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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: April 28, 2009 05:38AM

unity seems to be the word of the day its said unity is good and disuinty is bad. I think whats being forgotten here is its not just about unity Its about being unified in Christ. If the leaders are practicing unChristlike behavior or teaching unchristlike principles then to be unified with them would make you ununified with Christ. We could all be in unity and all going to hell. God did not call me to be unified with mike and cyndi or the vision of turning point or anyother congregation or denomination or belief system, Im to be unified with his ways and principles. so my problem comes when I hear teaching and see pastors practice things that absolutly oppose the teaching of Jesus. Now I know and admit no one is able to perfectly do the things Jesus teaches, but that doesnt mean I change his ways to fit what I am able to do,. It means I confess my shortcomings to my brothers and ask God to change me. Jesus did NOT demand honor But Mike does. Jesus rule and manage or Lord over others He served healed and set free the lowly. He didnt even take credit He gave it all to the father. does humiliy abound in leadership NO does honesty abound in leadership NO. does standing up for what is right even if it makes you unpopular abound in leadership a big NO. so debating on issues seems moot. there is nothing in leadership to lead me to Godliness other then words not practiced. Thats why I started attending any church. to be taught the ways of God by people who practiced them,and could share their experiences with His way. not their opionions or understandings,

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: tpcwocattender ()
Date: April 28, 2009 06:06AM

I feel like this is a no win situation. If I agree with something you don’t then we are into a deep and divisive theological debate. If I don’t see it the same way you do I am misled. I know that isn’t what you intended, just feels that way. I don’t have a problem with sharing though so I will do this. First I will give you my answer, then I will tell you if I think from my perspective it is going on at TPC, if necessary I will give you why I feel the church has that reputation. Here we go…

Spiritual Parenting NO – I would have said that I have never seen it but I did hear Pastor Mike refer to Jeff Moores as his ‘son in the spirit’. This has got me on a mission to see what that means. I think we can make too much out of something is we don’t ask enough questions. I have had people as me to ‘father’ them through a tough time. I don’t think this is spiritual parenting because it is not an authoritative position but one of lovingly helping someone and ‘father’ is a word we both understood as to how he wanted me to help him.

Double Tithing ? – this is between you and God. If you feel God is asking you to give more than do it out of obedience to God. I have not had it taught at TPC. I have had discussions that the center was around the idea that it would be great if we could live on less money in order to impact God’s kingdom more. They teach tithe and offering as two different gifts at TPC where other churches do not. I see the distinction and don’t have a problem with that interpretation of the Word. Tithing is an issue of the heart, if we are giving to get then it is sin.

Honoring YES – I don’t see honoring someone for what they do as a problem. It is an issue of the heart. I honor my father and mother and it is not sin. If I am honoring someone because I want to gain favor then I have a problem. Honoring can manifest itself in so many different ways. I have read several people’s posts about the service done for the pastors around their homes. I think taken a step back and examining the situation this is a very loving way to show your pastor that you appreciate the sacrifice and toll being a pastor takes on your family time. I have friends who are pastors and the idea of someone out of love for them and wanting to do something special for them is in their words ‘an amazing act of love’ that they would humbility accept. Now, if we take a step back in and look at TPC I understand the issue people have and believe there is merit to their concern as to the level of “honoring” being shown at TPC.

Covenant Relationship ? – I will be honest, I have no idea what this is. I know that there are examples of Covenant Relationships in the OT but don’t know the connection to cult teachings that are possibility going on at TPC.

Covering NO – I know about ‘Under Cover’, I read it and did not agree with it. I have seen that TPC leans on this teaching more than I expected. There are a lot of teachings that are somewhat benign in nature. I honestly didn’t see the harm in this book until further review. I think the teaching can be used to control and I don’t like it.

Healing YES – I can only assume you mean healing in general. That you are asking me if God heals today. Yes, and amen.

