Re: Radiant Life Church of Sacramento, California, Pastor Tony Cunningham
Posted by: Hector_Ragnar ()
Date: March 12, 2011 02:49PM

From what I saw this past Thursday night Tony is still driving his GADITE silver Volvo

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2011 02:59PM by Hector_Ragnar.

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Re: Radiant Life Church of Sacramento, California, Pastor Tony Cunningham
Posted by: Fool Me Once ()
Date: March 17, 2011 05:40AM

Big Red took More stuff and the motor Cycle..Are we going or are we just storing our toys

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Re: Radiant Life Church of Sacramento, California, Pastor Tony Cunningham
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: March 20, 2011 05:04AM

Hey Neighborhood clean up!
I'm willing to go over to this false prophet, false apostle, false teacher and spiritual polygamist house and help him pack up all of his coveted goods he has acquired out of his manipulation and coercion.

I'm thinking the sooner he is gone out of the neighborhood the safer it will be.

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Re: Radiant Life Church of Sacramento, California, Pastor Tony Cunningham
Posted by: whatajoke ()
Date: March 23, 2011 01:19PM

Yikes.......did I read right. Is Michelle bang now Michelle Cooper. Read an article that said shawas the red glove bandit in elk grove. Isn't she related to Tony. The picture looked like her. She was Tonys hyper spiritual assistant. Tell me if it's not true. Just sad how far people from rlc have fallen. Ouch.

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Re: Radiant Life Church of Sacramento, California, Pastor Tony Cunningham
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: April 01, 2011 12:54AM

Taking a look a the Radiant Life cult web site, they have NOT posted any of Tony's sermons since August 23 2009. Thats almost a year and a half of silence (ok I'm thankful for that)
If this was a healthy cult like the Muslims or the Mormons, wouldn't you think they would be posting more of there propaganda?
If Tony is such a great leader then why can't he grow this little cult?
No, Tony has prey much used up all his sycophant's resources the only people running the little cult are a hand full of women that are still worshiping the spiritual polygamist. Tony has a thing for "King Solomon's Wives," a burning jealousy! I'm sure Tony has convinced his mommy and daddy to keep supporting his lies and wild spending. I wonder what kind of relationship Tony has with his siblings?

Sick, sick, sick and twisted, for Tony to have his wife Rose out of town yet, Tony has a beautiful single young lady living with him in his house. Yes the house that is in foreclosure!
What kind of leader is Tony to just stop making house payments? What kind of a spiritual guru is he when this is the example he leads with?

What will it take to wake up the few who remain?

Now the talk is Tony, is heading to Arizona to set up a new cult compound there; is this going to become the next Jones town? Who in Arizona is dumb enough to follow Tony?

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Re: Radiant Life Church of Sacramento, California, Pastor Tony Cunningham
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: April 02, 2011 01:06AM

its obvious that Tony Cunningham and his protege Mike Villamore still share something in common, that being a hard heart!
It's very similar to the hardness of heart that Pharaoh went through.

Guys repent of your false teachings, repent for calling yourselves apostles and prophets or even pastors.

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Re: Radiant Life Church of Sacramento, California, Pastor Tony Cunningham
Posted by: smileygrl81 ()
Date: April 02, 2011 01:58AM

My family and I were present when the church experienced much turmoil back in 2008 when it suffered a massive loss of church members due the the claims that families had been mentally manipulated into losing thousands of dollars and some familes even their dignity and self work. The people who had chosen to stay would not tell the others peoplewho only knew remotely what had happened the story. In 2007, I found this site after claims that much of the information was online. I found this site some years ago and shared my information with my family. I told them that I would not be attending. They choose to stay despite the rest of their friends leaving saying that Pastor Tony had done nothing to them and that they'd give him the benefit of the doubt and give him another chance. I left for some months until I felt he may have changed. I returned with a vow that I would not particpate in any of church programs, that I wouldn't donate any large sum of money, and that I would stay away from Pastor Tony, jus go to the sermons. For a moment it seemed he had, especially after given a sermon about how whenever you put your faith and trust in man you would always be disappointed because you need to put your trust in GOD. Since then, Pastor had supposedly released all his rights to make decisions in the church and left the responsibility to the church elders. I couldnt understand then but he did it so that no one would say he was stealing from the church and the people again. The original church location was sold to another church and we have moved to another location. There was even some talk about changing the name of the church but the people voted that the name stay. There were no more talk of church plants, no more advice giving, no more anything...all he did was give his sermons. Recently he wrote a very good book about how to better live you life and he gave many copies away to the church members. I dont know if it sold.

