Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: May 30, 2009 01:23AM

From my Bible Reading this morning:

Proverbs 16:8-9


Better a little righteousness than much gain with injustice.
In his heart a man plans his course,
but the Lord determines his steps.


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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: May 31, 2009 10:59AM

Anyone out there care to share about how God is healing them, post TP attendance?

Also, what's hard about moving on for you guys? I've been at the church I'm attending now for nearly three years, I think. And it's a wonderfully Christ-centered church, but to be honest, I'm having a hard time having the heart to engage beyond small group attendance. Anyone else having trouble?

Also, my relationship with God is not what it was before I started attending TP. I know God is working out new growth in my heart, soul, and mind. But it's like I lost my spiritual innocence at Turning Point. I used to hear the promptings of God so clearly before I attended TP; now I second-guess everything because I had started hearing false spirits when I was at TP. The ease of my relationship with God is missing. (I will share the specifics of this some other time. I'm not a "way out there" kind of person, so I'm not talking about strange things; I can give solid evidence for what I'm talking about.)

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone was willing to dialogue about what's hard right now. What's going well? Any helpful insights as you move on? What's your criteria for choosing a new church? Let's talk about what life beyond TP is looking like.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2009 11:01AM by LearningPoint.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: May 31, 2009 12:59PM

To tell you the truth, I have had a hard time trusting Church again since I left TPWOC 4 months ago! There are some wonderful churches out there,but It seems like alot of times I have been let down by some of the leaders of the body of Christ.Pastor Mike did a good job on bringing in the false teaching(doctrine) over the years. Finding the Forum really helped me see the truth and open my eyes to see all the false teaching(doctrines).It all started with Mike listening to the false apostle Tony Cunningham. Pastor Mike seems to be like a magnet to false teaching(doctrine).The hardest part was watching my son having to decide to leave TPWOC ! He had some really good relationships there. But when he left nobody cared to call or check on how he was doing. The only person that did call has left TPWOC also. My son new Pastor Mikes son and alot of the other big shots sons. And nobody even new my wife and I left, at least nobody called us! Pastor Mike and Cydni did not even know our names after 4 years. Was I in the inner circle, no. But I attended and served and gave the best as I could for 4 years. Sometimes I felt like I was not good enough for some of the leaders because I didn't join certain groups or worship the way Cyndi would want me to. I did use my gift of telling people about Jesus Christ and invited thousands of people to TPWOC. Now I feel like I have to go back and warn all those people I witnessed to about how wierd TPWOC has become. I did have a good cry when I left TPWOC and did experience the comfort and joy of the Holy Spirit! I hate to sound like I had a hard time, I know for a fact that many,many people have been hurt alot more then my family by Mike and Tony and other TPWOC people! My leaving was a picnic in the park compared to what alot of others had to put up with. It was down right spiritual abuse! By using cultic tactics on people. My relationship with people in the church and the fire to share the Lord has been effected by what I have seen at TPWOC. You do not trust church or leaders in the church any more.I just want to give up sometimes, and I even question my faith. Thanks be to God- through Jesus Christ our Lord! Christ is the only hope I have, and if it wasn't for his grace and mercy I would not have a chance. Even when I feel like I have lost my relationship with Christ,Christ Jesus is still there waiting for me with open arms of Love! Pastor Mike maybe I am one of those little faith people you talk about. Maybe I don't have great faith like you claim to have, but I serve a Great God who really cares about what happens to me!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2009 01:03PM by buddy.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Jael ()
Date: June 01, 2009 01:31AM

Yes, to Learning Point and Buddy!
Yes I have issues with trusting and rebuilding my relationships within the church. LP, I too don't have the same ease and I don't trust my perspections that use to be so on, I second guess them now. It is so difficult to clearly know God's promptings these days. I figured, it was because of my wounding, I wasn't placing God in His rightful place in my life. I know without a doubt God loves me and all of us and He will NEVER leave us, that is His promise and He has never failed to hold His promises.

Once my family left TP we were the traders, at least that is the impression we all got from TP. Still to this day if I meet anyone from TP they seem apprehensive and having difficultly, very nervous when talking to us. I on the other hand don't feel the apprehension I use to. I have found a peace, I give all the praise to God for His love and the true friends who have prayed with me and have been by my side through these past 2 plus years.

I agree with LP, I would like to hear how others have moved on or not. To know someone has been down the same road as you and can relate to you helps alot.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: June 01, 2009 01:09PM

Please watch this video... Even if you have watched it before. This is very plain and very simple to watch.




[] You will have to go to the forum on the Radiant Life Church of Sacramento , California,Pastor Tony Cunningham to watch video,I did not know how to transfer over

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2009 01:16PM by buddy.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Miki ()
Date: June 02, 2009 02:39AM

Anyone out there care to share about how God is healing them, post TP attendance?

Also, what's hard about moving on for you guys? I've been at the church I'm attending now for nearly three years, I think. And it's a wonderfully Christ-centered church, but to be honest, I'm having a hard time having the heart to engage beyond small group attendance. Anyone else having trouble?

Also, my relationship with God is not what it was before I started attending TP. I know God is working out new growth in my heart, soul, and mind. But it's like I lost my spiritual innocence at Turning Point. I used to hear the promptings of God so clearly before I attended TP; now I second-guess everything because I had started hearing false spirits when I was at TP. The ease of my relationship with God is missing. (I will share the specifics of this some other time. I'm not a "way out there" kind of person, so I'm not talking about strange things; I can give solid evidence for what I'm talking about.)

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone was willing to dialogue about what's hard right now. What's going well? Any helpful insights as you move on? What's your criteria for choosing a new church? Let's talk about what life beyond TP is looking like.