Word of Faith NO – This is the touchiest one you have on your list. It is a buzz word today and some teachings are not full on ‘word of faith’ teachings. Word of Faith teaching if taken to the “gods, little g” level is heresy through and through. Does it exist to that level at TPC, no. Is there a foundation being laid right now, you would have a case for that.

Prosperity YES – It is all perspective. If I have the right perspective then my idea of prosperity will be in check. If I understand the will of God in my life then I will look at the very breath I breathe as prosperity. I have appreciated TPC’s attempt to balance the heavy handed prosperity teaching. They do not speak solely of money but it is mentioned and mentioned every time. I would like to see more of the teaching that true prosperity has nothing to do with money or stuff. God promises that we would have food, shelter and clothes in Matthew. If you are homeless in a shelter wearing torn clothes and eating day old bread He is faithful! Joy is in who we are in Christ not what we have. You could be that person I described and be happy as Bill Gates if you had right perspective. So do I believe in prosperity, absolutely. Do I think people have a unhealthy view of what prosperity and that TPC is contributing to that perspective, I can’t say no.

Demonic Possession YES – Like Healing I can only assume that you want me to answer that demons are real and they possess people. Yes I do.

Return of the Apostolic Ministry ? – Did it ever go away? As for me, I am on the fence on this one. A dangerous place to be, I know. If being an apostle means you love to plant churches then I have no problem with it. If it means power and ultimate authority then I have a problem with it.

Accountable only To God ? – ultimately we are will answer only to Him so I guess loosely I agree. I understand your direction you want this to go though. Does someone only answer to God and have not earthly authority in which they should submit ourselves. That doesn’t jive with the word of God. If we feel we have no authority over us as some kind of technicality in the word (just being facetious) then we should still submit to someone because it is healthy.

How did I do?

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: tpcwocattender ()
Date: April 28, 2009 06:13AM

I understand what you mean by 'unity' - isn't it interesting that when someone asks the question about unity how we have different interpretations of that question? Just shows that we can all hear the same thing and have completely different answer and therefore perspective. I know that this will sound like I am the evil TPC infiltrator into this forum (not the case) but I think that happens with Mike and Cyndi. They are at a point that they can't do anything right. They could be 100% to blame but it definitely seams as though they are there.

Just a perspective - no need to jump on me. I just like to provoke thought. We learn so much when we listen and challenge our own thoughts. I find God uses my own prejudices to teach me than almost anything else.

OK, I am stepping off my soap box now :)

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: April 28, 2009 06:36AM

TPC Attender:

Regarding unity: I doubt you will find anyone posting on this forum who would say they are/were in disagreement with the "stated" mission and vision of TPC. Many if not all who have posted here have given of their time, money, and resources in support of that very vision and mission. Perhaps the leaders/pastors have lost sight of the mission and vision?

It does appear that a new vision has been bestowed upon the pastor of TPc...that of apostleship ... building a new denomination ... seeking honor ... inventing new doctrine and/teachings...

But you would be hard pressed to find anyone on this forum who did not agree with the initial vision and mission.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: tpcwocattender ()
Date: April 28, 2009 06:59AM

Do you have concerns about the finances at TP?
Yes, I have. There is a level of transparency that is common among churches that is lacking here at tpc. The have budget meetings that are open to the congregation but these do not talk about SOMA. I am not so consumed by what a particular person makes. I am more interested in how our churches resources can do Gods work in our community. I believe tpc could do better.

Do you know how the resources at TP are used? Do you have specific concerns outside of SOMA? What are your concerns about SOMA?

Do you know where the money from the stewardship campaign has gone?
I have not checked. I know some went to the new SOMA building. That was part of the plan though. I have not asked to see the current balance of the checking account. I have not had a reason to.

Well, I can tell you that about half of the stewardship money is gone (maybe more?). It was moved to the general fund b/c the income was not meeting the budget. I have to ask how that is good stewardship? If that is the case then no, I don't think they can do that without congregational approval? I will look into that for sure.

Do you know what Pastor Mike's salary is?
I have heard the rumors. I don't have proof. I would address this not as an issue of how much he makes rather how it impacts the churches ability to provide services to the community.

