Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: A Theist 101 ()
Date: February 01, 2025 08:33AM

Good evening all,

GirlWiston I appreciate your encouragement and have taken note of your personal story too. Thank you for your input and I hope that you can eventually feel that you can think about those days without fear or anxiety.

Mulberry. I hear you and so do many others. In line with Iquitthestrutherscult’s comments, I, too, wonder how folks may have changed over the years and, dare I say it, mellowed. That is, in no way, meant to exonerate anyone from previous actions but simply to hope that time, maturity and education as well as perhaps the testimonies of folks like yourself, may have somehow made some people rethink their previous attitudes and approach to leadership. What I keep telling myself is that those young folks that were around and mentored by Hugh Black and Miss Taylor were, in my opinion, also victims. I appreciate that we are all responsible for our own actions and if they have, in fact, changed opinion, then hopefully they might take steps to address the many issues that have been raised by so many people on here who have been hurt. Time will tell. Seeing Pauline’s letter might give us a better insight into how she is approaching things nowadays.


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Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: Amazing grace ()
Date: February 01, 2025 09:25PM

Hi All
It’s been interesting reading the posts since friendly face posted a letter from Alan Martin. He’s addressing issues that people in the forum have been discussing for many years.
My memory of the late 80’s was that Alan Martin was friendly with Paul Sharky who married Susie, Pauline Andersons sister. Then I think in the 90’s pauline moved to the London church to ‘rejuvenate’ it and help with growth! Alan Martin was part of that Church and pauline and Alan also ministered (think with others)for example in India as well. So they are a close knit group. Alan is married to someone from scotland now and resides here…I believe he goes to the Greenock Church, although his wife originates from Glasgow Church.
Im giving this info because someone stated they didn't know who Alan was!

I believe the letter from Pauline very much reflects what Alan has written but it was in more detail. That letter was sent to the directors and then Pauline sent it to random people throughout all of SMC. I presume she did this so that church members could get access to what she had written and hoped these people would further disseminate the information.

Hearing through the grapevine so this is hearsay not fact because I haven’t spoke to Pauline or Susie directly ..the result of the letters is that both the sisters want changes in leadership. So Pauline wants some role as a church leader in Scotland and Susie presumably wants leadership of Glasgow or a more formal leadership role in Glasgow.
My hope is that the letters genuinely reflect a desire for real change and not if you like a ‘political’ move to get change for themselves. Neither Pauline or Susie have officially left SMC. The people who could clarify that is anyone from the London Church who was recently under Pauline’s ministry. Did she discuss these issues with the London fellowship that she discussed with the Directors. Did she seek change say in the past 10 years.Did her life and ministry reflect the changes she was asking for? I know her hands might have been tied in some areas but she could have changed her teaching style eg proper exegesis of scripture, treating others with respect and dignity, not putting over that ‘she’s the anointed, chosen one’ so basically you do as she says etc. Nurturing all the congregation to exercise their gifts and calling in Christian ministry, not just those that Pauline deemed as ‘called’.

Although, I do agree with theist 101 that Pauline may well be seen as a victim as well. As a fairly young woman she was sent ‘because she was called’ to the London Church. Was this really Gods will or again was Mr Black and / or Miss Black just playing their own agenda. I do remember at the time feeling for her… maybe I was wrong …but I don’t think that could have been easy. There had been problems in the London Church at that time.
But as the theist says time will tell …the truth will surface.

If the directors did respond to Alan’s letter and possibly Pauline’s …it would be interesting to see if it’s positive towards change or whether they gave a vague non-committed response.
I’m sure that Pauline or Susie or even those that are close to them read this forum. Will you ask someone to publish the response here? I only ask because the letter was an ‘open letter’ and Alan states that he would give the letter to anyone who requests it.. does that apply to the response from the Directors as well?
A response that this forum has been asking for from SMC about the same issues but has not received.
I’m just being cautious …if Pauline, Susie and Alan are all genuinely looking for these changes in their own life’s and want to see SMC change to biblical standards and they are actively doing it openly within the Church, then I can only say, all the best and may God be with you.

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Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Date: February 01, 2025 11:37PM

As I still have some contacts in Struthers, my understanding is that Susie in fact left the church a number of months ago because she was troubled with what she was seeing and experiencing with the leadership. As far as I am aware, she was not seeking a place of leadership herself but rather to see change in the behaviours of those around her ( presumably it wasn’t forthcoming). Pauline, her sister, is still a member of Struthers as is Alan Martin, but for how long is anyone’s guess. It looks as if they have stuck their necks out and, as we all know from our own past experiences in Struthers,that does not usually end well for the individual. Id like to invite them all onto the forum and hear their own stories.

