Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: May 20, 2009 02:37AM
Belongs2Him, Your right about "Fear of telling the truth, fear of being transparent. People can't even ask questions about the mass exodus of people, they just get shut down. TPC is afraid, fearful, that it's people will find out the truth."
This fear is what TPWOC rides on, the followers fear is what Mike has cultured to use for his benefit. Not just in the MASS EXODUS, but in all TPWOC speaks. In that, it seems their claim it, speak it, does come to be.
TPWOC has come to believe when a person leaves them that person has loss their faith. Quite the opposite, they have gained a greater faith, the truth faith. It is by their faith they leave knowing who God is and what His word says. The twisted, distorted lessons Mike and Jeff B. and SOMA teach have replaced who God is and He word. And there is NO WAY, anyone is invited to question or discuss anything taught. Talk about being sheep, don't ask, just go with the flow. At least in all of the classes and schools I have attended, discussion and questions were invited and encouraged. Somewhere in our life we all were told, "There is no such thing as a dumb question." I don't recall there ever being a exception to that statement, until I attended TPC. That is when I was called and labeled a gossiper, divisor, sad thing is at the time I thought I was the only one thinking this way, I did question myself, am I? I am thankful to all who have been strong in faith to speak up even if it is only on this forum. It is not if or I am a gossiper, divisor, it is I am human and I live in a fallen world, I am a sinner. I seek God, and repent, as anybody knows when a child is wrong there is correction. Make straight the path. Our God is gracious and loving, He asks, He waits, for us to come to Him. Take Adam, God knew what he did, but He still asked, "Why are you hiding?". Of course, Adam put the blame on the woman God gave him. God still loved him. There is no time like the present to repent. This is the prayer we on this forum are praying.