I am not currently in a position to provide *proof* but I have had it confirmed by reliable sources that Mike makes $10,000 a month. I would guess that high of a salary is effecting the services to the community when things like the benevolent ministry, breakfast for the set up crew, not providing the necessary supplies for the ministries are being cut, but Mike is still receiving his salary. If that is true it is not helping. He should be making a salary comparable to the average of his congregation or community. That seams high though I have no data to support that. It is a tough subject, one that I hate because I don't think we always need to put every aspect of a pastors life into a glass house. I do understand the issue if he is making more money than what I stated above. I don't know how I would handle it from my position in the church. I have no authority to lower it, I don't think making a stink will help. I guess I will pray that those responsible will review it and make sure it is in line.

Have you heard that when anyone on the salary board disagrees with giving Pastor Mike even more, their loyalty comes into question?
I have not

I have. Anyone who disagrees with *honoring* Mike financially is shamed into *unity*. I have not seen it so I guess I can not comment further.

Do you understand the apostolic ministry?
I understand how Mike being an apostle looks like at tpc. There are several ways to view an apostolic calling. I am not ready to lump Mike's calling in with some of the radicals if that is what you are implying. This is something that is still an ongoing investigation of mine.

I'm not implying anything. I'm saying that Mike as an apostle, w/out accountability is not biblical. In fact, the bible warns up time and time again not to follow false prophets and apostles.I am looking into what or the lack of structure in the church. I will develop my own opinion of this. I understand about the warning given in the word - that is why I am looking into everything!

Do you understand why it's not biblical?
What is not biblical? Pastor Mike's interpretation of his calling?

Creating a new denomination in which you are the sole leader, the top authority. Did you know that Pastor Mike can't be fired? He will remain in his position above TP (and all TP church plants) ? Did you know that each church tithes to him?That is new news to me, I know about United Global Ministries and that Mike would be lead elder of that board. I have not seen bylaws to support your claim or not. There are so many denominations that the creation of another doesn't send up red flags to me.

Do you know why it has not been announced to the general body?
Yes, that was Mike's choice. That apparently will chance soon.

I pray that you are right. How long are you willing to wait for that to change?It is not a wait and see game for me. Either I will be able to support the church after I finish my questioning or not. If it takes a month or a day it doesn't matter.

Do you know why staff was told not to talk about it, or to answer any questions about it?
Not true, I have had absolutely no issue asking questions of staff or elders.

You ask, but are you getting answers? There WAS a memo sent out to all staff members instructing them to direct all questions to Jeff Barnes or Kari Lewis...nobody else should be talking about it.I have got some answers, others are being 'researched' and some I have not got in front of the right individual who can answer it. I don't waste my time with someone who doesn't have the answer right off the cuff. If they don't know I will talk to the person who does. If they can't answer it then they clearly don't care to know or don't have authority to know. I find this approach streamlines the who process, I hate asking the same question over and over.

Do you know why Pastor Jackie resigned?
Yes, I spoke to her personally.

Emily Masten?

Mauro Lasso?

Susan Eskelin?

There are members of leadership that do not agree with the new direction that Mike is leading the church. They can't stop him, so instead of staying, they are leaving.....

Do you know what might have changed so drastically that a woman who spent 12 years (maybe more?) of her life devoted to the kingdom under the direction of TP would suddenly up and leave?
Who are we speaking of?

I was originally thinking of Pastor Jackie when I wrote this....but I have since considered all the people that are leaving TP. Do you know how many years these people have invested in TP? Do you think that these servants in Christ are leaving on a whim? Do you not think that perhaps they see things, or know things that would cause them to turn away from TP? These people are not falling away, they are not forsaking Christ. They are leaving b/c of the very things that TP is doing against the people of God, against scripture, against God himself.Its troublesome, I agree with you.

Do you know why Pastor Jackie's resignation wasn't announced to the general body?
I know what the thinking was and whole heartily disagree and told the leadership I disagreed.

