It can be very difficult to receive and give forgiveness if you are not physically present. Why not attend a few services and see for yourself?
No offense but after what happened when we left and watching what Pastor Jackie and Sid have been put through; Not to use an overused cliche, attending even one more service at TPC at this point will happen "when pigs fly." I love my present church, I adore the Pastor, there is accountability to the max, the elders are not yes men, oh yeah and then there is fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me for letting you. I believe that the Lord led me to the church I now attend and I plan on spending my Sundays listening to someone whose sermons I don't have to disect looking for false doctrine and self-serving teachings.
I'm sorry to be so blunt, but, I am smart enough to know that you never let someone who showed a propensity for abuse and a willingness to use people as merely a wallet a second chance. I hope that TPC is now on the right course under Jeff Barnes' leadership -- I really do! I am just not going to return to find out. As I said in prior posts, I hope TPC can go forward and be successful by walking in God's will. I just think it needs to happen with its current congregation which does not include me or any member of my family.
So long as TPC staff continue to try and twist the knife that Mike Villamor stuck in the back of our dear sister in Christ last summer it tells me the faces of leadership have changed but their methods for dealing with dissenters have not.
D of D