I am writing not to talk about Pastor Tony's merit or his changed persona, but I am writing in remorse because yet again my family has been DUPED. This for both my family and I was the last straw. Last week, my father and a few others heard pastor tony say that HE DID NOT BELIEVE THAT THE BIBLE WAS THE WORD OF GOD. They found out that he has another woman living in his house ( not the old lady) in addition to the wife and old lady. As it turned out, he is not a christian minister. He is A LICSENSED MORMON MINISTER!!!! SO it is ok for him to support polygamy. The icing on the cake was the info about stealing 70,000 from the old lady.

When my mom told what happened, I wasn't surprised or even really moved because were dealing with the same culprit who had done so much dirt 5 years ago. For my family and I, this was the last straw. My question is, how could you stoop sooooo low! And why pose as a christian man, when all the time, you have mormon beliefs? Why not just say your a mormon. Why do so much pretending and manipulating? Why continue to do sooo much dirt. The truth is Pastor Tony is a liar, a theif, and manipulator who will uses damn near anybody and anything including the good book to get large sums of money without actually earning it. He is a despicable, horrible person who should be handled with a long handled spoon or not at all. He is the epitomy of low.

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Re: Radiant Life Church of Sacramento, California, Pastor Tony Cunningham
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: April 02, 2011 05:58AM

I have been yelling theology, theology, theology all this time! I have compared Tony's polygamist lifestyle and works based legalistic teachings to classic Mormonism! I know that TONY IS NOT A CHRISTIAN MINISTER! he's a charlatan and s thief and he needs to be prosecuted the full extent of the law!!!!
shame on all of those who are involved with enabling this charlatan! Yes that goes for you Greg Huth, Tom Kembell and the rest of you emasculated men to ran that church

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Re: Radiant Life Church of Sacramento, California, Pastor Tony Cunningham
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: April 03, 2011 08:31AM

Dear smileygrl81
I understand that you posted that on April Fools Day....
but without any physical evidence to back up the statement that Tony is a LICENSED MORMON MINISTER, then I would suggest you retract that statement. If it was something that was said in a close conversation with Tony or close family members that prefer to remain anonymous that is OK, just report the truth and the facts.
You see Tony is the kind of egomaniac arrogant would take this kind of a statement and use it to try and discredit everybody who does worship him or follow his teachings.

I am simply for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

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Re: Radiant Life Church of Sacramento, California, Pastor Tony Cunningham
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: April 04, 2011 12:21AM

Dear smileygrl81
I understand that you posted that on April Fools Day....
but without any physical evidence to back up the statement that Tony is a LICENSED MORMON MINISTER, then I would suggest you retract that statement. If it was something that was said in a close conversation with Tony or close family members that prefer to remain anonymous that is OK, just report the truth and the facts.
You see Tony is the kind of egomaniac arrogant would take this kind of a statement and use it to try and discredit everybody who does worship him or follow his teachings.

I am simply for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

Let me try that again sorry I was texting and driving

I understand that you posted that on April Fools Day.... LOL
but without any physical evidence to back up the statement that Tony is a LICENSED MORMON MINISTER, then I would suggest you retract that statement. IF he is Mormon than I want to know if he is classic Mormon or Reformed Mormon? theologically there is a difference thus the split.
If it was something that was said in a close conversation with Tony or close family members that prefer to remain anonymous that is OK, just report the truth and the facts as they unfolded!
You see Tony is the kind of egomaniac arrogant NUT job who would take this kind of a statement and use it, to try and discredit everybody who does NOT worship him or follow his teachings.

Tony is a bad man a man who would steal from a nice old widow woman, he is a spiritual pervert the kind of man who would abuse anyone for his personal gain!

The Apostle Paul addressing the Corinthian church wrote
"Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are."

Trust me God is doing a perfect job of destroying Tony and his protégé Mike & Cindy Villamore up in Washington
As Tony gets ready to RUN and skip out of town leaving behind his 4000 foot home, and turn his back all his sycophants who have given him lots of $$$!$!
He will try to secretly slip out of town and set up a new camp somewhere in Arizona. Allegedly flying back to preach on Sunday's here in Sacramento LOL that is such a JOKE why don't they have he wonderful sermons on there website????nothing since august of 2009

I hear Crickets

I hope and pray that we don't read about him two years from now as "Tony's Town"


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