Hey there LearningPoint,

I very much know about what you're speaking about. You know us and how we loved to entertain? Well, it's been about 4 years since we've had a bbq at our home. My husband has a really difficult time with the small group thing so we haven't made any commitments since leaving TP.

However, when it comes to God, I think we're stronger as a family. I went to conferences and people ~ asking tons of questions. I had to relearn things. Sometimes I still second guess myself, yet I turn around and see that the enemy is trying to bring me down. For example. Just listened to Mike's Sunday sermon. It's about forgiveness and some things he said in it made me think about him speaking directly to me. So I take that and get sad. HOWEVER, I know that he is not a righteous man. Mike is not a man of God. What is TRUTH? Truth is in the word.... John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid"


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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: WalterMartin ()
Date: June 02, 2009 10:09AM

Wow! I've been reading all these threads and comments for days! Pretty interesting stuff. I've been reading the more educational pages on cults, too! I used to do a lot of reading in this area. From the Old & New Testaments and Apocrypha all the way to the Satanic Bible. Of course, you can't forget all those in between. Much of what I have read here matches other material I have researched.

I have a Turning Point Community Church Story. However, I am not permitted (right now) to go into details. Besides, it would give me away very fast. The story is very similar to the other stories I've heard. It contains rebellion, out of God's will, no covering, not following my authorities, he has an education & you don't. I felt abandoned & alone. It wasn't anything regarding myself. What it was regarding, in fact, was Child Abuse as defined by the state of Washington and the Federal Government.<<Ouch, that may be giving me away. Moving on, it was notthe first time I had been mistreated by Turning Point Community Church. Many kids were abandoned through this as well. If we have gifts, I rendered mine unto the authority.--Soon, depending on a "descision" I may make public a scandal. I can't say who with, as in the other party, but Turning Point Community Church is involved in this story.

Turning Point Community Church is involved. They have done great things for this community. I have seen lives changed (for the better) through the involvement of Turning Point. While I have seen some bad things, a lot of good has come from TPC. It is obvious they need some changes, as it seems they have turned at another point somewhere along the line. Nobody is perfect. People do tend to get carried away at times. While I think it is okay to ask questions, complaining and nagging can be just too viscious. And, while they may have some underlining destructive behaviors, they also have a heart for building good foundations.--I think if people are going to complain it could be a release of hurt feelings. Also, if people are going to complain they should make an effort to become involved in doing something right.<<I am in this mode right now. Good for them for getting involved; and too bad they have involved themselves in "other matters."
In Closing,

My prayers go out to TPC and its members. I know that I knew a different Mike. The Mike I knew was a really good guy. I don't know the whole and both sides of the story. There are differences I have with people. I have a different view point than many other people do. I have made an effort to be friendly with them and intently listen to their views. Debate has become a fun and educational game between people I know. I can understand people staying at TPC as well as leaving it. I would hope people who stay or leave do so with much consideration. I can forgive much. I am willing to put away things. I guess its because I want to be forgiven when I make mistakes. I also want it to be like some things never happened and we can move onward. I would very much so like to sit down with Mike and hear his side. Actually, I would be honored to sit with Mike and just have a meaningful conversation. I have liked hearing his comments in the past. I do not see why I wouldn't now. It doesn't mean I won't disagree with him. I just wonder if a meeting with Mike would be allowed by a person such as me. I wonder if I'd have to settle with a representative. Though, he may be busy, I would like to spend a moment. He and the church can't be all that bad. Though, some may say it different.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Timetospeak ()
Date: June 02, 2009 01:43PM

Every person should have the opportunity to hear the truth. I cannot emphasize the value of this mans testimony and ministry.




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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: whatajoke ()
Date: June 02, 2009 11:45PM

Actually, I would be honored to sit with Mike and just have a meaningful conversation.

First of all Mr. WalterMartin, you are seriously speaking in riddles and contradictory. Child Abuse is a serious issue. Also, don't be honored to sit with Mike. He is just a man and a very foul, messed up man. Your honor should go to Jesus. Honored to sit with Mike...............another mike worshiper. This is prevalent in Turning Point and in Radiant Life with Tony Cunningham. Don't speak in riddles and hints and clues. You say you have a story and you tell half of it and are concerned about revealing your identity. Whats your point? Turning Point has gone the way of Radiant Life and become a cult that promotes many false teachings, mike worship, and some very sick practices. It is not a church. Please watch the videos in the post by timetospeak. I hope you figure it out be3cause what is going on here is not complaining and nagging. It is responsibility. The responsibility per scripture to call out false prophets and teachers. Mike is the one who would want you to believe it is complaining and nagging because then it fits his agenda.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: WalterMartin ()
Date: June 03, 2009 08:39AM


Here is my situation. I don't want to be recognized just yet. I am involved in a situation where I have been hurt two times by Turning Point. I am not speaking in riddles; but I will explain myself more clearly. Do Not call me a "Mike Worshiper." I haven't been to his church since I left years ago. I would be honored to sit with him because I am honored to sit with people whether or not we believe the same. The "Child Abuse" I talked about was one meeting where a Pastor made horrible authoritarian remarks and told me to drop the issue.<<At Turning Point. The abuse did not happen there, though. But they are in league with the other party where it happened. Do you understand a bit better now? I apologize for any confusion.

2nd Paragraph of original statement= My woes with TPC.

3rd Paragraph of original statement= My positives to counter balance negatives of TPC. However, I was just being cautious.

4th and Final of original statement= I pray for TPC, as anyone under Christ would do for righteousness. I closed with an open-mind, but without agreement to any behavior. I was being objective, but not over zealous. My tone would invite healthy and good debate, while other tones, from other cult reform contributors, would be one sided & unwilling to debate only argue their points.

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