Were you given an opportunity to voice your disagreement?Yes, several times. I was not discouraged in giving my viewpoint.

Have you watched the video that Braveheart posted about the word-faith doctrine?
Not yet, I plan to.

Please do, it is fill of excellent info.I watched most of it but lost my connection and have not finished. I hope this doesn't put me in a place where my proceeding comments will taken back after I finish. He used the term 'clear think charismatic" I need to look into some of the more subtle undertones of the teachings lately to tell you if I believe they are moving away from that. Right now, sitting in front of my computer I would put TPC into that camp, the 'clear thinking charismatic'. I have heard and made notes of balance that would suggest that though the teaching is that God does heal, want us to be well, want us to be the source of eliminating poverty and hunger (us being the church and the vehicle our money), wants us to prosper, etc. I have notes that from the pulpit it has been stated that perspective is key, prosperity does not mean just money, that God does choice when and if to heal, that we are to love even if God chooses not to do (insert prayer request). I understand and completely get the concern that we are bending or in some views gone to the word of faith teaching. I also will be willing to admit that I might have missed it. I could have not connected the dots so to say. I have been acutely aware of the possibility that this could be TPC's doctrine and therefore recently have been looking for it. I can not speak for any sermon since I would guess before Mike and Cyndi left at the end of the year. Again and to finish this, I am looking and listening for myself.

Are you aware of what's being taught at SOMA?
No, I have not attended. I know what is rumored by those that have not attended. My questioning of graduates have yielded inconsistent answers.

Your questions of graduates are inconsistent b/c what's being taught is ever changing. The students are being taught to worship Mike. They have been taught that a deacons role in the church is to serve the leaders (when it clearly states in the bible that a deacon's role is to serve the body).What does 'worship mike' mean exactly. Can you elaborate? I have a dear friend who is a deacon, probably one of my best friends and he does not agree with that statement. I have another friend, not as dear, who too is a deacon and does not agree with that. I guess for now I will have to disagree with that as a blanket statement encompassing all deacons. A select few? I don't know.

Have you seen the evidence that the leaders at TP are being worshiped, and that leadership is encouraging it?
I have seen people take what I would call an unhealthy interest in what leadership thinks of them. This is common in every church I have attended. The one thing to remember is that this is not usually encouraged by the leader. In the case of tpc I have no evidence that it is encouraged. You could use the 'honor' or 'service' as evidence of this. I would not fault that line of thinking, it has merit.

I would agree with you that this is common. However, I have witnessed leaders encourage this....look around you, how many men and women look like M&C?I don't think I will even take this one further, it seams a little unfair to use appearance as a measuring devise. I have not witnessed anyone encouraging someone or even me to try and gain favor. For now I am going to still disagree from my perspective.

Do you understand that the lack of transparency, the lies and the secrets that TP leaders perpetuate is NOT the way a church should be run?
I agree with the lack of transparency 100%. The others (lies, secrets and deception) I am investigating.

I pray that you get answers.....we all deserve them. We'll see. Only time and a few more meetings will tell.

Do you disagree with the abusiveness that takes place to keep the body in line, to keep them from asking questions, to keep them in unity.....?
I ask questions and have not been abused so I can't speak to that. I believe there should be unity. I guess I don't know how to answer the main question mainly because I have not seen or experienced it.

Well, I am very glad that you have not been abused. I am sorry to say though, that is not true of many (most?). I have witnessed it, I have experienced it myself. Can you share what you think unity looks like, how it looks at TP, and how it should be maintained? To what extremes is it okay to go to keep unity?

I hope this color thing helps distinguish my answers. It is getting confusing though. Maybe we should start a new post if this discussion continues? Thanks for the dialog though, love it!

