Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: wherefromhere ()
Date: August 13, 2010 02:08AM

Class action lawsuit anyone? How many of us put money into the building fund? I did, however not to the extent others have. This is insane that the monies have been siezed by bank. Is anyone out there? Do the congregation know that the building fund was actually used to pay Mike and Cyndi's salaries. ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL Does anyone see the irony?

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: August 13, 2010 04:42AM

I don't really understand all of the legal issues. I realize that the mishandling of the funds was illegal, and that needs to be addresses. But, what I don't understand is why did the bank sieze the account? Was this action taken b/c of the misconduct surrounding the building fund, or is this related to some other issue?

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: August 13, 2010 06:41AM

as far as the building fund goes, I put in a substantial amount, and knew that there was almost 900.000 in it at the start. when we left there was 400 something in it. with no building built, mike says that the fund was used to buy the properties the church purchased, but not one penny was spent from the building fund, mike justified this by saying if we didn't have the money we couldn't have gotten the credit to buy the properties, so we used the building fund, Mike has a way of munipulating the truth to get what he wants and justify his actions. He's a master gamer, I'm guessing there is someone out there that knows something really bad about mike, maybe did something bad with him, but has been convinced it would be sin to disclose it. only a guess not fact. Anyway most the money was spent on building mike and cyndi's dream or illusion whatever you choose. the lights, stage ,show equipment, chairs new drums sound and video stuff and who knows what except mike, for the jr high, wasting money on a temperary residence, BAD MANAGEMENT. no one ever sought Godly councel on matters just councel on fund raising ,chruch building, church growing, and crap like that. even after mike gave up control to jeff barnes, council on how to make the church big was still followed, thats why two services, when only one was needed, and why staying at jr high went on so long even though costly, instead of returning to building, which tp could have paid for long ago, a building which God gave us miraculously for a pulty sum under 400.000 it could be paid off instead tp is in deep debt. I think the building fund was seized because of all the debt owed to the bank. I guess what I hear is the money taken out to pay severence's by the leaders signing a sorta i o u to it, and that makes it legal, I dont know if it does but is it ethical. thats the question. An orginization that supposedly is teaching the ways of God sure operates in many ungodly ways. no wonder they fail. We concentrated so much on mike and cyndi's vision and not on Gods vision,who knows when the downhill process started. but I do know when I found out mike and cyndi had been living a lie for many years that started the enlightenment. I understand why he wanted to keep his failure as a husband secret, mike and cyndi charged us lots of money to to attend their marriage conference's where they set themselves us as experts on Godly relationships, teaching us all how they do it, and in reality it was all a sham, his creditability would have been ruined. and their dreams and visions blown to bits. We need to pray for Mike and Cyndi, they were leaders and held to a higher accountability. If Gods word is true (which all this crap this dishonesty and munipulation can make a person doubt its validity) God does not like that at all, I just pray for total honesty, jeff and kim thats the only way this will work out for you. love covers over a multitude of sins not covers up. if noahs sons covered up his sin of nakedness and drunkedness it wouldnt have made it to the bible. JUST DO THE HARD BUT RIGHT THING AND BE HONEST TOTALLY HONEST, or fail, its your choice now jeff.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: August 13, 2010 08:26AM

I just re-read the last three pages so let me get this straight. The building fund was not used to buy the properties TPC purchased but as collateral to get loans to buy the properties? The money was not used for the purpose that the donors intended it for. That my friends is intentional fraud[/b]. Am I understanding TPC racked up thousands in debt while using money we had donated to pay cash for the properties TPC purchased? I think someone should pick up a telephone and call the State Attorney General's office and drop a dime so they can drop a net over Mike Villamor and he can be relocated to a residence better suited to housing dividuals who defraud folks of their hard earned money. This is right up there with Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker.

I'm sorry I was ready to forgive and move on but intentional fraud! No wonder Mike used Pastor Jackie as a distraction! If anyone had suspected we would have been talking to Marysville PD and the District Attorneys office. This is just as bad as any of the Wall Street scams.

Ron Olin was researching properties and working with a realtor at Mike's direction to acquire properties. So Ron had to know.

I'm sick, just sick. Had I known the building fund was only used as collateral to secure financing I would have picked up a phone and called the State Attorney General myself. Obviously going to the elders would have done no good. Now I understand the non-answers I got when I asked questions about why TPC didn't by the house on the corner when the owner finally put it up for sale. That was the property Mike always said TPC really needed to expand at the 8th street location.

