Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 25, 2012 01:52AM
The Improving State of the World
Kris Vallotton - January 15, 2012 - 11:00
When Jesus died on the cross, the saints took possession of the kingdom. We received dominion, glory and the Kingdom of God. It is time for us to change our mindset so we can leave a legacy; the kingdoms of this world becoming the Kingdom of our God.
I dont know anything about bethel. so I went on their website. this was the paragraph describing the latest sermon. Im not a bible scholar, and I hope I'm not just being critical, cuz I'd hate to meet with my creator and have Him tell me I'm just a critical jerk. BUT. when I read the bible. mine says that when Jesus died on the cross. His deciples (who were close, and hand picked by Him, who could deffinatly be called saints.) were persecuted, and killed here on earth. I'm pretty sure they entered Gods kingdom, but not the way these guys teach it. I'm pretty sure Jesus said you will share in my suffering. and where I go I preprare a mansion for you. Not now I died you will get everyting you want in this world. and have mansions, cars, and even hit C D's on Christian radio. in matt, there is a verse about a wicked and perverse generation who seeks signs and wonders. makes me think that true faith is trusting God when you dont get what you want. its keeping your eyes on Him when the world is falling apart. having peace, while disaster is all around. Trusing Him when you dont get what you want. this faith comes from Him. the peace is His glory. not gold falling from the sky. I bet someday some guy will paint a street with gold to prove God is with him. thus causing easily fooled folks who trust in the things of this world, to flock to him and build up his kingdom. If these guys really want to build up Gods kingdom, teach His sheep to be servents, by being one yourself, to be like Jesus, who didnt say I have all this faith give me cash, and good feelings and a parking space for my donkey in the front of the mall. He said thy will not mine be done. by the way jakes house did take in a lot of money, they gave some to turning point, and another church. so the refreshing did come. their bank accounts were refreshed. I think when man starts sharing the gifts of God freely, like they were given to him. then that will be a miracle. though Im sure there are many who do.