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: April 28, 2009 08:21AM

I feel like this is a no win situation. If I agree with something you don’t then we are into a deep and divisive theological debate. If I don’t see it the same way you do I am misled. I know that isn’t what you intended, just feels that way. I don’t have a problem with sharing though so I will do this. First I will give you my answer, then I will tell you if I think from my perspective it is going on at TPC, if necessary I will give you why I feel the church has that reputation. Here we go…

Spiritual Parenting NO – I would have said that I have never seen it but I did hear Pastor Mike refer to Jeff Moores as his ‘son in the spirit’. This has got me on a mission to see what that means. I think we can make too much out of something is we don’t ask enough questions. I have had people as me to ‘father’ them through a tough time. I don’t think this is spiritual parenting because it is not an authoritative position but one of lovingly helping someone and ‘father’ is a word we both understood as to how he wanted me to help him.

Double Tithing ? – this is between you and God. If you feel God is asking you to give more than do it out of obedience to God. I have not had it taught at TPC. I have had discussions that the center was around the idea that it would be great if we could live on less money in order to impact God’s kingdom more. They teach tithe and offering as two different gifts at TPC where other churches do not. I see the distinction and don’t have a problem with that interpretation of the Word. Tithing is an issue of the heart, if we are giving to get then it is sin.

Honoring YES – I don’t see honoring someone for what they do as a problem. It is an issue of the heart. I honor my father and mother and it is not sin. If I am honoring someone because I want to gain favor then I have a problem. Honoring can manifest itself in so many different ways. I have read several people’s posts about the service done for the pastors around their homes. I think taken a step back and examining the situation this is a very loving way to show your pastor that you appreciate the sacrifice and toll being a pastor takes on your family time. I have friends who are pastors and the idea of someone out of love for them and wanting to do something special for them is in their words ‘an amazing act of love’ that they would humbility accept. Now, if we take a step back in and look at TPC I understand the issue people have and believe there is merit to their concern as to the level of “honoring” being shown at TPC.

Covenant Relationship ? – I will be honest, I have no idea what this is. I know that there are examples of Covenant Relationships in the OT but don’t know the connection to cult teachings that are possibility going on at TPC.

Covering NO – I know about ‘Under Cover’, I read it and did not agree with it. I have seen that TPC leans on this teaching more than I expected. There are a lot of teachings that are somewhat benign in nature. I honestly didn’t see the harm in this book until further review. I think the teaching can be used to control and I don’t like it.

Healing YES – I can only assume you mean healing in general. That you are asking me if God heals today. Yes, and amen.

Word of Faith NO – This is the touchiest one you have on your list. It is a buzz word today and some teachings are not full on ‘word of faith’ teachings. Word of Faith teaching if taken to the “gods, little g” level is heresy through and through. Does it exist to that level at TPC, no. Is there a foundation being laid right now, you would have a case for that.

Prosperity YES – It is all perspective. If I have the right perspective then my idea of prosperity will be in check. If I understand the will of God in my life then I will look at the very breath I breathe as prosperity. I have appreciated TPC’s attempt to balance the heavy handed prosperity teaching. They do not speak solely of money but it is mentioned and mentioned every time. I would like to see more of the teaching that true prosperity has nothing to do with money or stuff. God promises that we would have food, shelter and clothes in Matthew. If you are homeless in a shelter wearing torn clothes and eating day old bread He is faithful! Joy is in who we are in Christ not what we have. You could be that person I described and be happy as Bill Gates if you had right perspective. So do I believe in prosperity, absolutely. Do I think people have a unhealthy view of what prosperity and that TPC is contributing to that perspective, I can’t say no.

Demonic Possession YES – Like Healing I can only assume that you want me to answer that demons are real and they possess people. Yes I do.

Return of the Apostolic Ministry ? – Did it ever go away? As for me, I am on the fence on this one. A dangerous place to be, I know. If being an apostle means you love to plant churches then I have no problem with it. If it means power and ultimate authority then I have a problem with it.

Accountable only To God ? – ultimately we are will answer only to Him so I guess loosely I agree. I understand your direction you want this to go though. Does someone only answer to God and have not earthly authority in which they should submit ourselves. That doesn’t jive with the word of God. If we feel we have no authority over us as some kind of technicality in the word (just being facetious) then we should still submit to someone because it is healthy.

