A note to let you know you that unless you need to talk about the kids, you need to stop contacting me, my family, church and friends. If not I will press charges for stalking. You have once asked for the kids to call you.... they choose not to do that right now. I will let them know when you try to reach them. They choose if they want to reply. It is good to see that you are back to work.... these kids deserve better then what they have been getting (living in a homeless shelter, etc.).
Beth (remarried)
Baby,You can go ahead and press any charges you want!Those are my sons as well as yours and I have equal right to see them!If you want I will meet you somewhere closer to where you reside if 164th st is not close enough to be considered convenient for you.My phone number is 360-333-9970.Whether or not you are remarried is irrelevant to my desire to see them,I wish you luck!I will be expecting a response from you in time for a wednesday 5pm pick-up and I will be there.As far as stalking I do not know how that could be a realistic claim means as how I have had no contact with you.This is all brought on by your failure to provide me with any contact info. or respond to very numerous requests for such! It is simply me trying to get into contact with you by any means possible to make arrangements for visitation,which you have willfully refused to arrange either through email or phone response! Far from stalking!Your actions or lack of in regards to responding to communication or visitation requests would be considered KIDNAPPING by a jury in a courtroom,so if that is how you want to proceed,LET'S DO IT! Love Me
forum.culteducation.com] Hey baby,your church is #1 on a national cultwatch website,any idea why? Randy Larson
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2011 08:10PM by ostracizedone.