I do have a couple of question's for you at this time... Why did you join this group if you are no longer in MKP and still defend them? Why do you defend them so much? And why now? AND Who are you?
I'm interested in fair and moderate balance in regard to this group. At least as much as I can provide it from my perspective.
Last I heard, you hadn't been through it, Ginah, so most of your opinions are based on what someone told you - or something you read - not actual experience. I think having gone through the experience is very important and key to understanding it, I don't believe that you can simply read about it and get a full understanding of what it is like... The good and the bad. I don't discount your feelings towards your husband - or your feelings about the process, I'm simply saying that I would have a hard time understanding what MKP is without having gone through it.
Such understanding applies to the good things that could be gained - and the risks which could apply to the process. I agree that the risks are not disclosed up front and that there is some subversion around what the process is.
If I'm unwelcome to post in this group or if posts that support this organization are not allowed here, simply tell me and I will voluntarily leave.
I see so many posts praying on people's fears in regard to MKP and I don't think that all of the posts are entirely balanced. The Yahoo group is a great example - this group seems to be a bit more tolerant, at least so far, maybe due to moderation.. And I seem to get some good dialog from some other individuals. The downside of one sided (no supporting views allowed) is suggestive reporting, telling people that MKP is anti-Christian, citing going to MKP as a mortal sin, suggesting that homosexual activities are encouraged, not to mention hyping the things that DO happen in a suggestive manner... A great example is citing the usage of phallic symbols as a specifically named sex toy... Lookup the definition of that sex toy and what it's used for. Saying that MKP uses these things is *highly* suggestive.
MKP is doing some not so ethical things also. They tell initiates that they have to ride together due to space concerns. They do not disclose the processes that might have a deep pschological impact on some individuals. They require non-disclosure up front, but don't detail anything about the process.
Regardless, I don't excuse men from their integrity due to the behavior of other men.
There is some conjecture in regard to some individuals making a lot of money off MKP. I have seen zero evidence of this, outside of the leadership that does get paid per tax returns. The amounts (in my eyes) do not lead to lifestyles above middle class. If anyone has evidence that an individual or individual(s) have made money off MKP, I'd love to see it... Until then, it's just more fearmongering and heresay.
Do I defend MKP? Yes. Do I criticise MKP? Yes.
I'm trying to strike a fair balance. If this is a forum for criticsm only, please let me know.
Why now?
I'm only recently aware of this forum. '
Who are you?
I'm not sure how you want me to answer this question. I have adversion to disclosing my identity on the internet to individuals who may not be tolerant of my views as such can cause harassment. If you *must* know who I am for some reason, message me directly and we'll work something out.