How did I do?

Thank You, TPC Attender. You did fine, as you shared honestly.

Would you mind sharing with the forum what questions you have?

Thank you,


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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: tell the truth ()
Date: April 28, 2009 10:15AM

TP Attender: I have often felt attacked here too. But, it is just heatlhy debate with each other. You just keep searching and I hope you will be able to see the truth and your eyes will be opened. You seem like a logical person, so try to be logical, but also give the holy spirit the ability to work through your senses as well.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: April 28, 2009 12:09PM

Hi again, Attender.

I think it's easy when you WANT things to be OK to ignore or minimize glaring problems. I did that for quite a while at TP, until I just couldn't do it any more. I guess I'm really perplexed as to how you are able to hear Jackie's testimony and the testimony of others and still take the attitude of, "If it hasn't happened to me, it doesn't really apply to me." Sounds like Thomas. I mean, if you can discount our testimonies by chalking them up to malice and hatred, OK. I can understand your approach. But if you think our testimonies are credible, does what we're warning about have to happen to you for it to be validated? Can you really so calmly and "objectively" watch so many people being shot down, wounded, falling all around you, and not believe there's a sniper in the house?

Honestly, I think if leadership hasn't felt threatened by your questions, then you haven't hit a nerve. Or they're humoring you like they've humored others of us. You may be in "leadership," but from what your posts indicate, I doubt they truly value you or your perspective. You pose no perceived threat, so they're not concerned. I know I'm speculating, but I'd be willing to bet the farm on it.

And, bottom line, I will continue to contend for the truth in teaching. Sound doctrine is not merely a matter of "perspective" but of "rightly dividing the Word of truth." God wouldn't instruct us to do it if it weren't possible to do. I hope you'll be able to watch the Word-Faith movement video in its entirety, listening to what the guy is saying without trying to initially determine what applies to TP and what does not. Just to get the information first; then have it in mind when you're testing and weighing the teachings/sermons.

It's not a matter of Mike articulating every aspect of the doctrine from the pulpit, but rather his embracing them in his mind and then preaching the logical outcomes or applications of them, such as the belief/teaching that salvation and physical healing are inseparable, that you can't have one without the other. Mike preached this very sermon when I was attending TP. I did not know that he had changed his perspective nor retracted his initial stance. From what Mike has revealed about himself in sermons and in lifestyle, he loves material things, and prosperity doctrine is a convenient drum to beat if one wants to justify gratifying a personal yen for stuff. But the only drum any church should be beating is the drum of the true Gospel and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The focus on prosperity is an evil in itself. Jesus himself said, "The poor you will always have with you." We are to minister to the poor, but it is not God's mandate for us to work to aleviate poverty. It is our mandate to spread the gospel (even as we minsiter to the poor). Luke 6:20: Looking at his disciples, he said: "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God."

Also, Mike embraces Benny Hinn as an a-OK teacher. That shows a definite lack of knowledge of Hinn's well-known and well-documented heresies and demonstrates a lack of understanding of biblical content since Mike can't see why Hinn is dangerous. If Mike is unable to detect even the most obvious heretics of our day, and even looks to them as true men of God, how will you ever be able to trust that those heresies are not being slipped into the messages and little by little infecting your own perspective and your family's? Satan is subtle; he gives us lies in small doses until we can "handle" more, until our lie detectors are rendered ineffective.

Also, would you mind double-checking: is it United Global Ministries or Global Harvest Ministries that Mike will be assuming a leadership role in?

From your own words on here, it seems clear to me that your own thinking has already been infected with Mike's mantra, with Ken Ralston's thoroughgoing unbiblical prosperity perspective, to which Mike is giving credence and taking heed. The evidence is abundant, but you cannot see it. I believe your attempt to remain objective in the face of glaring evidence is hurting your ability to see things for what they are. (It's kind of like when the United States would not "see" what Hitler was doing and intending until Pearl Harbor happened.)