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Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: Lesley ()
Date: February 03, 2025 07:05AM

I have decided to be transparent about my identity given that my name has cropped up a few times recently.

A Theist 101 your curiosity about what happened to me and the abrupt manner of my departure, given me apparently being destined for "stardom" has tempted me out of the shadows of the Forum. I suspect I know who you are - especially if eating cold sweetcorn from a tin rings any bells!

I did study Psychology but originally this was my outside subject, the main ones being English and History. By second year I had decided I wanted to be a Clinical Psychologist so made it the focus of my degree. Becoming a CP was not driven by any negative church or personal experience, it was the result of seeing the role psychologists played in helping people navigate their way through crises including cancer. My choice of career was not well received by the leadership and I remember being given a poem to read about psychologists tearing saints apart, and dissecting souls etc etc. Their antipathy to mental health professionals in general makes so much sense now. Not daunted by the opposition I encountered I recall showing HBB a book I had found in the library - I can't recall the exact title but it was something like Battle for the Mind. the response I got was fast and furious and suffice to say it led to me being told I required to be prayed with to have a demon exorcised. To be fair the book was about brainwashing and cults . . (wish I could add a laughing crying emoji)but at the time I hadn't realised the full irony. The reaction however made me suspicious and all the more curious about the book, This led to a cycle of reading, being interrogated, confessing and apparently requiring prayer/exorcism. It was exhausting and confusing.

There was comment about me spending time with the Black family at weekends. That was correct. For a while almost every second weekend during term time alternating with me being at my parents. The reason given was for me to be at the heart of things as I was seen as someone who was being prepared for a leadership role within the church but I suspect it was also to keep close tabs on me and to stop me getting up to mischief by going rogue in Glasgow - (more later). Someone also commented about HBB meeting me during school without my parents permission. That is also true. These meetings took place during a period of discord at home when I had been banned from attending SMC. HBB occasionally had meetings with the SQA in Dalkeith and would stop en route in Falkirk to meet me briefly to pass over tapes of the services and to pray with me. I confess I appreciated this contact and felt supported by the leadership during my absence from the church. My view of it now is completely different and I do not believe there was any justification for his actions but at the time it was again seen as protecting and nourishing my spiritual development.

A Theist 101 you made reference to me dating your flatmate and wondered if it was clandestine. No it wasn't but the leadership were not pleased. I had been told that God had ordained that I should live a single life (I didn't agree so that led to all sorts of conflict). My role in the church was downgraded at the time of dating and it was clear I was to be sidelined. The relationship only ended because your flatmate informed me he wanted to be a missionary in South America to which which I replied "Well I don't want to be a missionary's wife" When I saw him a few years later he was working at the Foreign Office instead. However I also had a previous clandestine relationship with a SMC person and only confessed that when it ended - they were furious and I was grilled at a level which I can only describe as intrusive and voyeuristic.

Which brings me to me my abrupt departure. The truth is I tried to leave several times before I managed to break free. However leaving the church was equated with turning my back on God and rejecting my calling. It was a terrifying prospect. However I had seen my parents enjoy a long and happy marriage and the thought of no relationships and no family was a struggle for me but whenever I raised it, it just resulted in me being prayed with for being rebellious and a demon of one type or another apparently being identified so I got the point where I said nothing - there was no point.

Just before I started my Clinical Psychology training I went on a car treasure hunt without SMC knowledge of permission and got chatting to a part-time Radio Clyde presenter. Long story short - I agreed to meet him one to one for a drink the following week and we snogged (shock , horror).Decided I needed to break it off as I felt guilty but hadn't actioned it when a couple of days later Johnny Hamilton was a guest preacher ( remember him - great guy). The leadership invited me to join them and Johnny for lunch in Di Maggios just off Byres Rd. In the restaurant I saw a photo of Marilyn Monroe and Di Maggio in a passionate embrace and that was it - at that moment I decided I didn't want the celibate life of SMC leadership that had been mapped out for me, I wanted a normal life with the prospect of relationships and a family of my own. The decision was made in an instant. I never set foot in SMC again, never informed them of my decision and never regretted it for a second.

I am very grateful that my "rebellious spirit" was not extinguished despite their best efforts because that is undoubtedly what saved me. The defiance that they wrongly encouraged me to display in standing up to my loving parents ultimately gave me the courage to walk away.

I no longer have a Christian faith but not because of SMC. I like the statement by the Dalai Lama when he said "My religion is kindness".I can subscribe to that.

So that's my story. In my professional life I have tried to ease the journey of others and to install hope where there has been despair. I'm truly sorry if my actions or influence back in the 80's hurt you. We can't undo the past but we can strive to make the present and the future better.