D of D

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Posted by: tell the truth ()
Date: August 13, 2010 10:01AM

I don't know any of the particulars surround M&C's departure, I haven't heard the confession or repentence of TPC leaders in fact, I know very little of the goings on at all. What I do know is that when you are buried deep in deception, deep in sin, time takes time and repentence is at times a step by step process. One area of repentence leads to repentence in another area if you are open to the Holy Spirit. If JB is moving in the direction of repentence, this is a good thing and should be encouraged by people coming along side him. I know people have been very hurt by this "administration". The reality in all of this tragedy, and it is a tragedy, is that while we may credit the forum and all the clever posts, we may credit that one character with all the satires, or perhaps we may even credit ourselves for the truth being revealed at the deception and false teachings TPC fostered and distributed. But I think we all must come back to the real truth: God is the power and the authority that jerked the covers off of TPC. Quite frankly, in all honesty, I attended there a very short time and it took me a few weeks to realize that the church were in the midst of idol worship. M&C were not the only ones who were worshiped or prospered personally and financially from this idol worship. The elders and staff were not the only ones worshiped or involved in worshipping idols. The congregation was involved in idolatry. Everyone needs to repent, not just the leaders. If you gained financially, personally, professionally or even egotistically from being worshiped at TPC, you were receptive to idolatry. This whole thing makes me kind of sick. But coming back to that one truth of who really jerked the covers: God. It is for God to decide what these people must do to truly repent. I don't think the spirit of judgment is helpful at all here. What will unfold, will unfold without anyone's help. God is in control just as He always has been. He let people rise, and He let people fall just the way they were supposed to. If you were touched by this situation, take from it the lessons God wants you to have. Maybe the lesson in all of this is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your mind. Perhaps the lesson is that it is easier to love something tangible, to pay honor to something tangible and that can tangibly give back to you. Perhaps the lesson is that we are all self centered and covet double honor and are mad someone else got it and we didn't. I don't know. Part of me things this whole forum needs to end now. But then, it will end when God let's it fall. I am not a biblical scholar, evidently huh? But I am open to truth and perhaps open to forgiveness. Anger leads to resentment, resentment leads to bitterness. Forgiveness....yeah, I suppose easy to say, difficult to do unless you are God.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Miki ()
Date: August 13, 2010 10:53AM

OMG.... We're sooo sad! so sad. i feel really sick.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Miki ()
Date: August 13, 2010 11:06AM

I wrote this i think in january. It's so much clearer now on why m&c left in such a hurry. I love Jeff and Kim. This has got to be a very difficult season for them. I'm really sorry for them. I'm in such shock....

Personally, it's been a long time. But we enjoyed working with Pastor Jeff. He and his wife did turn their backs to us. His preaching was always very meaningful. I don't know how it is now. I do wish him all the blessings! What is Mike and Cyndi going to do now? Have they put themselves that above everyone that they don't have to shephard a church but still get paychecks? Normally, you get paid if you speak somewhere. I really don't see them as BIG ticket speakers. No offense, I say that kindly.
So again, is this another way for M&C to get paid for nothing? getting paid and getting "recognized" while all the little people scramble.... yes, that pretty much sums them up! very, very sad! I wonder what God is thinking about all this!

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: August 13, 2010 03:09PM

Does all this bad news mean I won't be getting my ( I am sorry) phone call from Jeff Barnes?

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: August 14, 2010 08:06AM


I think that is exactly what it means Buddy! Although, considering you were the only one to face off against Mike, Cindy, and Jeff B.: you really do deserve an apology. Especially from Jeff Barnes, you tried to open his eyes last year when you met with him in his office. You were far braver than many of the rest of us. I ran into Mike Villamor a day or two before it was announced they had left for Texas, I just couldn't confront him. So thank-you for doing what many of us could not,

Don't wait on that apology, I can't imagine anyone sayng you tried to save us from ourselves but we would not listen we're sorry.

Knowing you tried and that you did the right thing will have to be enough.

D of D

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: movingon ()
Date: August 14, 2010 03:37PM

Yes it is all true. Funds seized to cover payments for the properties, as the church budget has so shrunken and the properties have lost so much value that they owe more than they are worth. Bank wants their money. It is also not right or legal to pay back a loan from the bldg fund that was solicitated for a bldg to posess the land, with general funds money. The bldg fund actually paid a consulting firm approximately 50,000.00 to tell them how to ask for money. A loan that was used for a severance package to Mike and Cyndi, that have yet to repent for anything. So the congregation that gave to the bldg fund now has to pay it back with their tithes and offerings a loan that allowed Mike and Cyndi to leave town. Who is responsible? There really is a problem here. I have a feeling that the time has come for the entire truth to be exposed. Soon. I make a call and I cry out that the elders all resign. Thank you Rick Lewis for standing up for the truth and resigning. There is hope for a new future for you and your wife. Ron Olin and Jeff Koellmer have no idea what repentance is. Sad how they got up and were contrite in their apology and admitted no wrong doing. "We were doing what was right for the people." Wrong! You were doing what was right for you. Let a church with a sick foundation fix the foundation. It may be too late. New Board, we will see the fruit of this soon. I am distraught and unsure there will be change. However, me and my family will stand for truth at all costs, and believe me, this has cost. Bottom line, the elders lied, they submitted to a tyrant who maninpulated people for his own benefit. Humbles yourselves and He will lift you up. There is still time. I appeal to the Christ still in you.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/14/2010 03:47PM by movingon.

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