Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: January 24, 2012 12:45AM

I don't know anything new, but the fact that Judy Johnston is on staff and her husband Chris Johnston is an elder continues to make Turning Point a place that is, at the very least, questionable.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: January 24, 2012 06:12AM

Because Im in Sacramento I don't know many of the people in leadership at Turning Point,

What are the theological concerns that are still occuring at Turning Point?

Has the church ever come out and repented for following Tony Cunningham and Mike ?

Has the leadership (elders) ever repented for allowing these false teachings into the church and what was taught through SOMA?

Has the Church leadership ever come out and listed the heriseys and false doctrin that they went along with, then taken the time to instruct people why thoes theachings were wrong according to the bible?

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: January 24, 2012 05:03PM

Turning Point Church World Outreach Center

If you get the chance try and make it to Jake's House for Week of Refreshing. There are still 3 sessions remaining. Tonight Pastor Jude Fouquier prayed and prophesied over Pastor Jeff and Holly as the new lead pastors for our church. There is great unity amongst the pastors of Marysville and Arlington!

("Here we go again!" Some Jude guy from prosperity City Church prophesied over the new Pastors at TPCWOC at Jakes house last week. Some guy from the Belthel church in Redding was also up teaching at the week of Refreshing. I have seen alot of wack jobs show up at Jakes house for his Week of refreshing.Looks like the so called great unity movement is back amongst the Pastors of Marysville and Arlington. Remember what happened to False Apostle Mike after that one Pastor in town prophesied over him that he was some kind of an Apostle. It went to his head!)

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: January 24, 2012 10:21PM

"If you get the chance try and make it to Jake's House for Week of Refreshing. There are still 3 sessions remaining. Tonight Pastor Jude Fouquier prayed and prophesied over Pastor Jeff and Holly as the new lead pastors for our church. There is great unity amongst the pastors of Marysville and Arlington!"

Yuck. I am sure glad that not all of the area churches have jumped on this band wagon.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: January 25, 2012 12:56AM

Oh NO!
You need to watch out for these charlatans and false teachings from Belthel church in Redding!!, they are very dangerous both Spiritually and Theologically.
Their latest scam to pull the wool over the eyes of the congregation is having gold glitter appearing over the left side of the stage area, they call it a "glory cloud."

go YouTube "confetti cannon" or "glitter blower" and compare the demonstrations of a confetti blower to what Bethel is pulling off with cosmetic grade gold confetti blowing secretly from the stage area yes go YouTube "Glory Cloud."

The cult (Bethel) will not let an independent investigative team in to examine the gold glitter or take a close look at the AC ventilation system and stage area.

Their Theology is corrupt and heretical as they teach Jesus is 100% man and only having some godly attributes.
Where in Orthodox Christianity the bible teaches us that Jesus was fully 100% God and 100% man. Their Christology is corrupt.

These people also practice Spiritual Parenting, Divination, Astral-projections or out of body experiences and many other New Age, Pagan Mythological practices.

One of the non-negotiable essentials of orthodox Christianity has always been the completeness of Scripture. By completeness, the Bible (66 books) is the complete and final revelation of God to man. Nothing is to be added to the Scriptures, nothing is to be taken away from it, and nothing is to be placed above, or next to it (in authority or priority). The Bible stands on its own, is complete, and is the final measure by which every other doctrine, statement, creed or revelation is to be judged.
these people reject the authority and inspiration of the bible and believe they can add to it.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: January 25, 2012 01:12AM

Oh yes; Wagner with his self proclaimed spiritual power given to him from those in the invisible world. The guy who anointed Tod Bentley (the faith healer who kicked the old women in the face with his biker boot).
Wagner; who says not to trust the 'religious spirit' in your church (meaning your paster) but to only listen to anointed Apostles and their followers sent by them. Wagner; the guy who set up the tiers of authority from God to him to anointed Apostles to Elders to you. Wagner; the guy who is the only real conduit of God.
Wagner; A man with a plan and a man who Mike and Cyndi Villmor listen to.

Please watch this video I posted some time ago. Also the Bill Johnson thing is debateable. I later heard that they just attended a sermon at his church but there was no invitaion given. Or maybe the quote in the video is correct - I'm now not sure. But it's still a good video to see about the apostalic ministry movement.
sorry the video was removed maybe we can get Mville04 to repost that one.