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Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: FalkirkBairn67 ()
Date: February 03, 2025 04:33PM

Thanks Lesley for posting and you probably know who I am also

I mind you well from the school and the church and was glad to hear you had escaped Smc.

I also have worked in mental health for years. And I love your personal statement about helping others in time of despare .And thank you for your apology as it does mean alot to myself I just wished others would relise the harm they have done with there action and words.

I wish you all the best you never know we might meet again one day

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Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: GirlWiston ()
Date: February 04, 2025 04:21AM

Good evening to All,

Phoebe (2) thanks for your kind words and it certainly sounds that you are in a balanced church now - these simple values are the best and I certainly try to follow them, even if I don't succeed all the time. I wish you well :-)

A. Theist 101 I totally agree that people can "mellow" over the years and I would also say realise what's really important growing older. We were all so full of zeal in the younger days etc. and sometimes perhaps hurt others on the way unintentionally and I know I have regrets of some of the ways I acted in Struthers. If someone is in the SMC mindset, NOTHING and no-one can change them - they think (I did too) they are right. It is only when THEY "see the light" by themselves that they can change and this is a process. It's a well-oiled system of "favoured" and "sidelined" and it can change in a minute - that is what is unsettling to the congregation.

Lesley well, just "hi" :-) and thanks for your frank and open post - also wishing you well.

Wishing all a nice evening ahead,
Take care

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Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: A Theist 101 ()
Date: February 04, 2025 06:21AM

Hi Lesley,

Firstly, a warm welcome to the forum. Let me say thank you , thank you and thank you once again. Firstly for not being offended or upset at your name being mentioned and for your transparency. I am acutely aware that it is so easy to write a name down, usually 2 words, but it's also important to remember that it represents a person with feelings, emotions a history and their own story to tell. Secondly, I appreciate you sharing your story with us in all it's detail. So many details that reinforce what many on here have been saying from the first page; that there was coercion, control, favouritism, inappropriate behaviour, a blatant attempt to try and separate you from your family, an unnatural (in my opinion) fascination with demonic infiltration as the answer to almost anything deemed to be not within their norm and several attempts at Doublethink and accusing you of Thoughtcrimes. In short, brainwashing. Finally, thank you for offering your heartfelt apology to other members. It may be that you cannot remember details or individuals but, as GirlWiston pointed out, it's possible many of us upset others with or without knowing. Personally, I feel such an apology goes a long way. On a personal note I am not aware of anyone having caused me upset in any real meaningful way. Even the actions of Hugh Black, Mary Black and Miss Taylor with regards to my situation only seemed extreme and coercive but they left no scars. I was one of the lucky ones it would seem from the stories on here. I will happily state here that if my actions or inaction caused upset back then I will humbly and happily try and set things right.

As for the sweeetcorn from a tin reference, my memory is vague (not old age as some might think but rather a condition I have been blessed/plagued with my whole life) although who, of sound mind, would deny the utter pleasure of eating said sweetcorn and drinking the juice from the can!! No? Only me then? ;)

GirlWiston Once again you have put things so concisely. Brill.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2025 06:25AM by A Theist 101.

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Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: ThePetitor ()
Date: February 04, 2025 07:39PM


Welcome to the forum! I am very glad you could join the others here who also have a "rebellious spirit" and have moved away from Struthers. Like others, I appreciate you candor and gentle tone.

I also find a number of aspects quite fascinating, including:

This led to a cycle of reading, being interrogated, confessing and apparently requiring prayer/exorcism. It was exhausting and confusing.


but whenever I raised it, it just resulted in me being prayed with for being rebellious and a demon of one type or another apparently being identified so I got the point where I said nothing - there was no point

One of the things I find quite difficult to understand about Struthers is the lack of any teaching on topics they apparently hold dear. Has anyone ever heard a sermon about this idea that the Christian life consists of repeated sessions of prayer and exorcism? Does this go on throughout the Christian life, or is if just particular stages? Do "more spiritual" people require more exorcism or less? How can the Holy Spirit live in a person who has a demon?

So many questions, so little teaching.

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Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: RedRoad ()
Date: February 04, 2025 09:34PM

We obviously needed more of Mrs Morris Greenock Sunday night prayer meeting “And Lord, we pray for all the little rebellious ones, that they ……”

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Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: ThePetitor ()
Date: February 05, 2025 12:42AM

Redroad- really? That is some prayer. Did no-one ever pray for the rebellious leaders?

It would be interesting to do a list of the regular prayers recited in Struthers.

For all they are “spontaneous” and would eschew thinks like the liturgy used in other churches, I suspect exactly the same phrases have been used for years, which is pretty close to having a standardised prayer book.

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