Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: April 25, 2009 02:40AM
I have been told for a couple months now about this forum, but am just now starting to read it. I think I was concerned about what feelings might arise because I just wanted to move on. I have quite a few friends that still attend and I worry about them.
I left TPC about 2 years ago. It was a hard decision for me to make because I was a small group leader and served on Sunday mornings, and stayed involved where I was able to. Being so "plugged in" is hard to all of a sudden pull away from. I had started wanting to ask a bunch of questions about some of the teachings and ideas but felt truly intimidated by Cyndi and Mike. I knew if I started asking questions, they would start quoting scripture and it would be over my head to defend my position, as a fairly new Christian. I didn't (still working on it) know the word insise and out and I have seen them take randopm verses to back what they say. Not always in context, even I could tell because I tend to read before and after a verse to see if it's relevent!
Red flags started going up for me around the time we went to the Jr High. There started being more *demand* to "get involved" and to serve. It felt like if you didn't, you'd never be able to fit in and people would look at you like you weren't a real christian or something. Please understand, I do believe it's important to help out and to be involved, but it shouldn't EVER be pushed so hard. That's why so many people get too stressed about the desire to be perfect! I am saved by God's grace, not by how hard I work within the church or by how much I give beyond the tithe, or even if I do tithe! These things are important, but they are the result of an overflow of my love for my savior. Not because I want to make the church happy.
Next red flag: I went to a small group leadership class and they actually talked about how they DISCOURAGE people within the small groups from asking questions. It was part of our training how to handle someone when they question Mike's teachings!!! As a leader, I want to encourage questions because it promotes learning. It doesn't create disunity, what creates disunity is not allowing people to speak up! I felt like an outsider when everyone around me was totally on board with the series about receiving blessings from giving (can't remember what it was called) and the decipling the nations series. The first: all I could hear was Mike talking about us being blessed if we do certain things... does anyone else see anything wrong with this? Shouldn't we be more concerned with "is my father pleased with me? Am I doing everything I can to show Him I love Him?" As far as decipling the nations: I am still learning how to be an example and to share with my family and friends. Shouldn't we start there, then work on our city? Whatever happened to taking care of our own? Since when is it ok to neglect those around us (especially our own kids) in order to minister to others? Isn't that setting a bad example? All too often I saw people with kids leaving them with sitters of some sort or other so they could be at the church for something almost every day- on top of working at their own jobs! Can someone tell me how that is training your child up in the way he should go? You aren't even around enough TO train your child in anything!
When I decided I wasn't supposed to be going there anymore, I cried. It was a hard decision. My husband came in and of course wanted to know what was wrong. When I told him (without every detail) he said he would go to church with me, but only if I went somewhere else. He didn't mind going to church, he just didn't like it there. When I had shared just that detail with a few people (about my husband wanting to go to church with me), I was VERY disappointed with the responses. One person told me that they were afraid I'd lose my faith if I went to a different church. A FEW more told me to be careful because my husband wasn't a Christian so how was he to know what church we should go to. By the way, I was in the same place as my husband when I first attended a service at TPC and God reached me through the sermon to let me know I wasn't really serving Him at the time. We were being taught that it was a "dangerous place to be" if you were perfessing to be a Christian and attending church but not living a Christian life. There's truth to that, but many people think they are Christians without REALIZING they aren't. They SHOULD still be attending church even if they are hypocritical because for many of them, they just need to see what it really means to walk with God... where else are they going to have that taught and demonstrated if not in a church? Aside from that, I DO walk with God, and He has given me the gifts of faith and discernment, so shouldn't I be able to trust GOD with leading us to a church where my husband can be worked on as well as myself? GOD IS MY SAVIOR, NOT MIKE VILLAMOOR, NOT TPC!!! Someone else also told me that I wouln't be getting teachings that are as "deep" as pastor Mike's and this concerned her. I was actually hoping to go back to the basics. You know what is absolutely the most important thing we need to remember? LOve the LOrd our God with all our hearts, minds, and strength, and love each other. Jesus himself told us THAT is the most important thing. EVERYTHING else falls under that commandment. Shouldn't we be focused on that then rather than on all the details? When I'm not sure if something I'm doing is right, I just ask myself "is it out of love?"