying to answer some of my questions. I think you might need to do some research on this group you are so much trying to defend.>