Finally, I find it interesting the way you preemptively say, "I know what you guys are going to say..." It's a kind of way to pre-discredit our responses. A person who is ready to listen will not sweep away an anticipated rebuttal in this way. It's saying, in essence, "I know what you're going to say, so don't bother saying it."

In the end, you'll either need to be OK with being led by a delusional, self-appointed apostle who will not or cannot discern true teaching from false, or you'll have to walk away. I don't see where secondary issues make much difference after establishing these primary things.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2009 12:16PM by LearningPoint.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: outreach ()
Date: April 28, 2009 12:25PM

Well said Learning Point.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: April 28, 2009 01:11PM

Tp attender,

I too have enjoyed our discussion. Thank you for considering the things I've asked. A couple of things I would like to readress.

You said that you are not aware of how some are shamed (or bullied) into *unity* when they oppose Mike. I would encourage you to look into this aswell. This is going to be something that people are recluctant to talk about, or that they will flat out deny, or even excuse. Those that it's happened to may believe that it was their fault, that they did something wrong, that they stepped out of line. They will view the *bullying* as discipline. They've likely been told that they have a prideful spirit and/or that they are selfish. It's abusive behavior, it's subtle, and it's effective! (Just a little bit of a person testimony, though I can't share the details at this time. My husband and I have had this happen to us many times. I can't tell you how many times I've heard that I had a prideful spirit, and that I should just be thankful for the blessings I have, or how often I've been told that I was selfish for having my feelings hurt, b/c someone had not followed through on a commitment they had made to me.)

Personal appearances. This stands out to me, b/c I too was *offended* by this. Not long after I started posting here, ther ewere a few comments made about Cyndi's appearance and her voice. I shared how I didn't think it was right to bring the physical stuff into this, as that's not really what the issues are about. After reading the responses I received, I prayed about it and agree with the others. You are correct in that Mike and Cyndi's appearances are not the "measuring device". But, this is a *symptom of the real issues at TP. The women who are all dressed up like Cyndi are not the issue, but it is a symptom of the heart that has Cyndi lifted up as an idol. They way they look is tangible...but if you look a little deeper, it will be clear that these men and women not only want to look like M & C, they idolize M & C. I think one tangible way to see that this is encouraged by leadership (specifically M & C) is that when they give gifts, it's often something that they themselve already have, for example, black leather coats. I don't know if you remember when Cyndi used to wear a nice black jacket with all of her outfits, then one day all of the women elders had one just like it, then their disciples did too (oh and staff was in there somewhere, lol). Of course, this could be dismissed as generosity, or one could look closer and see it for what it really is. (Or you could look at Cyndi's high heeled boots, or scarves, or the way she wears her hair, what she eats or not....or Pastor Mike's shoes, or his hair cut....what about the harleys, the house wares, the cars they drive.....the list goes on and on.)

As for the deacons. We too have a very good friend that is a deacon. When my husband tried to share with him some of our concerns (long before we ever considered leaving, just a concern that we had about the role and qualifications for deacon) then deacon very quickly shot my husband down, stating that the role of the deacon is to serve. My husband agreed, of course, but pointed out that they are to serve the body (according to the word of God). This man looked my husband in the eye and said "that's not the way it's set up at Turning Point." That, of course, took my husband by surprise so he asked the man what he meant. The man went on to explain that the leaders are to be served, that they have all the authority, and they deserve honor, and the deacons *jobs* are to serve do what ever is needed to make sure that they are *well* taken care of. We have been very specific in our prayers for the deacons. While I believe that some of them are not yet yes men, we fear that they are being trained up to be. And others it seemed were *yes men* from the start (perhaps that is why they were *appointed* as deacons in the first place?)

And finally, back to unity. I really would like to get to the core of this term. You failed to answer the questions posed to you about it. You implied that we all have a different perspective on what that means. I'd like to *hear* what it means to you, and how you believe it applies at TP?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2009 01:36PM by Brokenhearted.

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