Interesting that this post came up when researching some of the people connected with the Bethel Church in Redding California.
This Todd Bentley is a classic wolf in sheep's clothing along with Rick Joyner, Bob Jones who would have women come into his office and undress before him in order to receive a prophetic word. Other people like Patricia King and her TV show, Peter Wagner and Bill Johnson with Bethel church in Redding are all part of the New Apostolic Reformation something both Mike and Tony embraced.

You shall Know them by their fruit.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 25, 2012 01:52AM

The Improving State of the World

Kris Vallotton - January 15, 2012 - 11:00

When Jesus died on the cross, the saints took possession of the kingdom. We received dominion, glory and the Kingdom of God. It is time for us to change our mindset so we can leave a legacy; the kingdoms of this world becoming the Kingdom of our God.

I dont know anything about bethel. so I went on their website. this was the paragraph describing the latest sermon. Im not a bible scholar, and I hope I'm not just being critical, cuz I'd hate to meet with my creator and have Him tell me I'm just a critical jerk. BUT. when I read the bible. mine says that when Jesus died on the cross. His deciples (who were close, and hand picked by Him, who could deffinatly be called saints.) were persecuted, and killed here on earth. I'm pretty sure they entered Gods kingdom, but not the way these guys teach it. I'm pretty sure Jesus said you will share in my suffering. and where I go I preprare a mansion for you. Not now I died you will get everyting you want in this world. and have mansions, cars, and even hit C D's on Christian radio. in matt, there is a verse about a wicked and perverse generation who seeks signs and wonders. makes me think that true faith is trusting God when you dont get what you want. its keeping your eyes on Him when the world is falling apart. having peace, while disaster is all around. Trusing Him when you dont get what you want. this faith comes from Him. the peace is His glory. not gold falling from the sky. I bet someday some guy will paint a street with gold to prove God is with him. thus causing easily fooled folks who trust in the things of this world, to flock to him and build up his kingdom. If these guys really want to build up Gods kingdom, teach His sheep to be servents, by being one yourself, to be like Jesus, who didnt say I have all this faith give me cash, and good feelings and a parking space for my donkey in the front of the mall. He said thy will not mine be done. by the way jakes house did take in a lot of money, they gave some to turning point, and another church. so the refreshing did come. their bank accounts were refreshed. I think when man starts sharing the gifts of God freely, like they were given to him. then that will be a miracle. though Im sure there are many who do.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 28, 2012 11:54PM

Amen and amen. When will the scales fall from the eyes of those who carry on with the deception that is TPCWOC? And how long before the name is changed? As though changing the name of the place can resolve the matter of demonic influence. The cult is still a cult. Hey look-glitter-must be a sign from god.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 30, 2012 05:52AM

Amen and amen. When will the scales fall from the eyes of those who carry on with the deception that is TPCWOC? And how long before the name is changed? As though changing the name of the place can resolve the matter of demonic influence. The cult is still a cult. Hey look-glitter-must be a sign from god.

God did a lot of smiting in the bible . I wonder when churchs are going to have smitings in their services to prove that God is in their midst. I think I have the gift of smiting

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Miki ()
Date: February 08, 2012 10:10PM

Shaun- Yes I did help you financially so you could graduate SOMA- many of us pitched in so your bill would paid. And as for rent, yes to that too, not in full but we helped you and your family when there was a need. I am sorry that the words written by wherefromhere were unkind. Jackie

Jackie - I talked it over with my wife last night to make sure that i wasnt in error and neither one of us remember you helping us finnancially after we got married. She did say that there was an annonimous gift on her account. You might be getting your people and dates messed up.

We didnt have any difficult financial times until i was laid off in May '09. you had been off staff for three months then. My mom and Pastor Calvin each made significant contributions for me to graduate SOMA.

Sid - I dont presume to know one's motivation, them intentionally lying or mistating facts. I dont really care, i just wanted to set the record straight. Someone used my name and spread untrue information.

Whoever is saying that Jackie and Sid didnt help people out is Out of Control!!! They have helped people out anonymously, anonymously and sometimes people knowing. Besides all that, when did this become about Jackie paying for tuition and rent for people. It's about her generousity. Her heart is generous. She doesnt like seeing people hurt. So where ever you get your source or if your sour because you werent or dont know if she actually helped you...... COME ON!!!! GET A LIFE!

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